

日本のライフスタイルと心血管疾患 J Atheroscler Thromb, 2011; 18:83-88.

2019年10月18日 18時31分51秒 | オーソモレキュラー医学 生体分子と人体の反応






J Atheroscler Thromb, 2011; 18:83-88.

Lifestyle and Cardiovascular Disease in Japan 日本のライフスタイルと心血管疾患

Hiroyasu Iso 

Department of Social and Environmental Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan 

大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 社会医学講座 環境医学


Relationships between Lifestyle and Cardiovascular Disease


Sodium and Potassium Intakeナトリウムとカリウムの摂取 

According to a 13-year population-based cohort study of 58,730 Japanese aged 40—79 years (JACC study) 16), sodium intake was positively associated with mortality from total stroke, ischemic stroke, and total cardiovascular disease.


Multivariable hazard ratios for the highest versus lowest quintiles of sodium intake were 1.55 (95% CI, 1.21—2.00; p for trend=0.001) for total stroke, 2.04 (1.41—2.94; p for trend=0.001) for ischemic stroke, and 1.42 (1.20—1.69; p for trend: 0.001) for total cardiovascular disease.

ナトリウム摂取量の最高五分位と最低五分位の多変量ハザード比は、総脳卒中で1.55(95%CI、1.21-2.00;傾向p= 0.001)、虚血性脳卒中で2.04(1.41-2.94;傾向p= 0.001)、心血管疾患全体の1.42(1.20〜1.69;傾向p=0.001)。

Potassium intake was inversely associated with mortality from CHD and total cardiovascular disease.


The multivariable hazard ratios for the highest versus the lowest quintiles of potassium intake were 0.65 (95% CI, 0.39—1.06; p for trend=0.083) for CHD and 0.73 (0.59—0.92; p for trend=0.018) for total cardiovascular disease.

カリウム摂取の最高五分位と最低五分位の多変量ハザード比は、CHDで0.65(95%CI、0.39—1.06;傾向p= 0.083)、心血管疾患全体で0.73(0.59—0.92;傾向p= 0.018)でした。

A recent report of the JPHC Study has shown that the amount rather than concentrations of sodium in the diet has an adverse effect on stroke risk17).




Calcium Intakeカルシウム摂取


Another report of the JACC study showed that dietary intake of total calcium tended to be inversely associated with mortality from total stroke but not from CHD or total cardiovascular disease for both men and women.


The associations with cardiovascular disease were more evident for dairy than for non-dairy calcium intake.


The multivariable hazard ratios for men with highest versus lowest quintiles of dairy calcium intake were 0.53 (95% CI, 0.34 to 0.81) for total stroke, 0.46 (0.23 to 0.91) for hemorrhagic stroke, and 0.53 (0.29 to 0.99) for ischemic stroke;


the corresponding hazard ratios for women were 0.57 (0.38 to 0.86), 0.51 (0.28 to 0.94), and 0.50 (0.27 to 0.95) 18).



We also investigated the association between dairy calcium intake and the incidence of cardiovascular disease during the 13-year followup for a JPHC study of 41,526 Japanese men and women age 40-59 years19).


Dairy calcium intake was found to be inversely associated with risks of total and ischemic stroke with respective multivariable hazard ratios (95% CIs) of 0.69 (0.56 to 0.85; p for trend=0.007) and 0.69 (0.52 to 0.93; p for trend=0.05).

乳製品のカルシウム摂取は、総脳卒中および虚血性脳卒中のリスクと逆相関し、それぞれの多変数ハザード比(95%CI)は0.69(0.56から0.85;傾向p = 0.007)および0.69(0.52から0.93;傾向p=p 0.05)。

Dietary calcium intake was not associated with the risk of CHD.




Animal Protein Intake動物性タンパク質の摂取


A population-based, cross-sectional study of 7,585 men and women aged 40-69 years in five communities showed that dietary animal protein intake, estimated on the basis of a single 24-h dietary recall, was associated with blood pressure levels after adjustment for age, sex, community, body mass index, antihypertensive medication use, ethanol intake, smoking, and dietary intakes of sodium, potassium, and calcium 20).


A 19.9g/d increment in animal protein intake was associated with a decrease in systolic blood pressure of 1.09 mm Hg (p<0.001) and in diastolic blood pressure of 0.41 mm Hg (p=0.003).

動物のタンパク質摂取量の19.9g /日の増加は、収縮期血圧の1.09 mm Hgの減少(p <0.001)および拡張期血圧の0.41 mm Hgの減少(p = 0.003)に関連していました。

Further adjustment for nutritional factors weakened the associations, but the inverse associations of animal protein intake with systolic blood pressure remained statistically significant.


