


2023年06月21日 19時31分03秒 | ビタミンAと感染




スザンヌ・ハンフリーズ (著),ワクチン神話捏造の歴史







JAMA. 1993 Feb 17;269(7):898-903.

Vitamin A supplementation and child mortality. A meta-analysis

ビタミンAの補給と小児死亡率。 メタ分析

W W Fawzi 1, T C Chalmers, M G Herrera, F Mosteller

PMID: 8426449




Objective: 目的

A two-part meta-analysis of studies examining the relationship of vitamin A supplementation and child mortality.



Data sources: データソース:

We identified studies by searching the MEDLARS database from 1966 through 1992 and by scanning Current Contents and bibliographies of pertinent articles.

私たちは、1966 年から 1992 年までの MEDLARS データベースを検索し、最新の内容と関連する論文の参考文献をスキャンすることによって研究を特定しました。


Study selection: 研究の選択:

All 12 vitamin A controlled trials with data on mortality identified in the search were used in the analysis.

検索で特定された死亡率に関するデータを含む 12 件のビタミン A 対照試験すべてが分析に使用されました。


Data extraction: データ抽出:

Data were independently extracted by two investigators who also assessed the quality of each study using a previously described method.

データは 2 人の研究者によって独立して抽出され、彼らも前述の方法を使用して各研究の質を評価しました。


Data synthesis: データ合成:

We formally tested for heterogeneity across studies.


We pooled studies using the Mantel-Haenszel and the DerSimonian and Laird methods and adjusted for the effect of cluster assignment of treatment groups in community-based studies.



Vitamin A supplementation to hospitalized measles patients was highly protective against mortality (DerSimonian and Laird odds ratio, 0.39; 95% confidence interval, 0.22 to 0.66; P = .0004) (part 1 of the meta-analysis).

入院中の麻疹患者に対するビタミンAの補給は、死亡率に対する高い予防効果を示した(デルシモニアンとレアードのオッズ比、0.39; 95%信頼区間、0.220.66; P = 0.0004(メタ分析のパート1)。


Supplementation was also protective against overall mortality in community-based studies (DerSimonian and Laird odds ratio, 0.70; clustering-adjusted 95% confidence interval, 0.56 to 0.87; P = .001) (part 2 of the meta-analysis).

地域ベースの研究では、サプリメントの摂取は全体の死亡率に対しても保護的でした(DerSimonian Laird のオッズ比、0.70、クラスタリング調整後の 95% 信頼区間、0.56 0.87P = 0.001(メタ分析のパート 2)。


Conclusions: 結論

Vitamin A supplements are associated with a significant reduction in mortality when given periodically to children at the community level.


Factors that affect the bioavailability of large doses of Vitamin A need to be studied further.

大量のビタミン A の生物学的利用能に影響を与える要因については、さらに研究する必要があります。

Vitamin A supplements should be given to all measles patients in developing countries whether or not they have symptoms of vitamin A deficiency.





PubMedのSimilar articles上記文献の類似文献


Vitamin A supplements for preventing mortality, illness, and blindness in children aged under 5: systematic review and meta-analysis.


Mayo-Wilson E, Imdad A, Herzer K, Yakoob MY, Bhutta ZA.

BMJ. 2011 Aug 25;343:d5094.

doi: 10.1136/bmj.d5094.

PMID: 21868478 Free PMC article. Review.



Objective: 目的

To determine if vitamin A supplementation is associated with reductions in mortality and morbidity in children aged 6 months to 5 years.

ビタミン A の補給が生後 6 か月から 5 歳までの小児の死亡率および罹患率の減少に関連しているかどうかを確認する。


Design: デザイン

Systematic review and meta-analysis.


Two reviewers independently assessed studies for inclusion.

2 人の査読者が独立して研究を採用対象として評価しました。

Data were double extracted; discrepancies were resolved by discussion.

データは二重抽出されました。 矛盾は話し合いによって解決されました。

Meta-analyses were performed for mortality, illness, vision, and side effects.



