

No.4 ラリー・ドッシー博士『One Mind (1つの心)』インタビュー 4

2019年09月16日 17時23分39秒 | 祈りの科学的研究

No.4 ラリー・ドッシー博士『One Mind (1つの心)』インタビュー 4




15. But doesn’t this risk losing our sense of self in the One Mind?



I’m not advocating totally abandoning our sense of individuality and self.




I emphasize the need for a dual identity that honors both our individuality as well as our collective unity with one another in the One Mind.




This is an example of what physicist Niels Bohr called complementarity — the coming together of apparent opposites to produce a more accurate picture of the whole.




There is a saying in the field of transpersonal psychology: “In order to transcend the ego, you must first have one.


In order to go beyond the self, you must first be one.”


It’s a paradox, but it’s valid.


It’s like men acknowledging a feminine side, and women acknowledging a masculine side.


That’s a healthy complementarity.


Problems arise when one side is ignored.



16. What are your favorite sections in One Mind?

16. 「1つの心 One Mind」でお気に入りの章はどれですか?


Probably the sections on “Twins” and “Telesomatic Events.”




I am an identical twin, and my twin brother and I have had One-Mind experiences all our life.


I’m also married to a twin; Barbara and her fraternal twin have had similar experiences.

私も双子と結婚しています。 バーバラと彼女の双子の兄弟は同様の経験をしました。

This is an area where the One Mind really gets personal for me.




Around 30 percent of identical twins report vivid experiences in which they simultaneously and at a distance have the same thoughts and even the same physical symptoms as their twin — so-called “telesomatic events.”



This is some of the most dramatic evidence that we are connected through space and time at the level of consciousness.



17. What’s the most far-out stuff in One Mind?

17. 「1つの心」で最も前衛的なものは何ですか?


I used to think the whole premise of the One Mind is far out, but no longer.


Now I think it is ordinary and ho-hum.




The problem is that we have become practically hypnotized culturally to think that we are isolated individuals, connected with each other only through our see-touch-hear-feel senses.


We’re taught that our mind is locked into our brain; it doesn’t go wandering through space and time to unite with other minds.





Actually, that’s the far-out view. It’s far out because evidence shows it isn’t true.

実際、それは前衛的な見解です。 証拠は、それ(私たちの心は脳に閉じ込められている、他の心と団結するために空間と時間をさまようことはないと教えられていること)が真実ではないことを示しているため、それは前衛的です。

The ordinary situation is One-Mind unity and connectedness. We’ve turned reality upside down.

「1つの心」統合と結合が普通の状態です。 私たちは現実をひっくり返しました。(訳注: 通常教えられている「孤立」が異常であるということ)



So, One Mind is not far out at all.


Once we get comfortable with the basic idea and open up to the ways in which our unity reveals itself, we’ll wonder how we could ever have swallowed the conventional view that we’re merely individuals who are isolated in a sea of others.



18. You’re written extensively in previous books about healing and spirituality.


What’s their connection with the One Mind?



The healing experiments I’ve written about extensively are entry points to the One Mind.


They reveal that our compassionate intentions can influence what happens “out there.”


These studies reveal a nonlocal feature of our consciousness — that it can function outside the brain, at a distance, to change the state of the physical world, in this instance the clinical condition of someone in need.


Healing experiments reveal an unbounded, unlimited side of the mind — and if unbounded, minds must come together in some dimension to unite as a single mind.




There is a major overlap of spirituality and the One Mind.


Spirituality involves a sense of connectedness with something greater than the individual self or ego, whatever term we use — God, Goddess, the Divine, Allah, Universe, etc.


That is why One-Mind experiences are often experienced as epiphanies, awakening, or enlightenment — that sudden awareness that, as the Hindu aphorism says, “tat tvam asi,” or “thou art that.”

それが、「1つの心」の経験がしばしば直観、目覚め、または悟りとして経験される理由です。ヒンズー教の格言が言うように、「tat tvam asi」または「汝は彼なり」という突然の認識です。

These experiences involve an awakening to our intrinsic divinity, “the god within,” our innate infinitude, our citizenship in the One Mind.


In other words, “You’re it!”



19. This sounds blasphemous: humans becoming God.


Not really. そうではありません。

The evidence does show that we possess qualities via the One Mind that we have traditionally attributed to the Divine, such as infinitude in space and time.


That’s not the same as being God.




A metaphor that helps clarify this relationship is that of a drop of water within the larger ocean.


The single drop of ocean water has the same composition as the ocean itself, but it is profoundly different in terms of power and quantity.


It’s the same, but different.


Just so, the relationship of the human and the Absolute or Divine.



