

作业代写:The influence of English and American literature on horror films

2018-06-06 15:30:54 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The influence of English and American literature on horror films,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英美文学对恐怖电影的影响。英美文学里面的恐怖色彩很好地为恐怖电影提供了创作素材,激发了创作灵感。英美文学与恐怖电影承载了一种特定的文化含义,可以说这是对现实社会积压起来的压抑情绪的一种宣泄。英美文学与恐怖电影的恐怖之美同时也体现出对生命进行扩展与对精神生活的深度关怀。

In general, the British and American literary schools can be divided into four main categories: gothic, sentimental, surrealist and black humor. The so-called "gothic" is mainly refers to those with a negative color is relatively obvious things, now also is a kind of novel form, especially popular in Europe, this form of the novel with fear and mysterious two major factors as fundamental key, in the content filled with terror, violence, these two elements, general is to reveal the dark side of social or human nature of the novel. If say schmaltz is a kind of trend of literature and art, and is fundamental key with sad individualism and subjective fantasies as the main line, highlighting literature is a detailed characterization and description of people or things, which struck a chord with readers, expressed against social injustice. Black humor is to highlight the absurdity and personal experience of the society, presenting the social and personal incongruity with ironic attitude, making the painful and boring reality more ridiculous and absurd. Surrealism mainly describes or depicts the image world in people's inner heart, and constantly tries to combine realistic concepts with subconscious, dream and other experiences.

Horror movies or dark corridor, or not at the end of the corridor, setting often hidden in the heart of the fear can cause the audience, strong pressure to the audience, but suddenly scream or close-up is to let the audience fear to upgrade. These scenes are designed to shock the audience visually and inspire their inner fears.

As one of the effective ways to create the atmosphere of horror movies, sound effects are frequently used, especially in some scenes where the silence is only heard by the heart of the actors, which makes the audience tense. The fear generated by this silent atmosphere is a common method used in horror films to eliminate the fear and release and relieve the repressed emotions and anxiety in the audience.

In the process of watching horror movies, it is an effective technique to create fear by sudden close-up at certain critical moments. Close-up enlarged picture or some details inside, pull close the distance with the audience, will be taken fully highlight the characteristics of content, often can give the audience a strong visual impact and mental stimulation. And, it can enhance close-up terrorist force of rendering, the subject is of rich expressive face and joint strong, for example horror movie where the roles of those emotional extremes or ferocious, tried to let the audience scare yourself viewing effect.

Color can give people visual psychological effect, achieve visual hint. Horror movies to choose color basically larger relationship with the characters of psychological, often with intense color figures, obscure anxious mood, such as the movie "curse", color is very strange, especially big contrast, let the heart cold.

The horrible colors in British and American literature have provided good materials for the creation of horror films and inspired the creation. No matter how frightening the content and situation of the film is, the audience can still get great sensory stimulation from it and make the inner experience happy. To some extent, a sense of terror is an extreme shock to the mind that inspires aesthetic pleasure. Western literature with horror film is basically a violent destruction to the breakthrough of the original order and people's life and present incomplete narrative way for audience to visual and psychological sense of fear and vacant, a lot of time for the audience to make psychological feeling of terror continues. At the same time, the British and American literature and horror movie carries a specific cultural meaning, can say this is the real society accumulated a vent depressed mood, also can saying is to inner buried a catharsis of mental disorders, so, eliminate terrorist horror movie beauty is beauty with terror, let the heart get comfort. From this perspective, this is a kind of out of pure horror film, can give the audience a certain psychological experience, there are corresponding negative emotions to send and the effect of catharsis, have extremely strong realistic meaning. In other words, it is necessary to expose the evil aspects of politics, morality and the church in thought, so as to stimulate people to explore the moral field again.

The horrible beauty of British and American literature and horror films also reflects the expansion of life and the deep concern for spiritual life. Human more or less have some fear of death, paying attention to death can motivate people to a certain extent the longing for life, death and violence and horror films present inside very well meet the demand of the people in this area, but there is not sheer terror of death and violence carrier, is also the element of terror and the driving force, able to motivate people to a certain extent of reflective thinking. The audience can feel the death through the film, so as to arouse the desire for life and urge them to cherish life. At the same time can also be released in the process of watching his audience deep buried fear, is conducive to the further comprehend the true meaning of death, this is a horror film is a kind of education effect.

