

作业代写:The freedom

2018-06-08 16:07:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The freedom,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了自由。自由是人类生存的基础,也是人们不可或缺的最为基本的权利之一。对于那些只要是在自然状态之中企图夺取任何人自由的人,必然要被假设为具有夺取其他一切东西的企图,其原因在于自由是其他一切的基础。所以自由不可被强迫夺取,它是人类最为珍视的财富之一。

Freedom is regarded as the cornerstone of modern society, Locke has been considered as one of modern liberalism caused them, but the extent to which Locke is a modern sense of freedom, is a question worth discussing. This requires a further study of Locke's liberal thought, discussing the basis and limits of his freedom.

Standing on the horizon of the distinction between the ancient world and the modern world, freedom is one of its trademark distinctions. According to Kant's famous saying, freedom is the keystone of the world. Of course, it can only be the keystone of modern society that makes modern society. Lok for freedom jie but most hard, has been considered as one of modern liberalism caused them, but the extent to which Locke is a modern sense of freedom, is a question worth discussing.

Compared with human freedom, only the freedom of god can be regarded as true freedom. Although Locke's ideas are not always the same, there is enough evidence in his argument to support this assertion: there is a distinction between god and man throughout. "If we look at those higher than man, and enjoy the perfect happiness of the gods, so we can have a reason to judge said, they choose the good, although more easily than our passive, but we don't have any reason to assert that they are more free, more than we don't happy." In the ultimate sense, is only god can have absolute freedom, freedom and people have is the secondary sense of the word, but lok for the freedom of the person's care makes him a position from time to time. It is in this sense that one of the foundations of human freedom rests on the freedom of god. Although Locke believed that a man is a free man if he has the power to act or not act in the direction that determines his action. However, Locke in his own on the world of free thought, and to try to expand the people's freedom, so Locke, explains the decisive role doesn't limit freedom was developed that ability. For example, if a man's fetters are removed, and the door of the prison is opened to him, he may be free, for his actions or his stops are by his heart. Locke argued that after god created the human and world, so the human said that is instructed by his feeling and human reason, to take advantage of those to survive what they need, and give him by means of self-preservation, just as god through rooted in animals, such as feeling and instinct to achieve the purpose of the same. Therefore have no doubt that before god announced these words, even though these words must be understood as is uttered in words, or doesn't even have the form of the words given, according to the will of god and the human has been chartered to use the power of all things. In other words, human beings are created by god, and they rely on god to obtain the means to preserve human life. In this sense, god is the basis of Locke's assertion of freedom.

But humans also rational, Locke in dealing with god and reason, on the one hand, he thinks human born rational, rational is acquired by education, think god give people a rational again at the same time, the rational people is the foundation of freedom, it seems to be contradictions. But Locke's god is often a god assimilated by reason, a god governed by reason. Rational born is given to god, a reasonable explanation is that Locke sought to mediate the conflict between faith and reason two different world, but as a philosopher Locke makes the adjustment is always in a rational world, not in the scope of a belief and religious. In other words, Locke combines and USES traditional theology to demonstrate his liberal views. People's freedom and according to his own will to freedom of action, is based on his rational, rational can teach him to understand his to its own law of action, and made him know for his own free will listen to what extent. Before he has a reason to guide his actions, let him enjoy unlimited freedom is not to be essentially free of privilege, but put him into the beast, let him in and beast unfortunate state, far less than people in the state. This is not a state of freedom. Out of the bondage of reason, even in the state of nature, reason has its fundamental function. However, this disengagement from reason is to enter a state of nature. "People live together according to reason, and there is no common leader between them who has the power to judge them, and they are in a state of nature."

