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Sign of spring

2010-01-25 | plant

Bell of Odaishi temple

  It has been very cold for a few days but I can see signs of spring here and there.
I saw a Ume blossom at the precincts of Odaishi temple.
And I found cherry buds , full bloomed  Roubai and so on while I was taking a walk near my house.

Ume blossom

Ume buds


Cherry buds



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Brown world

2010-01-20 | scenery

  Ground is covered with the fallen leaves of chestnut and it shows us winter brown world.
I saw some fallen chestnuts here and there too.

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Is it delicious ?

2010-01-15 |  creature

 I sometimes see some crows near the doghouse in my yard.
At last I saw two crows eating some dog-food that my dog had left  in the bowl.
While one crow were eating, another one was waiting.
After the first crow finished eating, the next one began to eat.
It is said that crow is the cleverest of all the birds and seems to cooperate to each other.
These crows also seemed to be clever !

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2010-01-10 | plant

flower shop in a street stall

  I make it a rule to buy some pots of cyclamen whenever I visit Takamatsu saijyo inari on new year's day.
I bought two pots of cyclamen this year too.
These flowers were very cheap because they began to wither.
Fresh one was about one thousand yen or one thousand and five hundreds yen. 
But each of these pots cost two hundred and fifty yen.
I wondered if they become fresh or not at that time, but one is fresh and the other isn't so fresh now.


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New year visit to a shrine

2010-01-05 | diary

  I went to Takamtsu saijyo inari on January 3.
Great many people were there for praying their good luck, health  and so on.

They are burning incense sticks and it is said the smoke also do good for our health.

These are votive pictures called 'Ema' in Japanese.
They write various kinds of wish on this board.

 This is 'a turning over calendar at day' that I bought at a souvenir shop along the approach to the shrine.
The words and a drawing on the board attracted my attention.


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Happy new year !

2010-01-01 | diary

Happy new year !

May this year be a happy and healthy one for all of you.

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