Western literature and horror movies show the concern of human nature and social culture. In British and American literature, people are motivated to reflect on the bad situation of the present society through the ideal and beautiful society. And contemporary horror films at the same time also have this effect, along with social progress and development, technology and civilization caused by calamities, these images with horror and character also can say is a symbol of natural disasters, to lead the people to the social culture and the civilization of science and technology for deep thoughts. The development of industrial civilization, the traditional family ethics loss caused panic and confusion, a horror film with demons, killer image to reveal the social system is not reasonable phenomenon, inspire profound reflection on the part of the audience, and reveal the horror movies through the dark side of the rationalism of the absurd, expresses the claustrophobic great disgust on human nature, the release of the personality and passion.


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北美作业代写:The aesthetics of digital art

2018-06-06 15:30:49 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The aesthetics of digital art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了数字艺术的审美。数字艺术作为一种创造性的、前卫的艺术形式,自诞生以来,就一直受到广泛的关注和认可。数字作品通过对艺术形象的夸张变形,用妙趣横生的画面、前卫时尚的技术手段来表现生活、塑造角色、抒发情感,数字娱乐也成了紧张工作之余的一种休闲娱乐方式。

Digital art, as a new form of artistic creation, has vividly demonstrated the beauty of nature, humanity, harmony and creation of contemporary aesthetics. In writing, the purpose is different, the breakthrough point, and the different tools and materials used in the technology, there are a variety of forms, it can show different content, can produce different digital image. Due to the development of IT technology and people's spiritual and cultural needs, digital almost permeated various fields of art, interactive installation art, virtual reality design, multimedia design, game design, animation design, information design, digital photography, digital cameras and digital music, especially in music, drama, film and television production, computer games, such as art or business in the field of web design, shine brilliantly. In building a harmonious socialist society, it has great influence and market development potential.

As a creative and avant-garde art form, digital art has been widely concerned and recognized since its birth. It breaks through the traditional art painting, fully USES its unique expression technique, the traditional essence manifests. It can be said that digital art is not only the art of giving expression to the art of "number", but also the art of giving life and soul to it. Digital works through the artistic image of exaggeration, with interesting pictures, avant-garde fashion technical means to express the life, character, elicits emotions, populism, digital entertainment also became nervous work a way of entertainment. In digital art world, the people's imagination and creativity can be the most freedom, full play and show, it removes the time and space boundaries, race, religion, culture, etc, to transcend nature, beyond time and space form, the people's feelings to the extreme.

First of all, the change of artistic creation means and technology in digital art has greatly improved the creative space and formal expression of digital art. Digital art is a highly integrated product of technology and art, such as digital animation. Traditional animation has a hand-drawn production process, which greatly hinders the creation of animation. With the development of science and technology, the application of digital technology in digital animation creation has added more means of expression for digital animation. Every technological change will bring about a rapid advance in the creation of animation. Now, through the animation software, we can directly create synthetic 2d and 3d animation on the computer. The application of some skills is also more flexible, diversified and simple. The emergence of network technology is not only the creation of more tools, but also the creation of a new era of digital animation.

Secondly, real life is the basic source of digital art creation. The application of modern technological means does not mean that we can stay away from real life. On the contrary, we need to observe and experience the real life in detail. It is necessary to go deep into life, and on the basis of a full understanding of what is presented, abstract and summarize the truth from the false. This is a real problem that must be noted. Only by being close to life, reality and the masses can digital art be recognized and accepted by the masses.

Thirdly, the creation content and expression form of digital art should accord with the real emotion of characters. Relatively abundant psychology theory, such as in "kung fu panda," the digital animation, in order to accurately grasp the characteristics of different animals, and their expression, personification creators observing animals such as panda, face to face and serious and sketches of all kinds of animals, from the creation of a lot of information and inspiration.

The aesthetic effect of digital art creation is embodied in all aspects of digital art works.

