Deuce - We Are One

自分の居場所探し: 日本生まれ、アメリカ育ち
Find My Path: Japan born, USA raised

My New Laptop - Sony Vaio S series VPCSE19FJ/B

2011-10-26 | My Stuff-自分の持ち物

Just came back from my local electronics store (Yodobashi Camera),

and got me a new super cool, sexy, and fast lap top!!!

While I nearly bought the Japan made top of the line mucho expensive Z series

I decided on the newly released Sony Vaio S series with the 15.5 inch wide monitor

with the back lit key board and sexy black body.

Model : VPCSE19FJ/B

Now I just want to play with it all night ... not that, you pervert!

Stupid me

2011-10-08 | Weblog

I was planning to travel to Tosu in Saga prefecture via the shinkansen (bullet train)

but decided to put in a few hours of work at home (on my day off) thinking I could catch a flight instead.

Well, after I arrived at Haneda airport at 4:00 PM, all the flights to Fukuoka were sold out

and I could only purchase a stand by ticket.

Ended up waiting for 5 hours and rejected by eight flights, finally got onboard the 9:00 PM flight.

And even at midnight on a Friday night, all the restaurants near Tosu train station were closed.

With all my worldly trips, you would think I would be a smarter traveller.

I need a vacation ...