


2006年03月28日 | TV: Everwood
『Everwood』(The WB系列)が本日(アメリカではまだ3/27)、再開されます。しかも一挙2時間(8-10pm)放送です。来週以降は9-10時枠で放送されます。この番組が新生CW系列(「The CW」から「CW」に変更)で継続されるかどうかは今日からシーズン・フィナーレにかけての視聴率にかかっています。

…というわけで、Yahoo! TVの見出しはなんと、「"Everwood" returns. Please watch. Thank you.」です。


また、当ブログにも今季(第4シーズン)のエピソード・ガイド(超ネタバレ注意 = ほぼ全て書いてあります)がありますので、おさらいにどうぞ。


Zap2itのコラムニスト「TV Gal」さんからの宿題(「Assignment of the Week」):

You simply must tune in for the two-hour return of "Everwood" Monday night at 8 p.m. on The WB. When I was growing up my mom would always know what I was up to even when she wasn't around. She used to say she had eyes in the back of her head. And I learned a lot from my mom, so if you don't tune in I will know. And I will be very disappointed in you. "Everwood," the best family drama on TV and one of the best dramas on TV, needs our love and support right now. Help me, help "Everwood," by tuning in.

E! Onlineのコラムニスト「Kristin」さんからのメッセージ:

Everwood Needs You! (略) After a four-month hiatus, Everwood finally returns this Monday with two brand-new back-to-back episodes, and executive producer Rina Mimoun is afraid that nobody in America knows. Therefore, I'm making it my personal mission to get as many tubers as possible to tune in at 8 p.m., because not only are the upcoming episodes unbelievable, there's also the little matter of getting the CW to pick up this underappreciated show for a fifth season.

"We don't know how much [CW executives] Dawn [Ostroff] and Les [Moonves] are waiting on our ratings, which we have very low expectations for right now, because nobody even knows we're coming back," Rina says. "So, we're hoping their decision [on the fate of our show] isn't ratings-based. We're hoping it's a quality-of-show-based decision! That's what we would like."

That's what we fans would like, too! Based on what's coming up in the final 13 episodes of this season, I just can't bare the thought it might be over. (略)


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今日の一言 (ジョウ)
2006-03-28 09:33:17

どうか (まめ)
2006-03-28 22:06:32


がんばれ! (ジョウ)
2006-03-29 02:39:46