Obviously, in Locke, human beings are naturally free. However, since man was created in the image of god, man is endowed with the most basic intellectual endowment. Or rather, humans are rational beings. In the course of discussing the natural law, Locke believed that the state of nature has a kind of natural law which everyone abides by and plays a dominant role in it. And reason, which is the law of nature, teaches all human beings who are willing to conform to reason. For in Locke's thought there may be more human thought than the fine sands of the Ganges, wider than the sea. If he "had not been guided by reason as a star and compass, fancy and emotion would have led him into many strange paths". Rational increase the a person to almost equal status with angels, if a man put aside his rational, his messy mind can make him to fall to the point of far more brutal than the beast. So human freedom -- if there is a basis or a reliance -- is based on reason. Locke had a special consideration for the relationship between freedom and reason. In his discourse on the relationship between parents and children, Locke believed that when children were still in the absence of rationality to guide their will, they lacked their own will to follow. Whoever USES his intelligence in his place should make a claim for him. Parents must regulate his will and his actions. But when the child reaches the point where his father becomes a free man, he becomes a free man.

This tells us that, although freedom and reason are enjoyed by human beings, it cannot simultaneously prove that people are capable of practicing them. "So we are born free, as we are born rational; But this does not mean that we can actually use both: age brings reason when it brings freedom. Therefore, before people can actually use their reason, if they enjoy freedom, it can only be a "natural freedom". It is clear that the acquisition and enjoyment of this freedom is based on obedience to the parents. A child is free by his father's rights, by his father's reason, which shall reign over him until he has his own reason. However, this natural freedom is not in contradiction with the freedom of adults, because the latter is the real freedom, that is, the reason for human being. "People's freedom and, therefore, on the basis of his own will to freedom of action, is based on his rational, rational to let him know he governs the law of own behavior, and let him know that he and his how far the distance between the free will." That is to say, when he reached this realm, natural freedom will be replaced by the real freedom, people also can be considered to know the extent to which the application and follow the law of degree of freedom, and freedom have been obtained. Before that, he must be guided by those who are supposed to know the degree of freedom that the law allows. So, in a state of people haven't reach true freedom, his reason is not suitable for harness before his will, he must obey the discipline of others, someone needs to education him, make it as a dominate his will. So Locke's emphasis on education. It is important to remember, however, that when human beings pass through this childish period of childhood, sons are to sit on equal terms with their fathers, as teachers and apprentices enjoy equal freedom. Because by this time people have become rational beings.

It is only when people have reason that they have the sense of self-judgment. When Locke discusses the ability of people, he said, if people don't get by the heart after the judgment of good and evil at the end of the results, and by other things to decide, so it is not free. For the goal of freedom is to achieve the good that is chosen. Therefore, since man is a rational being, he receives

The domination of one's own mind must be determined by one's own thought and judgment to pursue good things. Otherwise, he will be at the mercy of others, and he will not be free. "Pursue real happiness of this kind of inevitability is the foundation of all freedom, the nature of the highest wisdom perfect vertices, is careful, the unremitting pursue true happiness and strong, so we must proceed with caution, watch the happiness will think as true happiness, that's just what we the necessary foundation of freedom." Universal happiness is what is called the greatest good, which is what all human desires tend to be. The greater the necessity, the greater the freedom. With this freedom, so in the presence of any special beauty, people can have any inspect whether it has a tendency to cause real happiness, whether or not in conformity with the true happiness, without having to be forced by the will of the people decided to implement some special action, and to obey the specific good caused by the desire. People want to get real happiness, reason is the indispensable important factor, because people to the pursuit of happiness, you need to have a correct understanding of the outside world, rather than for their vacant ignorance. Only reason can be the most powerful weapon for people to distinguish the real happiness, because the happiness of life is the purpose that people pursue. Therefore, this happy life is a kind of inevitability for people, and the knowledge and judgment of this kind of inevitability must be guided by reason. The reason that god gives to man is to restrain his own emotion, to make it eliminate the excess or excess of human desire. Only in this way can we know the consequences that things will have for people according to their own laws and properties, and Locke believes that people have such an ability. It is clear from experience that the human mind in many cases has a capacity that limits the fulfillment and fulfillment of human desires. "Therefore, it is free to consider all the objects of desire, to examine their various aspects, and to weigh them against the other objects. That is why men are free.

Thus, Locke will, god as the foundation of free thought is the most basic, people equally enjoy freedom, people are rational, at the same time they also no difference to subject to the same laws, no matter they are in a state of nature and constrained by natural law, or is in a political and social constraint by a government proclaimed in writing method, anyone's life, liberty, or property is not affected by others. As you can see, what Locke wanted to show was the idea that freedom could not leave the law. Rational human beings have a real sense of consciousness, which is especially needed in the political society.


