

1ファイザー コロナワクチン安全性試験の嘘 コロナ倫理医師団

2022年07月01日 21時25分35秒 | ファイザー コロナワクチン安全性試験の嘘 コロナ倫理医師団

1ファイザー コロナワクチン安全性試験の嘘 コロナ倫理医師団


コロナ倫理医師団 Doctors for COVID Ethics





June 10, 2022、2022年6月10日

Did Pfizer Perform Adequate Safety Testing for its Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine in Preclinical Studies? Evidence of Scientific and Regulatory Fraud

Pfizerは、前臨床試験でCovid-19 mRNAワクチンの適切な安全性試験を実施しましたか? 科学的および規制上の不正の証拠

Analysis Publication 分析出版物


by Sasha Latypova 著者 サーシャ・ラティポワ


About the author: 著者について:

Alexandra LATYPOVA is serial entrepreneur and a founder of iCardiac Technologies, a company based on technology developed by students and faculty at the University of Rochester.

Alexandra LATYPOVAは、連続的起業家であり、ロチェスター大学の学生と教職員によって開発された技術に基づく会社であるiCardiacTechnologiesの創設者です。

It has received in excess of $7 million in venture capital funding and currently serves 6 of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in addition to a broad range of clients across North America, Europe and Asia.


Prior to iCardiac Technologies, Ms. Latypova worked at VirtualScopics, Inc., a technology spin out from the University of Rochester and Analysis Group, Inc., a Boston-based economics, financial and strategy consultancy.

iCardiac Technologiesの前は、ボストンを拠点とする経済、財務、戦略のコンサルタント会社であるRochester University and Analysis Group、Inc.からスピンアウトしたテクノロジーであるVirtualScopics、Inc.に勤務していました。


Abstract 要旨


The rushed “warp speed” development and approval of completely novel Covid-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines pushed on the people of the world has resulted until today in millions of reported injuries and thousands of deaths according to public health databases such as VAERS (US), EudraVigilance (EU), Yellow Card (UK) and others.

VAERS(US)、EudraVigilance(EU)、Yellow Card(UK)などの公衆衛生データベースによると、世界中の人々に押し付けられた完全に新しいCovid-19 mRNAおよびDNAワクチンの急いだ「ワープスピード」の開発と承認は、今日まで数百万の負傷者と数千人の死亡をもたらしました。

(訳注: 実際の死者は100万人以上、負傷者は1000万人以上と推定)

This article reviews some of the publicly available documents on Pfizer’s non-clinical development program and points out its deficiencies, omissions and gaps, which were very obvious, yet were never questioned by the regulators or other health authorities.






The cursory nature of the entire preclinical program can be summed up as “we did not find any safety signals because we did not look for them.”


The omission of safety studies which are considered standard or even mandatory, and the scientific dishonesty in those studies which were performed are so obvious and glaring that they cannot be attributed to the incompetence of the manufacturers and regulators.


Rather, the question of wilful negligence must be raised.



The focus of my review is the scope and adequacy of the program of non-clinical assessment for a novel gene therapy vaccine, combined with a brief discussion of the relevant regulatory frameworks.


I did not dive deeply into the review of the results of specific studies.


My goal is to illustrate the complete breakdown of the regular process of drug development and approval, previously known to be rigorous and ethical, as well as the shocking negligence on the part of the regulatory agencies which are supposed to keep the pharmaceutical manufacturers honest.


In carrying out this review, I have made the following findings:



  1. Pfizer’s program did not include a comprehensive end-to-end test of all components of the final approved product (the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine).
  2. ファイザーのプログラムには、最終的に承認された製品(mRNA COVID-19ワクチン)のすべての構成成分の包括的な徹底した試験は含まれていませんでした。

Instead, the studies included in the document package submitted to the FDA employed several variants and analogues of the product, whose comparability to the actual COVID-19 vaccine was not demonstrated or evaluated.


Thus, no comprehensive assessment of product safety can be made on the basis of these studies.



2.A key determinant of a drug’s toxicity is its distribution within the body. However, with the mRNA active ingredient of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, this crucial aspect was never studied!

2.薬物の毒性の重要な決定要因は、体内での分布です。 しかし、ファイザーのCOVID-19ワクチンのmRNA活性成分では、この重要な側面は研究されていませんでした。


3.Pfizer claimed absence of potential for “vaccine-elicited disease enhancement” based on studies of an animal species that does not get sick from SARS-CoV-2.



(訳注; 新型コロナウイルスで病気になる動物で研究しないと、ワクチンによる疾患増強が起きるかどうか分かりません。新型コロナウイルスで病気にならない動物による研究では、ワクチンによる疾患増強は、起きるはずがありません。こんな実験は、大嘘の詐欺であり、科学ではありません。)


4.The CDC, the FDA and Pfizer all lied about “vaccine staying at the injection site”; they knew all along that distribution of the vaccine throughout the body had to be expected.

  1. CDC、FDA、およびファイザーはすべて、「ワクチンが注射部位に留まる」ことについて嘘をついた。 彼らは、体全体へのワクチンの分布が予期されなければならないことをずっと知っていました。


5.Pfizer skipped major categories of safety testing altogether.



