Deuce - We Are One

自分の居場所探し: 日本生まれ、アメリカ育ち
Find My Path: Japan born, USA raised

M&C Cafe

2007-08-01 | Food & Drinks-グルメ

M&C Cafe

東京都千代田区丸の内1-6-4 4F



丸の内オアゾ4階、丸善の中にM&C Cafeがあります。



Hayashi rice is a very popular "western food" in Japan.

What the Japanese call "western food" or "youshoku" is nothing

you can get in the west but a Japanese variation of western dishes

and or ingredients.

Hayashi rice is a stew containing beef, onions, and mushrooms,

in a thick demi-glace sauce with red wine and tomato sauce.

It is usually served over a place of steamed white rice.

Apparently the first president of Maruzen Corporation, Hayashi Yuuteki,

named this dish and during shopping the other day,

I had this dish at the M&C Cafe located on the 4th floor

of the Maruzen book store in the Marunouchi Oazo building.

It's a pretty good hearty dish.

千代田区散歩: 国会議事堂 - Japan Parliament Building

2007-08-01 | Picture-写真

千代田区散歩: 国会議事堂




Walking around Chiyodaku: Japan Parliament Building

Although the hight is not as tall as the Los Angeles City Hall building,

the style and shape sure do have a lot of similarities.

I understand both buildings were build around the same era.

Now, wouldn't it be great to see the giant silhouette of Godzilla in the back!