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2018-06-08 16:07:04 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- soundtrack,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了电影中的配乐。电影音乐的创作又被称作“配乐”。从电影音乐的创作来源上看,一种是由作曲家为某部影片写作专用的音乐,这种配乐往往与影片的情节,主体结合较好,音乐有一种前后呼应、浑然一体的整体感觉。另一种则是选取已有的音乐作品用到电影中来,这样做的好处是可以降低电影的成本,但是不好与影片协调起来。好的电影配乐不但为电影做嫁衣裳,而且还能使触动人的情感,使人深深感受影片中的主题思想。

Music is one of the oldest art styles in human beings. Unlike plastic arts, music appeals to human hearing. Music is more direct than any other art form in evoking emotional reactions. When music into the film creation activity, becomes one of the many kinds of film elements, he and notice o has different music, film music only into aesthetics within the system, its nature, status, function can be confirmed. A good film score not only makes the wedding dress for the film, but also touches people's emotion and makes people deeply feel the theme of the film.

The creation of music is also called "music". Look from the creation of the film music source, as long as there are two ways: one is for a film by the composer writing a dedicated music, this soundtrack, often with the plot of the film, the body good, music is a kind of echo, one integrated mass before and after the overall feeling. Another way is to select the existing music works to use in the film. The advantage of this is that it can reduce the cost of the film, but how to coordinate music with the film requires the director to use skillfully.

Most early silent films have music, film, at that time because there is no sound, sound environment and dialogue sound, music can't be make up for the visual and auditory balance method, it is the most commonly used in aspiration to blow, slam the door, close the window, or a thunderstorm, etc.; As for the dialogues of characters, they are usually presented in the form of Musical Instruments.

In 1927, the technology that influenced the combination of sound and sound finally matured, making the sound film rise formally. The invention of sound film has caused film makers to become concerned about music and gradually develop a set of exclusive music machine working mode. At this point, the film music into a new stage, in 1934, the Academy Awards best music award, best music award and the best composition award for the first time to the edge of the Night "the theme song of the same name One Night of Love, the effect of the essence of encouragement also joint the development of the whole of the film music, and have positive effect on the film music.

It should not exist independently of the film, but should closely match the theme and style of the film, so as to ensure emotional consistency with the specific scene and plot of the film. For the film industry, "soundtrack" is a basic production link. A good film music goes a step further in the artistic level and can naturally guide the audience's emotions, enhance the scene atmosphere and deepen the theme.

Quentin tarantino said, he wasn't before filming a movie, the first thing, always multiplied through their music collection. Start listening to music for inspiration. Music is the Muse of his film. Chiellini rove says, he is a man who does not understand the music, are listed, sensitive music score home touch injection surprise for his film, sound and shadow, will be complicated by some special meaning, a kind of special atmosphere suddenly began to exist.

Personally, I love wong kar-wai's movies, so I simply analyze the music from his movies.

Wong kar-wai film and film music is a combination of more "music video" shooting style, and form a film of magic, the hero's life along with the music melody rang, cooperate with incoherent splicing lens, showing a different face, this kind of nonlinear, broken. The incoherent film language, led by music, of course on the right, not only makes the audience understand, but even becomes a symbol of wong kar-wai's film. As a film director who is fond of appropriating music, he has chosen music of many kinds. Waltz, tango, Latin, jazz, rock, electronic trance, cantonese, local opera, folk music, pop music ballroom old songs, and even other movie soundtrack music, she used the music from different places, as the movie shows red people love internally YouSan in different countries and cities, forming a kind of exotic, yet retain a nostalgic breath with age.

Wong is a good fan of music, the 1997 film "happy together".

The film moves from the city of Hong Kong to Buenos Aires, Argentina, a grim, pale city in a draughts scene. Li yao-hui and he bao-rong, a gay couple, are described.

The story starts from their parting on the road, and the two of them walk into this part of tango culture, which is the best material to show the wrestling of love. Wong chose Astor Piazzolla's three songs for the film to talk about music, and it can be said that the three songs of Piazzolla are the best portrayal of the relationship between the two characters.