The aesthetic subject is highly integrated with nature, society and life. The French philosopher Rousseau said: nature is an artist She will never let the children's dreams die. These dreams are the embryo of animation art. Once mature, they will show the magnificence of nature, the majesty of nature, the gentleness of nature and the kindness of nature in front of people. The natural scene depicted by the animation artist is the artistic reproduction of his own life experience, life experience and life purification of nature. It attracts the audience to yearn for, attach to and explore the beautiful nature, so they love nature more. Finding nemo shows the wonders of the undersea world. Wall-e shows people and the environment, people and the future. Digital art enables the audience and nature to reach the communication of the heart, the integration of life. In the process of creation, the creator has put his own perception, understanding and thinking on life, life, society and nature into the artistic creation, which makes the works have thoughts and feelings. In fact, it is the creator of digital art that vividly shows the rhythm of real life through the carrier of digital art, evoking the audience's resonance. This is the charm of digital art, and the aesthetic value of animation is recognized by people.

The inheritance and innovation of digital art creation is a very important issue. We should neither fall into a certain traditional established pattern, learn to walk in handan, nor separate the nation from the traditional art. The cultural accumulation of the Chinese nation for thousands of years has left us valuable heritage. A large number of art schools, art categories, and ethnic cultural exchanges generated by the integration of multi-ethnic groups have made China's culture, art and history more colorful. Digital art creation should face these historical cultures correctly and inherit them correctly. Hieroglyphics, Bronze Age, ethnic totem, religious culture, historical stories, folk legends, traditional virtues, and so on, through the modern new media, in particular, should be in the form of digital works, these valuable cultural heritage, heritage in our children and grandchildren. This is the historical responsibility that the era gives to digital art creation. We should not only make bold innovations but also make breakthroughs. Meanwhile, we should follow the common creative method, so that the spectator can understand more life experience and appreciation experience while receiving education. However, in today's society where material desires flow, art is no exception to impetuous. The creators of digital art have shaken their will to study the essence of artistic creation culture. In particular, some of the "backbone forces", while creating works, they also have to engage in economy and face more complex interpersonal environment, so it is difficult to seek the "quiet" artistic conception. Under the pressure of impetuosity, fame and wealth, there are more "bring doctrine", with a moment of inspiration and excitement, there are many "quick success" works. Life is short without these works of art which do not dig deep. At the same time, due to the lack of understanding of society and life, the works naturally lose the recognition of the audience and the market share. In fact, the loss is far more than that. Therefore, responsible digital artists should be able to withstand temporary poverty and loneliness. Because, what we carry is not only our own works, but the creative spirit and cultural responsibility.

Digital has gone through decades of history, which is accompanied by the evolution and development of human society, inheriting and developing national spirit and culture. However, the agitation and collision of diverse cultures in the world also promote the progress of people's values and social consciousness. This is not only the driving force of the development of digital art, but also the life significance of digital art. Inheritance and innovation, whether in the past, present and future, are the eternal pursuit of digital art creation.


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2018-06-06 15:23:57 | 日記
不知道留学生们有没有遇到过这种情况,就是在写作essay 的时候,发现自己的论点似乎难以论证,无法继续写作下去,这样子就非常头疼了,所以选择一个适合的论点非常重要。那么我们该如何从众多的ideas中选出最适合论证的论点呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。











如果是一个debatable的东西,必然有人认同,有人不认同。导师本身是价值中立的,他读我们的文章的内心OS应该是:well, ok, I know your point, now prove it!



1. Add modal verb 增加情态动词

2. Add comment 增加事实评价

3. Add restrictions 增加限定条件


▍1. Add modal verb 增加情态动词

最直接的方法就是在动词前面加can/could/should/might/may/need to/have to/would 这样的词。因为情态动词,顾名思义,就是表达作者情感和态度的动词。


比如:Many young people live in major cities(事实)

改成:Young people should live in major cities.(立马变观点)


再比如:Animals are used in scientific experiments.(事实)

改成:Animals should/need to be used in scientific experiments.(观点)

▍2. Add comment 增加事实评价


比如:Studying abroad may reduce the time spent with parents.(事实)


1.Studying abroad may reduce the time spent with parents, so it prevents the two generation from unnecessary conflicts.


2.Studying abroad may reduce the time spent with parents, so it weakens the family bond.


▍3. Add restrictions 增加限定条件



比如:Many people communicate with online friends。(事实)

改成:Many people communicate with online friends, and they may chat with them till the midnight(后面可以引入对身体的伤害)。

又比如:Free public transport needs governmental support。(事实)

改成:Free public transport wastes governmental support, especially during the non-peak hours such as late evenings and early mornings(几乎没人坐,导致资源浪费,政府投钱没有任何回报)


原句:Computers are widely used in the classroom. (事实)


1.加情态动词:Computers should be widely used in the classroom.