Data sources: データソース

Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in the Cochrane Library, Medline, Embase, Global Health, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences, metaRegister of Controlled Trials, and African Index Medicus.

コクラン ライブラリのコクラン中央対照試験登録簿 (CENTRAL)、Medline、Embase、グローバル ヘルス、ラテンアメリカおよびカリブ海健康科学、対照試験のメタ登録、およびアフリカ指標メディカス。

Databases were searched to April 2010 without restriction by language or publication status.

データベースは、言語や出版状況による制限なしに、2010 年 4 月まで検索されました。


Eligibility criteria for selecting studies: 研究を選択するための適格基準:

Randomised trials of synthetic oral vitamin A supplements in children aged 6 months to 5 years.


Studies of children with current illness (such as diarrhoea, measles, and HIV), studies of children in hospital, and studies of food fortification or β carotene were excluded.



Results: 結果

43 trials with about 215,633 children were included.


Seventeen trials including 194,483 participants reported a 24% reduction in all cause mortality (rate ratio=0.76, 95% confidence interval 0.69 to 0.83).


Seven trials reported a 28% reduction in mortality associated with diarrhoea (0.72, 0.57 to 0.91).


Vitamin A supplementation was associated with a reduced incidence of diarrhoea (0.85, 0.82 to 0.87) and measles (0.50, 0.37 to 0.67) and a reduced prevalence of vision problems, including night blindness (0.32, 0.21 to 0.50) and xerophthalmia (0.31, 0.22 to 0.45).

ビタミン A の補給は、下痢 (0.85、0.82 ~ 0.87) および麻疹 (0.50、0.37 ~ 0.67) の発生率の減少と関連していました。


Three trials reported an increased risk of vomiting within the first 48 hours of supplementation (2.75, 1.81 to 4.19).



Conclusions: 結果

Vitamin A supplementation is associated with large reductions in mortality, morbidity, and vision problems in a range of settings, and these results cannot be explained by bias.

ビタミン A の補給は、さまざまな環境における死亡率、罹患率、視覚障害の大幅な減少に関連しており、これらの結果は偏見によって説明することはできません。

Further placebo controlled trials of vitamin A supplementation in children between 6 and 59 months of age are not required.


However, there is a need for further studies comparing different doses and delivery mechanisms (for example, fortification).


Until other sources are available, vitamin A supplements should be given to all children at risk of deficiency, particularly in low and middle income countries.





Vitamin A supplementation: implications for morbidity and mortality in children.


Villamor E, Fawzi WW.

J Infect Dis. 2000 Sep;182 Suppl 1:S122-33. doi: 10.1086/315921.PMID: 10944494 Review.



Vitamin A deficiency impairs epithelial integrity and systemic immunity and increases the incidence and severity of infections during childhood.

ビタミン A 欠乏症は、上皮の完全性と全身免疫を損ない、小児期の感染症の発生率と重症度を高めます。

However, findings from vitamin A supplementation trials are not consistent.

しかし、ビタミン A 補給試験の結果は一貫していません。

Supplementation has resulted in significant reductions in mortality in several (but not all) large community-based trials among apparently healthy children.


In hospital-based studies, vitamin A supplements have been consistently found to reduce the severity of measles infection, but no effect on nonmeasles respiratory infections has been observed.


In some cases, the supplements were associated with an apparently increased risk of lower respiratory infection.


Vitamin A supplements also reduced the severity of diarrhea in most (but not all) trials.

ビタミン A サプリメントも、ほとんど (すべてではありません) の試験で下痢の重症度を軽減しました。

Potential explanations for the differences in efficacy across trials are reviewed.


While vitamin A supplementation is effective in reducing total mortality and complications from measles infections, it is likely to be more effective in populations suffering from nutritional deficiencies.






Childhood mortality after a high dose of vitamin A in a high risk population.


Daulaire NM, Starbuck ES, Houston RM, Church MS, Stukel TA, Pandey MR.

BMJ. 1992 Jan 25;304(6821):207-10. doi: 10.1136/bmj.304.6821.207.

PMID: 1739794 Free PMC article. Clinical Trial.