"Happy together" is filled with a poetic sense of drifting with the accompaniment of a beautiful and romantic song like Spain. "Waterfall", "world's end", "outline the lighthouse" and "legless bird", these films in the visual image, along with streamed under Yu Guangying slowly music, film tension from visual experience hearing feeling "across the senses". There is no doubt that the success of "happy together" has played an important role in music.


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2018-06-08 16:06:40 | 日記















Paper代写:American antitrust law

2018-06-08 16:05:05 | 日記
本篇paper代写- American antitrust law讨论了美国反垄断法。美国反垄断法的要义,是保护竞争而非保护竞争者。反垄断、维护公平竞争同适度发展规模经济之间的矛盾,常常使垄断的界定变得棘手。人人都希望兼得鱼和熊掌,所以,在面对此类两难选择时,须格外谨慎,尤其是在大企业合并之时。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The essence of America's antitrust law is to protect competition, not competitors.

Throughout our lives, we face all kinds of problems, and some of them have no real solutions. For George Marshall, the British economist, even though he was brilliant at the theory of price mechanisms, he was as helpless as ever in the face of difficult problems.

In 1890, Marshall discovered that the survival of the fittest and the fittest in the market competition would lead to the merger of enterprises, which in turn led to the concentration of resources to more efficient enterprises, thus leading to economies of scale. Economies of scale can reduce production costs and increase market share. However, in an objective way, the monopoly factor in the market structure is continuously strengthened, which damages the competition mechanism, deactivates the economy and finally kills free competition. This was the famous Marshall conflict.

Should we pursue economies of scale and stifle competition, or should we stop them in order to keep them alive? Marshall had no answer.

The contradiction between anti-monopoly, fair competition and moderate development of scale economy often makes the definition of monopoly difficult. Everyone wants to have both, so be extra careful when faced with such dilemmas, especially when big companies merge.

Questions about the duopoly between didi and Uber have been raised since the news of the recent merger of didi and Uber in China came as a surprise. In terms of data alone, after didi acquired Uber China, its market share reached over 90%. Although a large scale does not necessarily represent a monopoly, but such a large market share, it is inevitable to be questioned monopoly.

In addition to the size and amount of merger, what are the criteria for monopoly judgment? Should we support or oppose the big MAC's pursuit of economies of scale? Although different national conditions, we might as well look to move back to the end of last century in the United States, look at that time two antitrust case, may be able to more clearly understand the antitrust behind some of the things.

If drops for mergers and acquisitions Uber China the controversy is concentrated in the home, so, the end of last century, the world's largest aerospace company Boeing McDonnell Douglas merger and acquisition of the world's third largest aviation manufacturing company, has triggered the monopoly question in the world.

On December 15, 1996, Boeing announced that each madoff share was converted into 0.65 Boeing shares, with a total value of 13.3 billion us dollars.

Boeing's market mainly concentrated in the aspect of civil aircraft, and he is the leader in military aircraft, has a history of aircraft manufacturing 76 years, in terms of design and manufacture of fighter to have done, 70% of revenue comes from the government's military orders.

Mr Madoff initially resisted the takeover. However, the reality is that Mr Madoff's competitive strength is declining. In the field of military aircraft to the survival of the, 1994, the United States tamar rita and lockheed Martin to merge, lockheed Martin and want to share. Two years later, lockheed Martin high-altitude and annexation for $9.1 billion if lowe, "triad" annual sales of $30 billion, nearly twice as much as he.

The most lethal blow came from the defeat of the joint strike fighter. At the time, as the main equipment of the us air force, navy, Marine corps and British navy, the new generation aircraft "joint strike fighter" will have a demand of 3,000 aircraft, which is a big project.

Mr Madoff was determined to win the project. To boost the chances of a bid, Mr Madoff even brought in BAE, Britain's biggest arms-maker. The participation of British companies is bound to increase the possibility of placing orders for the royal navy. In early November 1996, Mr Madoff boasted that he was "going to win".

