Let's enjoy English !


Green curtain

2009-07-30 | plant

  My husband planted two seedlings of  Bitter melon at the foot of two trees.
They grew to have the fruits of Bitter melon.
It is rich in vitamin C, momordicin and  so on.
And it tastes bitter as it contains  momordicin, but it
 is very good for our stomach.
Anyway it is very good for our health , especially in hot summer.



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2009-07-23 | plant

  It's sunny today, but it kept raining for a few days till yesterday.
So it had been very humid and I saw some kinds of mushrooms along the path.
These are some of them.
I don't know their names but perhaps they are 






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2009-07-16 | plant
Do you know what this plant is ?
We eat the long root of this plant.
It's burdock.
These burdock in my vegetable field haven't been pulled out.
The leaves began to wither and I see both seeds and flowers.
It was the first time I saw the flowers.
By the way, they don't seem to eat them in the West while
the Japanese eat this vegetable.

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Words of a bulletin board 8

2009-07-14 | shrine and temple
This is a bulletin board at a zen temple.
The meaning of the words is as follows.

'If we thank to everything, it will make our mind rich .'

Mouse on !

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Rural scenery

2009-07-10 | scenery

  Rice plants are growing beautifully and we can enjoy the beautiful scenery now.
And walking along the path, I saw some kinds of flowers of weed or so.
It's very sultry these days.
But these scenery make us cool a little !


Mo-ji-zu-ri (Ne-ji-ba-na)



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Rose of Sharon

2009-07-07 | plant

Rose of Sharon began to bloom.
This flower bloom in the morning and wither in the evening, but they bloom one after another every day.
So we can enjoy the flower all through the summer. 

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First flower

2009-07-05 | plant

  My friend gave me this plant a few years ago and it began to bloom some flowers at the top of the plant. 
The flowers seem not to be so beautiful .
By the way, I don't know the name of this plant.

 I happened to see the same plant as this on a blog and knew the name of this plant.
This plant may be a kind of Aloe whose name is ' a night-less entertainment district' ; 'fu-ya-jyo'. (7/6)

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2009-07-01 | plant

  ’Time flies like an arrow !'
Half of this year have passed and today is the beginning of the latter half of the year.
It's been raining for a few days but we'll have hot summer days before long.
Sunflower is one of the the symbols of summer in Japan.
They bloom vigorously in the strong sun. 

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