Objectives: 目的

To determine whether a single high dose of vitamin A given to all children in communities with high mortality and malnutrition could affect mortality and to assess whether periodic community wide supplementation could be readily incorporated into an ongoing primary health programme.



Design: デザイン

Opportunistic controlled trial.



Setting: 設定

Jumla district, Nepal.



Subjects: 被験者

All children aged under 5 years; 3786 in eight subdistricts given single dose of vitamin A and 3411 in remaining eight subdistricts given no supplementation.

5 歳未満のすべての子供。 8つの下位地区では3,786人にビタミンAの単回投与が行われ、残りの8つの下位地区では3,411人にビタミンAの補給は行われなかった。


Main outcome measures: 主な成果指標:

Mortality and cause of death in the five months after supplementation.



Results: 結果

Risk of death for children aged 1-59 months in supplemented communities was 26% lower (relative risk 0.74, 95% confidence interval 0.55 to 0.99) than in unsupplemented communities.

サプリメントのある地域における生後1~59か月の小児の死亡リスクは、サプリメントを受けていない地域に比べて26%低かった(相対リスク 0.74、95%信頼区間 0.55~0.99)。

The reduction in mortality was greatest among children aged 6-11 months: death rate (deaths/1000 child years at risk) was 133.8 in supplemented children and 260.8 in unsupplemented children (relative risk 0.51, 0.30 to 0.89).


The death rate from diarrhoea was also reduced (63.5 supplemented v 97.5 unsupplemented; relative risk 0.65, 0.44 to 0.95).


The extra cost per death averted was about $11.

死亡を回避できた場合の追加コストは約 11 ドルでした。


Conclusion: 結論

The results support a role for Vitamin A in increasing child survival.

この結果は、子供の生存率を高める上でのビタミン A の役割を裏付けています。

The supplementation programme was readily integrated with the ongoing community health programme at little extra cost.

サプリメント プログラムは、追加費用をほとんどかけることなく、進行中の地域医療プログラムに容易に統合できました。




Randomised trial of effect of vitamin A supplementation on antibody response to measles vaccine in Guinea-Bissau, west Africa.


Benn CS, Aaby P, Balé C, Olsen J, Michaelsen KF, George E, Whittle H.

Lancet. 1997 Jul 12;350(9071):101-5.

doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(96)12019-5.

PMID: 9228962 Clinical Trial.



Background: 背景

WHO has recommended vitamin A supplementation for children aged 6 months or older in developing countries at the same time as immunisation.


One study has reported significantly lower seroconversion ratios among children who have received vitamin A supplements with measles vaccine at age 6 months.


The aim of our study was to assess the effect of vitamin A supplementation on antibody response to measles vaccination at age 9 months, which is the more common age for immunisation in developing countries.



Methods: 方法

In an urban community in Guinea-Bissau, we did a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effect of simultaneous vaccination and vitamin A supplementation in 462 children who received either a two-dose schedule of measles vaccine at the ages of 6 months and 9 months (150 infants) or one dose of measles vaccine at age 9 months (312 infants).

ギニアビサウの都市部コミュニティで、462 人の子供を対象に、ワクチン接種とビタミン A 補給の同時投与の効果に関する無作為化二重盲検プラセボ対照研究を実施しました。


Children were followed up to the age of 18 months and a blood sample was then collected to assess the antibody response.



Findings: 調査結果:

397 (86%) of the children took part in the follow-up (52 [11%] had moved and 13 [3%] had died).

397 人 (86%) の子供たちが追跡調査に参加した (52 人 [11%] が転居し、13 人 [3%] が死亡した)。

Among children who received a two-dose vaccine schedule, seroconversion was 98%.


There was no difference in seroconversion or geometric mean titre (GMT) for children receiving vitamin A compared with children receiving no supplement.


Among children receiving only one dose of measles vaccine at age 9 months, seroconversion was 95%.


The GMT was significantly higher in children receiving vitamin A than in those receiving no supplement (3704 vs 2439 mIU; GMT ratio 1.52 [1.22-1.88]).