Surprisingly, the pentagon decided to make the big order to Boeing and lockheed Martin, and Boeing had been in the past 50 years or even no design of a successful fighter.

Mr Madoff lost out and accepted the Boeing deal. The combined company, with a total assets of $50 billion, is the world's largest maker of civil and military aircraft.

U.S. law clearly states that if the combined market share of the two combined companies is more than 1,800, the department of fair trade or the federal trade commission have the power to initiate investigations. At the time, Boeing and madoff had 60 percent and 15 percent of the market, respectively.

The American public was pessimistic at the time, and it was widely assumed that the merger would be harder to pass than the antitrust review.

By antitrust immunity documents submitted, however, the U.S. government unconditionally approved for three hours, and by reason is based on the anti-monopoly law protection is the basic principle of competition rather than competitors.

They see civil aircraft manufacturing as a global industry, with strong competition from European airbus even if Boeing is the only us civil aircraft manufacturer. Moreover, the combination of Boeing and McDonnell Douglas helped preserve America's position as an aviation powerhouse.

The new Boeing, after the acquisition, accounts for nearly 100 per cent of the us passenger jet market and two-thirds of the world's passenger jet market. This has directly turned the world's aerospace industry into a three-pronged rivalry between Boeing, McDowell and airbus.

There is no doubt that airbus faces an unprecedented and serious threat. The world's second-largest aerospace manufacturer was founded in 1970 by Germany, France, Spain and the United Kingdom. At the time, U.S. companies, led by Boeing, accounted for 90 percent of the world market, and airbus was created to compete with U.S. companies like Boeing and madoff.

So when the European commission heard that Boeing and madoff were about to merge, it took a hard line.

In January 1997, the European commission began an investigation into Boeing's takeover of madoff. In may, it formally issued a note rejecting the merger. On July 16th experts from 15 eu countries urged the European commission to veto the merger.

Heads of government from the United States and major European countries are also involved in the conflict. For a while, a brewing trade war between American and European exporters was brewing.

Finally, on July 22nd Boeing had to make concessions: it promised to make concessions on patented technology. Undertake not to improperly interfere in the relationship between suppliers and other civil aircraft manufacturers; It promised that the quality of the civil aircraft after the acquisition of McDonnell Douglas would reach the same level as that of Boeing. A commitment to release an annual financial report to the European commission within 10 years from the original McDonnell Douglas civil aircraft manufacturing unit as an independent legal entity.

Europe later backed down and agreed to Boeing's takeover of Mr Madoff.

On August 4, 1997, the new Boeing company officially began operation. Thus, the sensational Boeing acquisition of the madoff case dust settled.

At Boeing's acquisition of his first year, subversive revolution took place in Internet field, computer is no longer a technical personnel and academic researchers "patent", this great invention to begin to enter homes, and this is all thanks to a silicon valley startups - netscape.

The great thing about netscape was that it invented the netscape browser, which was an epoch-making invention.

Before that, only a handful of people to be able to use words and complex instructions to connect to the Internet, but netscape broke the technical threshold, reduce the difficulty of the Internet, make the public Internet access.

The summer and fall of 1995 were the best time for the start-up, with 500 employees, five times the number at the start of the year. Revenue exceeded $40 million in the fourth quarter, up 100% from the previous quarter.

Less than 16 months old, the company went public on nasdaq. Shares in netscape opened at $14 on the first day of its IPO on Aug. 9, 1995, before topping $75 at one point. The Wall Street journal at the time marveled that it took gm 43 years to reach a market value of $2.7 billion, while netscape took "about a minute."

Is strength of netscape, became "eyesore" on the IT industry giant Microsoft, Bill Gates quickly realized that the browser in the field of large market, then use the "killer app" : call thousands of programmers, developed the first generation of IE browser within a week, and equipped with in the Windows system, provided free of charge to customers.

The shock was huge and painful, and it ended up killing netscape. In just two years, netscape's market share fell from 80% in early 1996 to 38% in 1998. In the end, netscape was unable to fend off Microsoft's onslaught and was bought by aol.

Microsoft won the browser wars, but its bundling has caught the attention of the us department of justice.