The findings of a 14-year prospective study of 4,775 men and women aged 40-69 years indicated that animal protein intake tends to be inversely associated with the risk of intraparenchymal hemorrhage, since the hazard ratio with a one-standard deviation increase in animal protein intake (17.6 g/day) was 0.79 (95% CI, 0.61-1.02;p=0.07)21).

40-69歳の男女4,775人を対象とした14年間の前向き研究の結果は、動物タンパク質摂取の標準偏差が1つ(17.6 g /日)増加すると、ハザード比が0.79(95%CI、0.61-1.02; p = 0.07)であるため、動物タンパク質の摂取は実質内出血のリスクと逆相関する傾向があることを示しました21)



Intake of Fish and ω-3-polyunsaturated Fatty Acids



According to an 11-year follow-up of the JPHC Study of 41,578 men and women aged 40 to 59 year 22), dietary intake of fish and ω3-polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was inversely associated with the risk of CHD.


Multivariate hazard ratios for the highest (8 times per week, or median intake 180 g/d) versus the lowest (once a week, or median intake 23 g/d) quintiles of fish intake were 0.63 (95%CI, 0.38-1.04) for total CHD, 0.44 (0.24—0.81) for definite myocardial infarction, and 1.14 (0.36—3.63) for sudden cardiac death.

魚摂取の五分位数が最高(週に8回、または摂取量の中央値180 g /日)対最低(週に1回、または摂取量の中央値23 g 日)の多変量ハザード比は、総CHDで0.63(95%CI、0.38-1.04 )、明確な心筋梗塞で0.44(0.24〜0.81)、心臓突然死で1.14(0.36〜3.63)です。

Stronger inverse associations existed between the dietary intake of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and risk of definite myocardial infarction with an HR of 0.35 (0.18 to 0.66) and nonfatal coronary events with an HR of 0.33 (0.17 to 0.63).


In a 13-year follow—up of the JACC Study of 57,972 men and women aged 40-79 years23), we found that fish and ω-3 PUFA intakes was inversely associated with mortality from total cardiovascular disease and manifestly so for mortality from heart failure.


Multivariate hazard ratios (95%CI) for highest versus lowest quintiles were 0.76 (0.53—1.09) for fish and 0.58 (0.36-0.9.) for ω-3 PUFA.




Physical Activity身体活動


The JACC Study of 7,3265 men and women aged 40-79 years24) indicated that men and women who reported the highest category of physical activity in (i.e., walking ≧1 hour/day or doing sports ≧5 hours/week) had lower mortality from cardiovascular disease than did those in the second lowest physical activity category (i.e., walking 0.5 hour/day, or sports participation for 1-2 hours/week).


Multivariate hazard ratios for the highest versus the second lowest categories of walking or sports participation were 0.71 (95%CI, 0.54—0.94) and 0.80 (0.48-1.31), respectively, for ischemic stroke, 0.84 (0.64-1.09) and 0.51 (0.32—0.82) for CHD, and 0.84 (0.75-0.95) and 0.73 (0.60-0.90) for total cardiovascular disease.



As a surrogate marker of physical activity, we examined body mass index and its effect on cardiovascular disease.


A 10-year follow-up of the JACC Study for 104,928 men and women aged 40-79 years25) indicated that compared with persons with a body mass index (BMI) 23.0 to 24.9, those with BMI ≧27.0 kg/m2 had a higher risk of CHD, with the respective multivariate relative risks (95% CI) for men and women being 2.05 (1.35 to 3.13) and 1.58 (0.95 to 2.62).

40〜79歳の男女104,928人を対象としたJACC研究の10年間の追跡調査25)では、ボディマス指数(BMI)が23.0〜24.9の人と比較して、BMI≧27.0 kg / m2の人がCHDのリスクがより高いことが示され、男性と女性のそれぞれの多変量相対リスク(95%CI)は2.05(1.35〜3.13)および1.58(0.95〜2.62)です。

Persons with BMI <18.5 kg/m2 had a higher risk of total stroke and intraparenchymal hemorrhage, with the respective multivariate relative risk for men and women being 1.29 (1.01 to 1.49) and 1.92 (1.49 to 2.47) for total stroke and 1.96 (1.16 to 3.31) and 2.32 (1.36 to 3.97) for intraparenchymal hemorrhage, respectively.

BMI <18.5 kg / m2の人は、脳卒中および実質内出血のリスクが高く、男性と女性のそれぞれの多変量相対リスクは、全脳卒中で1.29(1.01〜1.49)および1.92(1.49〜2.47)であり、実質内出血で1.96(1.16~3.31)および2.32(1.36〜3.97)でした。

An 11-year follow-up of the JPHC Study of 43,235 men and 47,444 women aged 40-69 years added to the evidence that weight gain is associated with an increased risk of CHD26).