2.加观点评价:Computers which are widely used in the classroom improve the teaching efficiency and quality.

3.加限定条件:Computers should be widely used in the classroom for primary education. (后面可以说因为小孩自控力差,电子方式更好留住他们的注意力)



Paper代写:Gadamer's hermeneutic aesthetics

2018-06-06 15:23:24 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Gadamer's hermeneutic aesthetics讨论了伽达默尔的解释学美学。迦达默尔解释学美学作为20世纪西方美学的重要组成部分,在非理性浪潮的洪流中,以其对美与真的统一作为美学思想的主线,从其美学思想的核心,怀疑精神和新理性精神出发,建立了独树一帜的解释学美学思想。迦达默尔的解释学美学思想捍卫了美与真理,艺术与认识的本真关联,捍卫了亚理士多德摹仿论的艺术价值。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Western aesthetics in the development of the western aesthetics in the 20th century on the picture, can be seen as the most part a, aesthetics in this period compared with the ancient greeks and German classical aesthetics, numerous schools, schools of thought contend. Throughout the development philosophy of the 20th century, we can surprise found that almost all major western philosophy in the 20th century is subversive and boarded the stage of thought of rational, corresponding to this is that almost all major western aesthetics in the 20th century schools also is hostile questioning of Hegel rationalism aesthetics and origin. So we can say that the rise of irrationality is a basic characteristic of western philosophy and aesthetics in the 20th century. In these numerous and dazzling ideas, and da's hermeneutic aesthetics is starting from the analysis of aesthetic experience, explore "meaning - understand" framework, has brought the new development in the field of aesthetics, reveals a rich and colorful space to aesthetics, great in the history of aesthetics.

"Hermeneutic aesthetics", as the name implies, is also the aesthetic thought of hermeneutics. Therefore, the question of meaning is always the starting point for gadamer to explore beauty and art. Canaan reached in his aesthetic thoughts of beauty, and truth of unity, he thought to be out of the woods formalism understanding of beauty, only to corroborate beauty itself inherent truth elements, and the understanding of the art itself contains the value. The core of gadamer's aesthetic thought is his spirit of doubt and new rationality. His "spirit of doubt" makes his hermeneutic aesthetics show the basic characteristics of 20th century aesthetics. The new rational spirit of caleb's aesthetic thoughts in a flash, his rationality is limited rational, this new rationality is a kind of rational realize themselves boundaries, and is a kind of self limited rationality, the emergence of his new rational spirit of twentieth century regrets the irrational trend of dark gloomy added some bright color.

The representative of western classical aesthetics is Kant, whose famous aesthetic view is that "beauty is a form of consonance." He believes in the activity, nothing can be known that people are only interested in the form of aesthetic object, and the aesthetic pleasure is a kind of no utilitarian, freedom and detached. Caleb's thought that Kant's aesthetics has never been beyond the standpoint of natural beauty and interest, always stay in the understanding of the formalization of beauty and a priori, this understanding allows for work purpose, function, content and meaning as a aesthetic factors by stripping away, while those factors is the main basis of connotation of the works to achieve its truthfulness makes. Caleb's thought that beauty lies not in the perceptual forms of purposiveness, nor is any irrational impulse, the subjectivity of the subject's beauty is the existence of truth, more accurately, is the manifestation of the truth in the world, in the chord is the truth of the life world. To understand only the formalism of beauty is to fall into an absurd predicament. To illustrate beauty and truth, art and understanding of the true relationship, caleb's, will be about the Aristotle's theory of imitation absorption in, think all art is a kind of copy, by imitating art show this in truth. Therefore, caleb's put forward the basic idea of his aesthetic thoughts, "art is understanding and experience of works of art is the sharing of this knowledge", at the same time, Michael's, and accepted his good friend heidegger's truth, don't think any truth is completely without crumbling, exist manifest itself cannot take in everything in a glance, the truth is not granted an open, clear and understandable.

