

2ファイザー コロナワクチン安全性試験の嘘 コロナ倫理医師団

2022年07月01日 21時26分34秒 | ファイザー コロナワクチン安全性試験の嘘 コロナ倫理医師団

2ファイザー コロナワクチン安全性試験の嘘 コロナ倫理医師団


  1. Pfizer’s Non-Clinical Program for its Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine



Recently, some of the documents used by the FDA to approve Pfizer’s mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccine have been obtained via Freedom or Information requests and lawsuits, overcoming the FDA and Pfizer’s motions to keep this information secret for 75 years.


One package of these documents on preclinical trials, amounting to 466 pages, was obtained by Judicial Watch from the Department of Health & Human Services [3].

前臨床試験に関するこれらの文書の1つのパッケージである466ページにもなるものは、Judicial Watchによって保健福祉省から入手されました[3]。



2.1. Pfizer’s program did not include a comprehensive end-to-end test of all components of the final approved product

2.1。 ファイザーのプログラムには、最終的に承認された製品のすべての成分の包括的な徹底的な試験は含まれていませんでした


The studies included in the approval package were for a variety of versions of the product with no comparability assessments; thus, no comprehensive assessment of product safety can be made.

承認パッケージに含まれる研究は、比較性の評価がされていない様々なバージョンの製品に関するものでした。 したがって、製品の安全性を包括的に評価することはできません。

Page 6 of the “Non-Clinical Module” contained in the FOIA documents [3] states the following (emphasis added):




BNT162b2 (BioNTech code number BNT162, Pfizer code number PF-07302048) is an investigational vaccine intended to prevent COVID-19, which is caused by SARS-CoV-2. 


BNT162b2 is a nucleoside modified mRNA (modRNA) expressing full-length S [spike protein] with two proline mutations (P2) to lock the transmembrane protein in an antigenically optimal prefusion conformation ….

BNT162b2は、完全長のS [スパイクタンパク質]を発現するヌクレオシド修飾mRNA(modRNA)であり、2つのプロリン変異(P2)を持ち、膜貫通タンパク質を抗原的に最適な融合前コンフォメーションに固定します…。

The vaccine is formulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs).


The LNP is composed of 4 lipids: ALC-0315, ALC-0159, DSPC, and cholesterol.


Other excipients in the formulation include sucrose, NaCl, KCl, Na2HPO4, and KH2PO4


The dose selected for BNT162b2, with efficacy demonstrated in Phase 2/3 clinical evaluation and intended for commercial use, is 30 µg administered IM as two doses given 21 days apart.

BNT162b2用に選択された用量は、フェーズ2/3の臨床評価で有効性が実証され、商業的使用を目的としており、21日間隔で2回投与する30 µgのIM投与です。


It is clear from the above product description that this completely novel platform consists of new proprietary biological/genetic and chemical components within a “payload plus delivery vehicle” structure.


Whenever complex products contain combinations of drugs and biologics, or biologics and novel delivery vehicles as with Pfizer’s product, the manufacturer is required to assess the safety of all components separately and also in the final assembled version which is intended for human phases of development [4].



The same page of the FOIA document further explains:



In nonclinical studies, two variants of BNT162b2 were tested; designated “variant 8” and “variant 9” (V8 and V9, respectively).

非臨床研究では、BNT162b2の2つのバリアント(変異型)がテストされました。 「バリアント8」および「バリアント9」(それぞれV8およびV9)と指定されています。

The variants differ only in their codon optimization sequences which are designed to improve antigen expression, otherwise the amino acid sequences of the encoded antigens are identical. 


Only BNT162b2 (V9) has been evaluated in the clinic, is currently authorized under EUA, and is the subject of this BLA application.




The highlighted statement above is false, at least with respect to clinical testing.


