

The Sentinel

2006年03月29日 | TV: 24
この写真、『24』みたいに見えますが、実は4/21(金)全米公開の新作映画『The Sentinel』の1シーンです。


予告編ではキーファー・サザーランドが「Go! Go! Go! Go!」と、『24』のジャック・バウアー得意のセリフを叫んでいます。

『The Sentinel』公式サイト

Yahoo! Moviesでのあらすじ紹介:

Pete Garrison is the most decorated agent in the history of the Secret Service - the president's last line of defense. But now, wrongly suspected of targeting the president for assassination, Garrison has become the Service's worst nightmare. As he uses his formidable skills to try and prove his innocence and find the real assassin, Garrison is tracked by his equally adept former protégée.


Special Agent Pete Garrison is convinced that a Neo-Nazi Aryan Disciple has managed to infiltrate the White House. When a White House Agent is murdered, Garrison is framed and blackmailed over an affair with the First Lady Sarah Ballentine. He is relieved of his duties, but Garrison won't stop in trying to prove his innocence, and save the life of the President. While attempting to uncover the person behind it all, he comes into confrontation with his protege, Agent Breckinridge.

Pete Garrisonっていうのが主人公(マイケル・ダグラス)で、大統領暗殺を企てたという濡れ衣を着せられます(大統領夫人ともデキている!?)。それで、自分がかつてシークレット・サービスのノウハウを仕込んであげたDavid Breckinridgeっていうエージェント(キーファー・サザーランド)と対決するハメになる…というわけですね。


