Let's enjoy English !



2011-08-22 | diary


   I'm going to stay at the hospital for a week or so to cure my right eye from tomorrow.

The name of the disease is macular pucker.

The film before spots yellow will be removed by the operation

I am aspiring the success of the operation. 

   So my mother- in- law Shizusan is also scheduled to stay at the health services facilities for the elderly for two weeks.

Though I was worrying about her care during my hospitalization, the problem was solved.

So I was relieved a little.

The housewife's hospitalization has a lot of difficulties !

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The sixth person

2011-08-20 | Kiva


 Mrs. Maria  living in Cuenca, Ecuador is the sixth person I loaned $25 through Kiva.

She is 60 years old and has seven children.

Her husband works doing auto body repair and works in his own shop. 

María has been selling food for 20 years and she is raising guinea pigs, chickens, and pigs at home.

She will use her new loan to buy pots, a blender, cutlery, and other products for her food business.

Her goal is to have a restaurant.

She is going to borrow   $1,100 and  scheduled to repay the money in eight month.

I hope his loan would repay smoothly this time too !

* This is my page.


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Name of the plant

2011-08-19 | plant


   My neighbour gave me this plant last year.

I'm growing it carefully because I seldom see this kind of plant.

It grew smoothly so I moved it to a large pot early summer, but it began to wither little by little.

So I told about this to my neighbor.

she said she would give it to me again.

By the way, both of us don't know the name of this plant, so I asked it's name to this cite  named ’園芸ナビ:Gardening Nabis’.

Then someone gave the answer after a few minutes.

This plant is a kind of succulent plant named ' 黒法師 or サンシモン’.

I am glad to know the name of this plant.


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Bon festival

2011-08-14 | diary

morning glory

  Bon festival is from August 13 to August 15.

It is said the souls of our ancestors come back to our house from heaven during the festival.
Before this festival, I visited our grave to clean the ground and the grave.

Next I took out the principal image and the memorial tablet from the buddhist altar and decorated  them  to a special alter.

Priest of our temple came to my house on August 11 to recite sutra.

During this festival, I visited the grave of my parents and some relatives also visited my house to pray for our ancestors.

So I'm spending very busy days.

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2011-08-02 |  creature

 It's the season of cicada and I wake up to hear the noisy sound of cicada these days.

It is said that cicada spend seven years under the ground and only lives seven days after coming out onto the ground.

The sound of this insect makes us more hot in the hot summer days.

But hearing the sound of  cicada, I feel the very summer season.


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