The effect on plasma antibody concentration in the blood was stronger for boys (3902 vs 1916 mIU; GMT ratio 2.04 [1.53-2.72]) than for girls (3502 vs 3017 mIU; GMT ratio 1.16 [0.85-1.58]) who had received vitamin A with measles vaccine.

血液中の血漿抗体濃度に対する影響は、麻疹ワクチンと一緒にビタミンAを接種した女児(3502 vs 3017 mIU、GMT比 1.16 [0.85-1.58])よりも男児(3902 vs 1916 mIU、GMT比 2.04 [1.53-2.72])の方が強かった。

In a multivariate analysis of variance adjusted for sex, vitamin A supplementation was associated with higher antibody titres (p < 0.001).

性別を調整した多変量分散分析では、ビタミン A の補給はより高い抗体力価と関連していました (p < 0.001)。

There was a significant interaction between vitamin A supplementation and sex (p = 0.02).

ビタミン A の補給と性別の間には有意な相互作用がありました (p = 0.02)。


Interpretation: 解釈:


There is no indication that simultaneous administration of measles vaccine and vitamin A supplements has a negative effect on measles immunity.

麻疹ワクチンとビタミン A サプリメントの同時投与が麻疹免疫に悪影響を与えるという兆候はありません。

Among the children who had received two doses of measles vaccine at the ages of 6 months and 9 months, supplements of vitamin A had no significant effect.


Among children only receiving one dose of measles vaccine at age 9 months, 100,000 IU vitamin A increased antibody concentrations, especially for boys.

生後9か月で麻疹ワクチンを1回だけ受けた小児では、ビタミンA 100,000 IUにより抗体濃度が増加し、特に男児で顕著であった。




Issues and controversies with vitamin A in childhood.


Murguía Peniche MT.

Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2012;70:91-102.

doi: 10.1159/000337447. Epub 2012 Aug 31.

PMID: 25825299



Vitamin A deficiency is common in the developing world.


Vitamin A supplementation (VAS) has been used to prevent or treat vitamin A deficiency and to decrease mortality and morbidity in children.

ビタミン A サプリメント (VAS) は、ビタミン A 欠乏症を予防または治療し、子供の死亡率と罹患率を低下させるために使用されています。

However, there are still controversial issues in relation to the role of universal VAS in different populations.


Thus, studies that look at mortality outcomes reveal that VAS decreases mortality in children >6 months of age;

however, there is still controversy on the extent to which reduction in morbidity from diarrhea and respiratory infection, other than measles, decreases mortality.

したがって、死亡率に関する研究では、VAS が生後 6 か月を超える小児の死亡率を低下させることが明らかになりました。


Studies in infants 1-5 months old show no protective effect of VAS on mortality; whether this is secondary to environmental influences (breastfeeding), or interactions with DTP vaccine, needs to be further investigated.

生後1~5か月の乳児を対象とした研究では、VASが死亡率を保護する効果は示されていない。 これが環境の影響(授乳)による二次的なものなのか、それとも DTP ワクチンとの相互作用によるものなのか、さらに調査する必要があります。

Studies with VAS in newborns have resulted in contrasting results in countries in Africa and Asia; trials are underway to better understand this.

新生児を対象としたVASの研究では、アフリカとアジアの国々では対照的な結果が得られています。 これをより深く理解するための試験が進行中です。

VAS does not have a universal protective effect on lower respiratory tract infection in children; some studies reveal an increase in respiratory morbidity associated with VAS, especially in well-nourished children; in contrast, VAS may confer some protection to malnourished children.

VAS には小児の下気道感染症に対する普遍的な保護効果はありません。 いくつかの研究では、特に栄養状態の良い子供において、VASに関連する呼吸器疾患の増加が明らかになっている。 対照的に、VAS は栄養失調の子供たちにある程度の保護を与える可能性があります。

The interaction of VAS with different vaccines is under current debate; some discussions are presented.

VAS とさまざまなワクチンとの相互作用については現在議論中です。 いくつかの議論が紹介されています。


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