Review of clinical studies released by FOIA uncovered that at least 4 different variants of active ingredient were included in the single Investigational New Drug application by Pfizer IND#19736:

FOIAによって発表された臨床研究のレビューにより、Pfizer IND#19736による単一のInvestigational New Drugアプリケーションに、少なくとも4つの異なる有効成分のバリアントが含まれていることが明らかになりました。


  • SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein; MP: I don’t see clinical trials on the protein itself mentioned in the package—the only place where I find the phrase “SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein” is in literature references.
  • SARS-CoV-2スパイクタンパク質、 MP:パッケージに記載されているタンパク質自体の臨床試験は見当たりません。「SARS-CoV-2スパイクタンパク質」というフレーズを見つけたのは、文献の参考文献だけです。


  • BNT162a1: unmodified mRNA (uRNA; variant RBL063.3);
  • BNT162b1: methylpseudouridine-modified mRNA (modRNA; variant RBP020.3);
  • BNT162b2: methylpseudouridine-modified RNA (modRNA; variant RBP020.2);
  • BNT162c2: self-amplifying unmodified mRNA (saRNA; variant RBS004.2)


  • BNT162a1:未修飾のmRNA(uRNA;バリアントRBL063.3)。
  • BNT162b1:メチルプソイドウリジン修飾mRNA(modRNA;バリアントRBP020.3);
  • BNT162b2:メチルプソイドウリジン修飾RNA(modRNA;バリアントRBP020.2);
  • BNT162c2:自己増幅型の未修飾mRNA(saRNA;バリアントRBS004.2)


Each type of mRNA can be delivered using the same lipid nanoparticles composed of ALC-0315, ALC-0159, distearoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DSPC) and cholesterol [5].


According to the Investigator’s Brochure issued by BioNTech, which was obtained by FOIA from the Australian regulator (the TGA), several versions of RNA, modRNA and saRNA were being used in multiple clinical studies in several countries as of August 2020 [6].

FOIAがオーストラリアの規制当局(TGA)から入手したBioNTechが発行したInvestigator’s Brochureによると、2020年8月の時点で、いくつかの国で複数の臨床研究でRNA、modRNA、saRNAのいくつかのバージョンが使用されていました[6]。

Furthermore, BNT162b1 rather than the b2 variant was the test article used in Pfizer’s Phase I clinical trial [7].


Likewise, it is evident from the Phase 1/2/3 clinical trial protocol and its amendments that new versions not mentioned in the above IND application were added without explanation of their composition or any new testing (e.g. a South Africa-specific variant of the vaccine was added to the protocol schedule in 2021).

同様に、フェーズ1/2/3臨床試験プロトコルとその修正から、上記のINDアプリケーションに記載されていない新しいバージョンが、その構成や新しいテストの説明なしに追加されたことが明らかです(たとえば、南アフリカ固有のバリアント ワクチンは2021年にプロトコルスケジュールに追加されました)。


While the use of multiple versions of a product in the early stages of development is often inevitable, each chemical or biological entity is nevertheless deemed legally distinct for the purpose of product approval.


Therefore, studies conducted with versions of the product that don’t conform to the exact specification of the final version may serve only as supporting information for the approval of the latter, but they should never be deemed definitive and sufficient tests for claims of safety or efficacy pertaining to the final product.



In September 2021, the FDA issued a draft guidance entitled Studying Multiple Versions of a Cellular or Gene Therapy Product in an Early-Phase Clinical Trial [8], which states that each version of product requires a separate IND application.


However, a footnote in this guideline exempts “vaccines intended to prevent infectious diseases” from this requirement.


No explanation is given as to why this exemption is made, and no conceivable scientific or legal basis exists for this exemption, other than that the FDA had already arbitrarily allowed this unprecedented deviation from the regulatory standard and later needed to cover their tracks.


In fact, arguably this regulatory “exception” does not even apply to Pfizer’s COVID-19 “vaccine”, since the product does not prevent infection or transmission of the disease. Is intent to prevent illness alone a sufficient condition?

実際、この規制上の「例外」は、ファイザーのCOVID-19「ワクチン」にも適用されません。これは、この製品が感染や病気の伝染を防ぐことができないためです。 病気だけを予防する意図は十分な状態ですか?

After all, every new drug is intended to do something like preventing an illness, but only few successfully do so.



Pfizer states that the primary pharmacology, distribution, metabolism, safety, and immunogenicity of BNT162b2 were studied in vitro and in vivo in mice, rats and rhesus monkeys as well as in several cell-culture assay experiments.

ファイザーは、BNT162b2の主要な薬理学、分布、代謝、安全性、および免疫原性が、マウス、ラット、アカゲザル、およびいくつかの細胞培養アッセイ実験でin vitroおよびin vivoで研究されたと述べています。

In all, 18 studies were included in the non-clinical package, of which 7 were for the V9 nucleotide sequence variant; these included one study that did not meet “good laboratory practice” (GLP) regulations [9] and therefore should not have been deemed acceptable for regulatory approval and labelling.