In Plato and Hegel's aesthetics, beauty is being true to understand of the world, but in Plato, the beauty of the world have priority to individual, the feeling of the beautiful things in the state of the so-called fans crazy to recall the beauty itself, recall the concept of eternal world; In Hegel's there, on a thing of beauty, concept revealed itself, and hide themselves at the same time, people on beautiful things can understand, that is the truth of the world, but also a part of the world the truth. In the aesthetic thought of Plato and Hegel, and he saw the vital points: first, both affirmed the existence of beauty, and that the root cause lies in idea, and then link beauty and truth; Secondly, both believe that the specific things of beauty have beauty, but cannot represent the whole of beauty. These two points are actually the core of gadamer's aesthetic thought.

Caleb's believe that beauty exists, and return it is true, believe that people can get a real aesthetic experience, and the aesthetic experience as a mediation of real life, as a real life promise, "in reality of disorder, in all its imperfections, evil, error, extreme and fatalistic chaos, the truth is not far away and unattainable for us, but to be able to meet". Beauty is the bridge from falsehood to truth and from reality to ideal. Only in the aesthetic world can a real world be perfectly presented to you and me.

Western aesthetics in the 20th century, with the rational spirit to irrational spirit, modern form in the main body of the dominant subject-object dichotomy mode of epistemology has caved in, from rational to irrational subject, such a kind of spirit is not accidental, doubt and denial of reason, is the most fundamental reason is that the bourgeoisie in the enlightenment in the 20th century proposed "rational social ideal kingdom". Through complicated thoughts in the 20th century, and the philosophical foundation of the 20th century, summarized as against the dogmatism of scepticism, he said: "in my opinion, the most mysterious of the 20th century, it is the basis of the most powerful of all the dogmatism of dogmatism, including science of skepticism". Since gadamer here regards skepticism as the philosophical basis of the 20th century, it is clear that it should be included in his hermeneutic aesthetics.

Caleb's age, lives sweeps across the whole world through two wars, a lot of learning to think that the root of the social problems of the 20th century is that lost the rationality of this age, who has lost his judgment. How to restore a tradition of radical rationalism is, in gadamer's view, the preoccupation of the 20th century. We do not speak in the name of reason. Claiming to speak in the name of reason is a contradiction in itself. Therefore, idealization lies in the understanding of the limits of one's own views, and only by knowing this can a more accurate view be reached, thus developing forever. "Reason lies in not blindly treating reason as an act of truth, but in criticizing it. Rational action is always a kind of enlightenment, rather than being absolutely by setting the teaching of the new rationalism, is not think you know about all things better than others more - reason is always understood as often for themselves and their own conditions to explain myself." All in all, the new rationality is a rational realize themselves boundaries, and is a kind of limited rational itself, it's not blindly to any views as truth, it always stay awake and conditioned the limitation of any point of view. New rational spirit is a kind of rational spirit, it first ruled out let will, emotions, instincts, etc. The possibility of mind ability become the dominant principle, but it is not so back to the transcendental category, back to the dichotomy of subject-object, back to the subject of object of objectification, but back to the language, to return to dialogue, so the new rational in the final analysis is a kind of rational know their boundaries, and is a kind of rational self-discipline, is a kind of different from the modern rational dogmatism. With the help of this new rational spirit, gadamer hopes to restore the society to a rational communicative state and step by step to everyone's freedom.

Gadamer's hermeneutic aesthetics defends the true relation between beauty and truth, art and knowledge, and the artistic value of Aristotle's imitation. Western aesthetics in the 20th century era of rational thoroughly doubt, amid widespread the suspicions of beauty, as well as to the era of doubt in the nature of beauty, and he's not only adhere to the existence of beauty in art, also tries to restore is the beauty of Kant's aesthetics interruption and true, on the basis of the theory of imitation unified the modern art and traditional art, this is Michael's, aesthetics make the important contribution to western aesthetics in the 20th century. Although gadamer's aesthetics came into being in the middle of the 20th century, it exerted a profound influence on the later part of the 20th century and even the present aesthetic spirit with its unique aesthetic spirit.