6.Pfizer used dishonest and self-serving interpretation of regulatory guidelines to justify the shortcuts it took in routine safety testing.



7.Both FDA and Pfizer knew about major toxicities associated with gene-therapy medicines in general, and they therefore cannot claim lack of anticipatory knowledge of these risks with the particular gene therapy medicine that is Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

  1. FDAとファイザーはどちらも、一般的な遺伝子治療薬に関連する主要な毒性について知っていたため、ファイザーのCOVID-19ワクチンである特定の遺伝子治療薬に関するこれらのリスクについての予測的知識の欠如を主張することはできません。

This points to intentional fraud and collusion between Pfizer and the regulators, who conspired to push this untested dangerous product on the market.



Overall, therefore, both the manufacturer and the regulators behaved in a highly dishonest manner and conspired to push an entirely novel technology and product on millions of people without carrying out a single well designed safety assessment.




  1. Background 背景


The pharmaceutical R&D process is heavily regulated and divided into multiple phases, with the aim of de-risking new medicines, reducing potential for harm to human subjects, and ensuring a sufficient understanding of a new drug’s risks and benefits at every step.


The initial stage of this process are pre-clinical studies, in which a drug or biological product is tested on cell lines, small animals (e.g. mice and rats), and larger animals (e.g. monkeys).


The aim of pre-clinical studies is to demonstrate that the new medicine has the intended mode of action, as well as to characterize safety and efficacy to a level sufficient to decide whether clinical studies are warranted.


For traditional vaccines, the non-clinical phase is the only phase of development where safety and toxicity are formally assessed.



The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides guidelines for different phases of development, which are described in FDA Guidance for Industry publications [1] and are coordinated globally via the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH).


Separate sets of guidelines have been issued for conventional drugs (small molecules) and biological products, including vaccines.


However, for more complex platforms, such as drug-device or drug-biologics combinations, more than one guideline will be applicable, depending on the composition of the finished product.


Since 2013, the FDA has been publishing guidelines that pertain specifically to gene therapy platforms.


The most recent FDA Guidance on early phase testing of gene therapy products was published in 2015 [2].


Relevant aspects of this guidance and FDA position on this class of drugs are discussed at the end of this paper (see Section 2.7), which will demonstrate what the FDA and manufacturers knew about the risks associated with the class prior to 2020.



The exact scope of each new medicine’s development program is negotiated in a series of meetings between the manufacturer and the FDA.


In general, the more novel the new drug or biologics entity, the more stringent and extensive the required testing will be, since with novel medicines the risks are not yet well characterized, and relevant safety data from prior experience with similar products are sparse.


Numerous unknown risks of potential harm to patients need to be assessed, and any risks that are identified in early tests must be thoroughly characterized in further studies, so that in the end a well-informed risk/benefit assessment can be performed.



By necessity, a drug or a biological product must be deemed dangerous until proven safe.


Claiming that something is safe purely on theoretical grounds or because “all vaccines are safe” is not scientifically or ethically acceptable.


In addition, it should be noted the FDA has not historically permitted the testing of different versions of a candidate product under the same investigational new drug (IND) application.



A well designed non-clinical testing strategy will include characterization of the product and its components in the following general categories of research (each of which is discussed further on in this article):



  • pharmacokinetics, which concerns a drug’s uptake into, distribution within, and elimination from the body;
  • 薬物動態。これは、体内への薬物の取り込み、体内での分布、および体内からの排除に関するものです。


  • pharmacodynamics, that is, the drug’s mechanism of action, including primary and secondary (off-target) effects;
  • 薬力学、つまり、一次および二次(オフターゲット)効果を含む、薬物の作用メカニズム。


  • safety pharmacology and toxicology, including the characterization of risks for major organ classes: cardiovascular and central nervous systems, liver, kidneys, and blood, as well as other organ systems selected based on known or predicted effects of the product class or its components;
  • 安全薬理学および毒物学。主要な臓器クラス(心臓血管および中枢神経系、肝臓、腎臓、血液、および製品クラスまたはその成分の既知または予測される影響に基づいて選択された他の臓器系)のリスクの特性評価を含みます。


  • genotoxicity, that is, the drug’s proclivity to cause damage to genetic material (DNA);
  • 遺伝毒性、つまり、遺伝物質(DNA)に損傷を与える薬物の傾向。


  • carcinogenicity (proclivity to cause cancer);
  • 発癌性(発癌性)。


  • reproductive toxicology, which concerns the toxicity to reproductive organs or to the developing fœtus.
  • 生殖毒性学。生殖器官または発達中の胎児に対する毒性に関係します。
  • This must be assessed before the product can be administered to people of reproductive potential;



  • other kinds of studies designed to characterize the risk based on safety signals identified in any of the above initial studies.
  • 上記の初期研究のいずれかで特定された安全信号に基づいてリスクを特徴づけるように設計された他の種類の研究。


It is important to note that, while global agencies such as the World Health Organization may provide technical or scientific opinions via published recommendations, in the United States the sole authority to regulate drugs/biologics development and approve new products is vested in the FDA.


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