On October 20, 1997, the district of Columbia, the federal court against Microsoft in the operating system used in the field of monopoly, improperly require personal computer makers to install the IE browser, deprived of the user's choice.

In fact, Microsoft development speed, as early as 1991 has attracted the attention of the us federal trade commission, given Microsoft's suspected violations of U.S. antitrust laws, the U.S. justice department had reached a binding agreement with Microsoft, Microsoft to PC makers to issue "Windows95" can not attach other conditions when using license. But the ruling did not prevent Microsoft from developing integrated products.

So is Internet explorer an integrated product of the Windows operating system, or is it "bundled"?

After all, the Windows operating system at the time accounted for more than 90 percent of the market, and if Internet explorer was forced to "bundle up" with the operating system, Microsoft would have violated that agreement. But Microsoft insists that Internet explorer is an upgrade to the operating system, not a bundle.

Finally, the district of Columbia circuit court ruled that because the justice department to come up with any evidence to refute, and "the court is not a software designer, should not be involved in the design of the high-tech products", Microsoft win the lawsuit.

However, the justice department, which lost the case, was reluctant to reprosecute Microsoft for violating antitrust laws.

On May 18, 1998, the U.S. department of justice and 20 state governments filed petitions in the district court of Columbia accusing Microsoft of violating antitrust laws.

After several rounds of Columbia, the federal district court hearing, and hearing of the debate, unveiled a 207 - page that differentiates, pointed out that "Microsoft to use its own enormous market power and huge profits, to strengthen the competition to hurt all adhere to the pursuit of creative company".

Federal judge Thomas Jackson said, Microsoft's Internet explorer and netscape, Microsoft in order to defeat opponents, use their monopoly position in the field of the operating system, will be bundled with the Windows operating system, IE has a monopoly.

In the face of monopoly, the traditional approach of the us federal court is to conduct mediation and consultation first. However, the mediation failed because the two sides were too far apart. In the end, the federal district court ruled that Microsoft is engaged in the "exclusive, anti-competitive and predatory behavior to maintain its monopoly rights", in an attempt to monopolize the web browser market, violated the Sherman antitrust act.


Essay代写:Social networking

2018-06-08 15:52:20 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Social networking,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了网络社交。与传统社交相比,网络社交跨越了时空的限制。很多人并不擅长与人分享自己的情感状态,但通过网络社交,他们可以做到这点。网络社交最大的缺陷,就是别人的形象仅仅是他们自己塑造出来的,有可能跟他们的真实情况差别较大。

Compared with traditional social networking, social networking has crossed the limitation of time and space. A lot of people is not good at sharing their emotional state, they will not face to face talk with people pour out their own emotional confusion, frustration, harvest, but can be obscure and plain published in weibo, watercress, renren, WeChat circle of friends on social networks. They are not exhibitionists, but because they are separated by a social network, this self-presentation is not pretentious and is understood and recognized. And those who read the working state of daily life, the friends, and what is not a peeping Tom, they may smile of self disclosure content, or to take low cleavage issue as before a drooling "color slanted" expression. Because of the existence of social network, people's implicit, ambiguous and complex relationship can have subtle expression and interaction.

On social networking platforms, people tend to build certain images of themselves, such as cute, beautiful, humorous, erudite, sharp, critical and kind. Sometimes these images are contrary to their real image, sometimes they are consistent with it, but generally they present an image they recognize. And because of the trade-off, single is through social networks to get to know a person, easy to be deceived by modified photos, be careful choice of words, in fact, the image of the man with the real situation may be very different. Therefore, social networking is different from traditional social networking. If we analyze its meaning, we can look at it from three aspects.

Some people say that the frequency of online social interaction is inversely proportional to a person's inner strength, is directly proportional to a person's degree of narcissism, and is directly proportional to a person's sense of loneliness. In general, social networking is related to a person's sense of existence, so it is likely that the main reason for a person's social networking is to brush his/her presence on weibo and WeChat friend circle.

When not thinking about social networks, people who have a sense of "presence" are people who are valuable to others. If you are in power, power is your value. When others need such power, they will come to you. If you have a lot of money, the person with your wallet will be more likely to approach you, compliment you, and ultimately make you their client. Or, if you're a public figure, a celebrity, then there's going to be a lot of people out there who want to know you, who want to connect with you, who want to use that connection at some point.