Essay代写:Financial economy risks

2018-06-06 15:12:40 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Financial economy risks,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了金融经济的风险。作为发展的必然阶段,金融经济风险往往是难以避免的,但是就风险的大小、规模以及严重程度等,还是可以通过一些防范措施而得到有效控制的,而其中影响最为深远的就是金融经济风险的社会性特征。金融经济对于社会轻易造成冲击,自身利益受伤害就会反作用于社会,这就是金融经济的社会性特征。

As the main carrier of financial economy, the level of financial institutions in financial and economic risk prevention means the level of economic and financial stability of a country or region. In view of the current level of financial and economic stability and the ability of risk prevention, it is not optimistic. Although our country's financial institutions according to the current market development situation and the development of economic globalization under the impact of foreign capital for China's economy has carried on the multiple perspectives multi-level systematic prevention, but on the effect of it, still have little effect. Despite the early stage of the risk prevention level low overall, compared with western developed countries have a certain gap, but there is no denying that China's financial and economic risk prevention level steadily improve indeed. Along with our country pay more and more attention to the financial economy and market openness of elements in the automaticity of elements in the application of financial market risk, financial risk management in our country level also gradually entered a new stage. In order to further improve the risk and prevention level of China's financial economy, it is necessary to conduct in-depth analysis according to the current risk characteristics and risk situation of China's financial economy.

As for the prevention work of financial economy, the most basic point is to understand the risks and characteristics of financial economy. Only by knowing one's own self and knowing the other can one win a hundred battles. For this, the author according to their own financial work experience specific arrangement as follows.

As a national development stage, the financial and economic risk is often hard to avoid, but such as size, scale and severity of risk, or by some preventive measures and effective control, and the influence is the most far-reaching social characteristics of the financial and economic risk. Alleged social features, it is to point to in social development, because of the financial institutions and other industries there is essential difference between, because its in terms of capital and funding sources and capital chain is to control the lifeblood of the economy, and on the basis of it, most of the money is from borrowing or lending, so the basic characteristics of financial institutions also determines its social characteristics. Due to the financial and economic institutions to master the key of the society, for a variety of links exist between businesses, even under a variety of folk lending and the funds between civil, once the financial institutions risk, said unceremoniously, is the social risks encountered. Therefore, it is easy for financial economy to cause impact on society, and when its own interests are hurt, it will be counterproductive to society, which is the social feature of financial economy.

As mentioned earlier, the financial and economic risk is unable to avoid and eliminate completely, especially in the current practice in the course of the construction of socialist modernization in our country market economy system, coupled with the influence of economic globalization, financial risk is objective existence, but also has certain periodicity. In short, when the country adopts easy monetary policy, the financial and economic situation of the whole society is good, enterprises have money to earn and people have money to spend, the probability of financial risks is small. If the country implements a tight monetary policy, the result is that people are unwilling to spend money and businesses face bankruptcy in operating losses, then the risks to the financial economy will become greater and greater. With regard to easing and deflation, both government behavior and market self-regulation behavior are inevitable. However, when economic and financial risks come, there will always be various signals. By analyzing similar signals, we can know how to face economic and financial risks. This is also the most important role of the cyclical nature of financial and economic risks.

Financial and economic risks are inevitable, but they do not mean that risks cannot be controlled when they occur. Due to the financial risk before often appear all sorts of signs, including investment links and economic contradictions, social economy overall operating conditions and so on, through to understand the various risk factors and the control and make processing and timely planning, often can reduce the losses from the financial risk, if the mediation is proper to completely avoid loss is possible. Due to the economic risk of expansionary financial, that is to say, if the control is bad, the influence of the late can spread very quickly, if embodied in the credibility crisis level, often can appear the situation of difficult to control, that stand in the way of national financial and economic situation is not alarmist, and can be to become a reality.

From the appearance and form of financial and economic risks, we can see that financial and economic risks have the characteristics of variability and diversity. From financial accounting risk to personnel risk and accounting risk and so on. Because of the financial accounting risk is mainly due to the internal regulation falloff internal problem, so in general only can cause a certain operational risk or lower profits, will not have too much influence. However, once financial accounting risks and personnel risks occur, they will often affect the whole social financial and economic market to a large extent, and their impact cannot be controlled.

Although the social financial management market is also engaged in management innovation with the development of science and technology, we should also see that the so-called financial management innovation itself is a huge risk. Because financial and economic management work is not ordinary enterprises? I manage, its influence is very broad, any business decision is likely to reshuffle of the entire social development stage, is likely to cause the large-scale development of the enterprise, also have may cause part of the enterprises closed. Beyond that, though the financial economic management by subsequent regulation means of market regulation, thus reducing the risks of innovation management, but some of the activities under the current capital market tends to control difficulty is very big, such as exchange rate risk and financial market instability and so on, are the risks of innovation management problem.

