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Parliamentary Debate

QUESTIONS ON NOTICE : Fay Richwhite and Co.--Investigation

Wednesday, November 11, 1992
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Fay Richwhite and Co.--Investigation

8. WINSTON PETERS (Tauranga) to the Minister of Finance:

At the time of the second Bank of New Zealand bail-out in November 1990,

did she authorise, on behalf of Cabinet, investigations, research or inquiry

into the directors of the minority shareholder, Fay Richwhite and Co.; if not,

why not?

Hon. RUTH RICHARDSON (Minister of Finance): As Minister of Finance,

I do not have the power to authorise unspecified ``investigations'' into the affairs of individuals. Our system of democracy safeguards the rights of individuals by

ensuring that ``investigations'' are carried out by independent authorities

acting within the guidelines set by well-established legal principles and specific statutes.

Winston Peters: As the major shareholder, how could that be when the board

of directors of the State Bank of South Australia in a minuted note stated that

the directors of Fay Richwhite ``could not be trusted'' and further accused them

of virtual blackmail ``because the bank was faced with the situation in which

actions taken outside of its control had placed it in a position whereby non-BNZ

secure exposures would be placed at significant risk should

the BNZ pre-capitalisation''--that is, the bail-out--``not proceed.'';

how could the Minister not know that?

Hon. RUTH RICHARDSON: As I have said to the member throughout,

if he has any evidence that should be put before an appropriate statutory

authority, he should do so. However, I remind the member that when

the Securities Commission last considered his call for an inquiry into

unspecified allegations it stated: ``Nothing we have seen to date justifies

such an inquiry.''.

Hon. Dr Michael Cullen: In the light of the Minister's original answer,

why did she once call for a public inquiry into the Bank of New Zealand?

Hon. RUTH RICHARDSON: I did not call for a public inquiry

into the Bank of New Zealand.

