

原書は、著名なアメリカの海戦史家Samuel Eliot Morisonの「The Two-Ocean War」です。内容は第2次世界大戦におけるアメリカ合衆国海軍の太平洋と大西洋における戦いを描いたものです。日本との太平洋における戦いの部分に関しては、光人社から「モリソンの太平洋海戦史」(大谷内一夫 訳)として出版されています。あまり知られていない、ドイツとの大西洋における戦いの部分に関して、英語の勉強をかねて読んでみました。

Chapter Ⅴ Destruction in the Atlantic
Panama, the only sea frontier with a foot in each ocean, had a baffling task. Relative to its responsibilities and extent, it was the most poorly provided with means of defense. On the Atlantic side alone, this frontier included the entire coast from the Yucatan Peninsula to Punta de Gallinas, Colombia. But its prime, overriding charge was defense of sea approaches to the Panama Canal and of shipping in transit― the Army protected the Canal from sabotage, land attack or air attack. They also had to cope with a difficult political situation.

Only the ten-mile wide Canal Zone was under United States’ control; the rest of the frontier was divided among several independent republics, officially at war with Japan and Germany but somewhat dubious as to who would win. In any case, these republics had no naval vessels capable even of inshore patrol; thus, the entire burden of their defense fell on the United States Navy. The same was true of two republics in Hispaniola. Authorities in the British and Dutch West Indies were most cooperative. Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico were rather “sticky” and the French islands remained stiffly neutral until a commissioner from DE Gaulle took over in 1943.

Mexico finally declared war on the Axis after one of her fully lighted tankers had been sunk by a U-boat off Miami; Colombia, too, became a loyal ally after some of her small freighters had been sunk. Cuba was our most useful ally in North America, excepting Canada; her fleet of small gunboats took care of her coastal traffic and helped to escort the Florida-Havana seatrains. CS-13, an 83-foot Cuban Navy subchaser which sank U-176 in the Old Bahama Channel in May 1943, was the only small craft of any navy to kill a submarine in American waters.

第5章 大西洋での破滅







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