However, innovative management is the inevitable requirement of social development, without innovation, financial markets appeared sooner or later and the phenomenon of market economy do not match, the same will be eliminated by the society. Therefore, it is the main problem that financial and economic risk prevention workers need to face to do a good job in innovation and avoid risks beyond the scope of control.

Risk refers to the probability of unexpected and uncontrollable factors occurring in a certain activity. The greater the probability, the greater the uncontrollability. Financial and economic risk is often of the impact of factors, not only including the current financial institutions internal restructuring, asset excessive simplification, also contain the financial institutions of fixed assets and the percentage shares problem, under the influence of economic structure is not reasonable and impact problem.

In addition, administrative intervention is one of the causes of financial and economic risks. As administrative intervention is also driven by market pressure, we usually attribute administrative factors to market factors. Due to the influence of administrative intervention, some enterprises will have various economic problems, and the characteristics of the financial industry will be exposed at this time. Although financial institutions often have problems in their own construction, financial and economic risks arising from administrative intervention are not rare. In general, in order to prevent financial and economic risks, it is the most effective financial and economic risk prevention method to find the reasons within financial institutions and improve the resistance.

For financial and economic risk prevention work, don't put the eggs in one basket, must want to multi-level and multi-angle analysis theory, and attention should be paid to prevent diversification principle. First, we need to start with the internal institutional reform of financial institutions. Many financial institutions due to the internal system is too old, staff work limits, the lack of basic awareness and formed in the risk comes often do not have a certain foresight, there is no basis for risk events of judgment and processing experience, all of this led directly to the expanding of risk. Therefore, the internal system reform of financial institutions is also an effective way to prevent risks. Besides, it is also one of the important risk prevention measures to improve the stability of household savings by attaching importance to the credit scale. Increasing household savings in the process of credit stability, on the one hand is to through the government and the adjustment of national policy, on the other hand is to be engaged in business regulation within financial institutions, financial balance economic interests, properly handle the relationship between the depositors and the financial institutions.

We will strengthen financial management and internal oversight. Financial institutions often deal with large amounts of money, and some employees are obsessed with money. It is also common for them to commit crimes against the law. In order to solve the similar situation, it is still necessary to strengthen the internal risk prevention and control of the financial economy and enhance the intensity and strength of supervision. Training courses can be set up in financial institutions to strengthen the risk awareness and work responsibility awareness of employees, so as to achieve the responsibility of people. Strict investigation and punishment should be carried out for overstepping authority and desertion in the course of work. From the legal consciousness level and the technical accomplishment level simultaneously strengthens the practitioner's basic ability, enhances its service level.

In order to strengthen financial and economic risk prevention, we should improve the establishment of audit departments and the system of power and responsibility. As financial and economic risk itself is a kind of emergency under the audit activity, the audit department has the unshirkable responsibility for the emergence of financial and economic risk. In daily work, the audit department should improve the detailed plans of the audit work step by step according to the current market situation and improve the risk prevention ability. Gradually establish and improve the audit department? Bonny snipe. We will regulate the relationship between rights and responsibilities and resolutely handle desertion or pocketing.

Financial and economic prevention must have laws and regulations to follow. It is also an inevitable requirement of the current financial market to establish a legal system for financial and economic risk prevention. The responsibility of the current financial regulatory system and the relevant legal system construction level, already can not adapt to the development of the economic development level, is not to be able to get a good current more and more difficult to control the financial and economic risk, strengthen the legal protection is the trend of The Times. And in the process, or appropriate legislation for each region according to their own stage of development, not excessive pursuit of risk prevention and affect the comprehensive economic benefits and social benefits, which would create the effect of the point.

In general, our country's financial and economic risk prevention work has made certain progress, especially in the rapid economic development in recent years appeared in the process of the socialist modernization construction and certain market volatility, can control to the existing situation also is not easy. However, it is also hoped that risk prevention workers can guard against arrogance and impetuosity, continue to do a good job in risk prevention of financial market, and escort China's economic and social development.