When weight change was examined according to BMI at the age of 20 years, men with an initial BMI <2l.7 kg/m2 who gained more than 10 kg compared with men with no weight change had a twofold higher risk of CHD.

20歳のBMIに従って体重変化を調べたところ、体重変化のない男性と比較して、10 kg以上増加した初期BMI <21.7 kg / m2の男性は、CHDのリスクが2倍高かった。


Alcohol Consumption飲酒


An 11-year follow-up of the JPHC Study of 19,544 men aged 40 to 59 years27) showed that alcohol consumption was associated with an elevated risk of total stroke for drinkers with an alcohol intake of 450 g ethanol per week compared with occasional drinkers.


This excess risk was confined primarily to hemorrhagic stroke with a multivariable HR of 2.15 (95% CI: 1.22-3.79).

この過剰リスクは、主に出血性脳卒中に限定され、多変量HR 2.15(95%CI:1.22-3.79)でした。

There was a lower risk of ischemic stroke, more specifically lacunar infarction, a higher risk of hemorrhagic stroke, and no excess risk of total stroke for drinkers with an intake of 1 to 149 g ethanol per week compared with occasional drinkers.

たまに飲酒する人と比較して、1から149 gのエタノールを飲んでいる飲酒者では、虚血性脳卒中、より具体的にはラクナ梗塞のリスクが低く、出血性脳卒中のリスクが高く、総脳卒中の過剰リスクはありませんでした。

The multivariate hazard ratios were 0.59 (0.37 to 0.93) for ischemic stroke, 0.43 (0.22 to 0.87) for lacunar infarction, 1.73 (0.98 to 3.07) for hemorrhagic stroke, and 0.98 (0.71 to 1.36) for total stroke.



We further examined whether the protective effect of light-to-moderate alcohol consumption on the risk of ischemic stroke was affected by social support28).


The multivariate hazard ratios of ischemic stroke associated with light-to-moderate alcohol consumption (1 to 299 g/wk) were 1.53 (0.95 to 2.46) for the low social support group and 0.82 (0.60 to 1.13) for the high social support group (p for interaction=0.002).

軽度から中度のアルコール消費(1から299 g / 週)に関連する虚血性脳卒中の多変量ハザード比は、低ソーシャルサポートグループで1.53(0.95から2.46)、高ソーシャルサポートグループで0.82(0.60から1.13)でした(相互作用のp = 0.002)。

There was no association between alcohol consumption and social support in relation to the risk of CHD.


Alcohol consumption is strongly and inversely associated with the risk of CHD.




Smoking and Smoking Cessation喫煙と禁煙


Smoking was found to be associated with an elevated risk of stroke, more specifically, subarachnoid hemorrhage and ischemic stroke.


An 11-year follow-up of the JPHC Study of 41,282 men and women aged 40 to 59 years29) showed that the multivariate hazard ratios (95% CI) for current smokers compared with never-smokers were 1.27 (1.05 to 1.54) for total stroke, 3.60 (1.62 to 8.01) for subarachnoid hemorrhage, and 1.66 (1.25 to 2.20) for ischemic stroke.


The corresponding hazard ratios for women were 1.98 (1.42 to 2.77), 2.70 (1.45 to 5.02) and 1.57 (0.86 to 2.87).


There was a dose-response relationship for men between the number of cigarettes smoked and risks of ischemic stroke, lacunar infarction and large-artery occlusive infarction but not embolic infarction.


Another report of the JPHC study30) showed that smoking was strongly and positively associated with the risk of CHD, as has been reported universally.



According to a 10-year follow-up of the JACC Study of 94,683 men and women aged 40-79 years31), the decline in the risk for CHD and total cardiovascular disease started to take effect within 2 years and for total stroke 2-4 years after smoking cessation.


For every endpoint and for both age subgroups (40-64 and 65-79 years), most of the benefit of cessation occurred 10-14 years after cessation, indicating the importance of smoking cessation at any age to prevent cardiovascular disease.


A recent pooled analysis of 300,000 men and women aged 40-79 years confirmed that the HR for ex-smokers compared with current smokers in relation to the time elapsed since smoking cessation started to decrease approximately 5 years after smoking cessation, and had reached, the same level as the HR for lifelong non-smokers approximately 10 years after smoking cessation for both men and women32).



In conclusion, we have presented an overview of the distinctive trends for mortality, incidence of stroke and CHD in Japan.


Although it is hard to predict future CHD trends in Japan, middle-aged men, especially in urban areas, may be vulnerable to an CHD epidemic, which would present major issues for both public health and clinical practice.



This work was presented at 17 July, 2009 on the 41st annual scientific meeting of the Japan Atherosclerosis Society, message from subcommittee (subcommittee for Lifestyle Habit).


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