Deuce - We Are One

自分の居場所探し: 日本生まれ、アメリカ育ち
Find My Path: Japan born, USA raised

I Love Japan!

2008-10-10 | Weblog
I am on the bullet train again heading west

and sitting next to me is a sexy young girl with a tantilizing thong

sticking out of her very low cut tight jeans ...

... sorry, I'm back.

God, I love this country!

Now how to get rid of the boyfriend sitting next to her on her other side.

And no Pablo, I will not post a pic.


2008-10-02 | Weblog





Got my Japanese driver's license today!

Now it's time to cruise the highway and head for the beach ... ?

The problem is, I don't have any wheels.

And with Tokyo parking costs at nearly $500 a month, it will be awhile before I get me some!