20. You mention creativity often in One Mind. What’s the connection?



The connection is profound. その関連は深遠なものです。




The literature on creativity shows that creative breakthroughs often occur out of the blue, with little connection with logic or analysis.


This happens in all areas — science, art, music, mathematics, etc.


The creator, inventor, or artist often feels connected with something outside herself — a source of awareness that is far greater than one’s individual mind.




Thomas Edison, America’s great inventor, summed this up, saying, "People say I have created things.



I have never created anything. I get impressions from the Universe at large and work them out, but I am only a plate on a record or a receiving apparatus — what you will.

何も創造したことがありません。 私は宇宙全体から印象を得て、それらを解決しますが、私はレコード上のプレートまたは受信装置でしかありません。


Thoughts are really impressions that we get from outside."


 (source: Neil Baldwin, Edison: Inventing the Century. NY: Hyperion; 1995:376.)

(情報源:Neil Baldwin、Edison:Inventing the Century. NY:Hyperion; 1995:376)


The eminent German physicist and philosopher Baron Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker agreed:


“[In any great discovery] we find the often disturbing and happy experience: ‘It is not I; I have not done this.’ Still, in a certain way it is I — yet not the ego …but…a more comprehensive self.”

「(どんな素晴らしい発見にも)私たちはしばしば混乱した幸せな体験を見つけます: 「それは私ではありません。私はこれをしていません。まだ、ある意味でそれは私です。しかし、自我ではありません…しかし...より包括的な自己です。」

(source情報源: C. F. von Weizsäcker. Introduction. Gopi Krishna. The Biological Basis of Religion and Genius. New York, NY: Harper and Row; 1972: 35-36.)


Edison’s “impressions from the Universe at large” and von Weizsäcker’s “more comprehensive self” point to the One Mind, an infinite source of wisdom and information.



21. It’s the Internet age. There are an estimated six billion cell phones on earth, almost one per person. People are more connected than ever before. Why are you emphasizing connectedness and unity through the One Mind? Aren’t we connected already?

I’m talking about a different kind of connectedness.

21.インターネット時代です。 地球上には推定60億台の携帯電話があり、1人あたりほぼ1台です。 人々はかつてないほどつながりがあります。あなたが「1つの心」を通してつながりと団結を強調しているのはなぜですか? すでに私たちは接続していませんか?




There is evidence that the more time young people spend on personal electronic devices, the more lonely they feel.


A sense of desperation is often involved when people spend hours a day online; they crave connection but, not finding it, they increase the dose, like a drug addict.

人々が1日何時間もオンラインで過ごすとき、絶望感がしばしば関係します。 彼らはつながりを切望しますが、それを見つけられず、麻薬中毒者のように使用量を増やします。

Internet addiction has become a fact.


Internet rescue camps now exist in some countries to wean people from this frenetic behavior.




Of course, electronic connectivity can be quite wonderful, but it can also be a faux unity that offers more than it can deliver.


It does not convey the sort of psycho-spiritual satisfaction that comes with One-Mind awareness — the joy, fulfillment, and empowerment that come from the discovery of one’s inner divinity and membership in the community of consciousness that is our birthright.



22. What difference in your own life has awareness of the One Mind made?



Awareness of the One Mind has contributed enormously to my peace, tranquility, joy, and creativity.






You see, I’m an introvert by nature, inclined toward aloneness.


Awareness of my place in the One Mind has helped me overcome my innate tendency for isolation.


I feel I’ve found a more authentic place in the Universe.


It’s rather like coming home and realizing that you never left.


It’s a sense of belonging, of finding your natural fit in the great scheme of things.



The great human dread of death goes out the window.


As a physician, this is important to me, because I believe the fear of death and annihilation has caused more suffering throughout human history than all the physical diseases combined.


The One Mind reduces that fear and the suffering that goes with it.


Why? なぜ?

The One Mind mandates immortality by way of our infinitude in space and time.



One-Mind awareness has affected the way I relate to other people.


I’ve become much less competitive, more giving, more supportive, more understanding of other people’s difficulties and problems, and more interactive with others. (I still have a way to go!)

他の人の困難や問題について、より競争的でなくなり、より与え、より支援し、より理解を深め、他の人とより相互作用的になりました。 (私はまだやる方法があります!)

One-Mind awareness helps me see how I can make a difference.


In today’s world, we can feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face.


What difference can my efforts as a single individual possibly make?


The One Mind increases our sense of adequacy and what is possible, because through it we have access to all wisdom and knowledge, and we can act in concert with others.


We realize we don’t need to know and do everything individually, because we are a part of the Great Connect.


We are never alone.


We are an infinite team, not a lone wolf.


The pressure eases.


A lightness of mind and spirit arises, and perhaps a sense of humor.


Now that is different!



Twenty Question-One Mind 20の質問「1つの心」

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