But for ordinary people, who may not be in power, or have a lot of money, or even a celebrity, how do you get that sense of existence? In the age of social networking, you can refresh your social network to get this sense of existence. If you're the head of a department, a message you send on twitter or WeChat will be forwarded, commented on, or liked by your people. When you post beautiful, sexy photos of yourself, you get more onlookers and compliments. You show yourself in high-end restaurants, go to travel abroad, newly bought watches, luxury goods, is also a way to let a person envy, others made their different feedback, you have some kind of presence.

Because of this motivation, people are constantly Posting status and Posting photos on weibo. At the peak of the "LBS" concept, "check-in" became a very popular behavior, with the previous mentality of "visiting here". By "letting others know what I'm doing", you get attention and some flattery. At this time, the sense of existence arises spontaneously in the heart.

But does this vanity really matter in your life? Everyone has his or her own special value. It is impossible for everyone to become a pillar of society. In this society, for others, you may not be as important as you think. As long as you recognize your value and your goals, you won't overbrush your sense of being. But your relatives, friends, still want to care about you, know your recent situation, therefore, reasonably in weibo, WeChat texting, circle of friends is understandable, also can promote the social connections. Those who make more than 20 or 30 points a day are likely to be disregarded by a lot of people at the same time as the feeling of the brush. Those who mainly repost chicken soup for the soul, and frequently every day, will also be sneered at and blocked. In the era of social networking, the flow of information need two-way demand more, your parents, your friends will care about you, but your acquaintances, friends, may not in the mood don't have time to see some of them don't care about, the content of no value to them.

Sending personal photos and status quo is a way to brush up on the sense of being, which is one of the important contents of social network. In addition to private personal information, the sharing of knowledge and experience of universal value is also a major role of social networking. There are a lot of people on social networks to share their knowledge and work selflessly, his love of things, but they are not in order to "own", but around a topic to discuss their favorite things, happy and enjoy this process, let oneself in the process of integrated into the community to make inner satisfaction.

Through the sharing of certain industry and experience, we can strengthen our relationship with relevant cognitive groups. If you are in the online community is given a high standard of his own answer or comment on the content, to maintain the professionalism and the content of the theoretical value, is not affected by aging, you may become a literature, law, the game life, emotional, psychological, technical professional, fashion, an expert in class, and other users will click "yes" and "thank you" button on the way to the content of feedback to you, you reply, the more the better impact in the minds of other users and image, in knowledge, experience, as the link of the network social development will follow. These people take pleasure in sharing, telling their children about the setbacks and difficulties in life, or sharing their current happiness with others. At the same time, I gain knowledge and experience in other industries and fields from others. Through sharing knowledge and experience with each other, we get to know the people behind knowledge and experience with each other, and then we have a network based on knowledge and experience sharing. Among them, zhihu is a typical one.

Compared with WeChat's friend circle, a platform-level mobile social network, vertical social network can better meet users' deep needs. As a professional, workplace relationships can be tricky to socialize with. You can't be as casual as your friends. At present, China is not very successful in the workplace, social networks because of China's network platform of entertainment factor is large, more people will be as a social, access to information, and workplace relations to maintain, shaping, what are more is offline, or by E-mail, network communication tools to sustain. Globally, Linkedin is a typical and successful example of workplace networking, with a market value of $23 billion in September 2013. Although there is no Chinese version of Linkedin, it still has a strong base among foreign companies and some large companies in China.

For users, the value of workplace networking is mainly three levels. The first layer is identity. The main product is resume. This is the most important and basic function for users, such as showing their own experience, comments written by others, contact information and so on. This way, your partner can be easily found and contacted. The second layer is the insider information. It includes what's happening in your network, what's happening in your industry, what's happening in the successful people you admire. The third layer is all kinds of things that are relevant to working life. It can be company information, job opportunities, anyone's resume, etc.

If your English is good, and Linkedin is primarily geared toward the professional communities in english-speaking countries, it's important to use Linkedin, which can help you expand your professional circle.

