Deuce - We Are One

自分の居場所探し: 日本生まれ、アメリカ育ち
Find My Path: Japan born, USA raised

Off to China - Shanghai / Suzhou / Yantai

2011-04-23 | Weblog

Off to China for next four days. So no Facebook or Youtube updates (sites are banned in China).

But what is more concerning is that when the major earthquake and the major aftershock hit Japan in March,

I was in China/Hong Kong.

So if my theory that my enormous stature (and equal weight) is holding Japan steady,

then we are in for another shaker when I depart for my trip.

Good luck to all.

2011 April 11th M7.1 After Shock

2011-04-11 | Weblog
Wow, another large after shock.

M 7.1 off the coast of Fukushima
(yes, near the troubled nuclear power plants).
A 1 meter tsunami expected.
It shook for a good 3 or 4 minutes.

This disqualifies the theory that my weight has
been stabalizing the plate under Japan.
I was on overseas business travel for
the last two large quakes.

Everybody, take care.

First trip to Hong Kong

2011-04-03 | Weblog
Will be going to Hong Kong next week for the first time in my life.

Yup, that is right, my virgin trip. Any suggestions?

Please e-mail suggestions or comment on my blog.

see e-mail in BOOKMARKS right side column

comments in link at bottom of this article, right side