

Hackers and Crackers

2014-08-15 10:15:46 | 日記

8月14日のJapan Newの記事に”Hackers in demand to fight cyber-attacks"という記事がありました。 その中で、HackerとCrackerの違いは? Blak-hat-hacker, White-hat-hackerは?等の疑問が湧きましたので調べてみると次の記事がありました

What are crackers and hackers?

A cracker (also known as a black hat hacker) is an individual with extensive computer knowledge whose purpose is to breach or bypass internet security or gain access to software without paying royalties. The general view is that, while hackers build things, crackers break things. Cracker is the name given to hackers who break into computers for criminal gain; whereas, hackers can also be internet security experts hired to find vulnerabilities in systems. These hackers are also known as white hat hackers.  Crackers’ motivations can range from profit, a cause they believe in, general maliciousness or just because they like the challenge. They may steal credit card numbers, leave viruses, destroy files or collect personal information to sell.

Crackers can also refer to those who reverse engineer software and modify it for their own amusement.  The most common way crackers gain access to networks or systems is through social engineering, whereby the cracker contacts employees at a company and tricks them into divulging passwords and other information that allows a cracker to gain access.



2014-08-04 16:29:07 | 日記

「南半球世界一周102日間の船旅」という本が文芸社より出版されました。 著者は甲斐嗣郎さんです。 著者と私は同じ船で102日間過ごした友です。 乗船前からの友人ではなく船上で知合いになった方で船内で時にはツアーで共に過ごした仲です。 

船旅の時の様子はこちら -> 







その時の様子はこちら -> http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yasu_0624/e/9b90aa9adba733ddedc1463d426e4fb1

本はとてもよく構成が考えられており読みやすく一挙によんでしまいました。 著者は今までにも何冊か本を出版されておりその執筆力は定評のあるところです。