Six of the included studies pertained to two of the four the lipid excipients, ALC-0315 and ALC-0159.


The other lipids included in the Lipid Nanoparticle Platform (LNP), namely, distearoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DSPC) and cholesterol were not studied.


Pfizer and regulators argued elsewhere that DSPC and cholesterol are “naturally occurring”, which in general is true.


However, neither occur in nature as parts of the exact lipid nanoparticle formulation used in Pfizer’s product.


In fact, some publications by Moderna refer to cholesterol analogues, which were substituted for cholesterol in order to improve penetration into the cell [10].


Pfizer’s documents do not explain what form of cholesterol is used and how it is formulated.


No biocompatibility, biosimilarity or toxicity tests are provided.



Of the six studies on the lipid excipients, four were for lipid formulations “comparable to LNP in BNT162b2,” and two studies did not conform with GLP.


It is not explained anywhere in the document how these other formulations differed from the final formulation of the LNP included in the approved product, and how it was determined beyond Pfizer’s assertion that they were indeed comparable.


Therefore, only 9 of the 18 studies in this package are directly related to the licensed product or to precisely specified components of the final product.



2.2. While some limited toxicity studies were done, the complete pharmacokinetics of the active ingredient mRNA was never studied!

2.2. いくつかの限定された毒性研究が行われたが、有効成分mRNAの完全な薬物動態は決して研究されなかった!


In the studies designed to test whether the vaccine remains near the injection site or travels throughout the body, Pfizer did not use the test article representative of the commercial vaccine, which is named BNT162b2 and contains methyl-pseudouridine-modified mRNA coding for full-length spike protein with two proline mutations (P2).


Instead, Pfizer studied biodistribution by administering “mod[ified] RNA encoding luciferase formulated in LNP comparable to BNT162b2 with trace amounts of [3H]-CHE [cholesteryl hexadecyl ether] as nondiffusible label” [3, p. 10] to mice and rats—that is, a “surrogate” mRNA encoding the luciferase enzyme rather than the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

代わりに、ファイザーは「非拡散性標識として微量の[3H] -CHE [コレステリルヘキサデシルエーテル]を含むBNT162b2に匹敵するLNPで処方されたルシフェラーゼをコードする修飾]RNAをマウスとラットに投与することによって生体内分布を研究しました[3、p。 10]



The results of that study are summarized in Figure 1 below.


Pfizer and the FDA simply assume that the real vaccine will show the same distribution pattern, because its lipid composition is identical [3, p. 43] (emphasis added):

ファイザーとFDAは、脂質組成が同一であるため、実際のワクチンが同じ分布パターンを示すと単純に想定しています[3、p。 43](強調を追加):


Distribution to the liver is likely mediated by LNPs entering the blood stream.


The luciferase expression at the injection sites dropped to background levels after 9 days.


The repeat-dose toxicity study in rats showed no evidence of liver injury (Section 


The biodistribution of the antigen encoded by the RNA component of BNT162b2 is expected to be dependent on the LNP distribution and the results presented should be representative for the vaccine RNA platform, as the LNP-formulated luciferase-encoding modRNA had the same lipid composition.




However, this claim is unsupported by any data and scientifically untenable.


In reality, the studies employing the presumably inert luciferase protein likely represent a “best case” scenario.


Even this model vaccine travels throughout the body, and the study in question does demonstrate luciferase expression in the spleen and liver also.


It may quite possibly get worse with mRNA encoding the spike—vascular leakiness induced by the expressed spike protein could very well increase penetration of vaccine nanoparticles into the tissues of additional organs, particularly also the brain [1113].



(訳注: スパイクタンパクのmRNAではなく、代理品を使うのは、スパイクタンパクを使うと毒性を証明するデータが出ることが実験により判明しているので、その事実を隠すためと考えられる。)


Not only is Pfizer’s claim scientifically dishonest, however—they are using an untested hypothesis instead of proof—but this statement is key to the approval of the entire fraudulent “vaccine platform”:


Pfizer, with the FDA’s connivance, wants the public and the medical professionals to believe that the delivery vehicle (LNP) is the “product”, while the payload that gets delivered is irrelevant and can be substituted with arbitrary surrogates.


This goes against all previously established regulatory practices in pharmaceutical R & D, the scientific method, and even common sense.


It is akin to saying that a truck loaded with food and a truck loaded with explosives are the same thing!



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