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A cold day !

2005-01-31 | weather

The setting sun

The last day in January, it's very cold.
Perhaps today is the coldest day in this winter.
They say it snows in the north.

But in a few days, the day before the calendrical beginnning of spring;(se-tsu-bu-n) comes.
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Happy birthday

2005-01-29 | diary
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happpy birthday dear Shizusan
Happy birthday to you !!

Today, January 29 is Shizusan's 85th birthday.

Though her heart is beating with the help of a pace-maker, she is very fine.
She has been using a pace-maker for more than ten years.
Perhaps growing vegetables at the field is good for her health.

I wish she is fine on her birthday next year too!!
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2005-01-28 | plant
We call this tree 'Ro-u-ba-i' because the yellow flower is like a waxwork.
It gives us good scent.

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Magnolia (Mo-ku-re-n)

2005-01-27 | plant

Buds of this tree are also one of the touches of spring.

They are prepareing for the comming of their season.
The name of this tee is magnoria;mo-ku-re-n.
The white or reddish-brown flowers bloom in spring.
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Sky in the evening

2005-01-27 | weather

January 23

The color of the cloud is fine.
Blue, white, pink and purple are mixed.
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Proverb 22

2005-01-26 | proverb
Birds of a feather flock together.

In this blog too, those who have the same interest seem to gather together.
I think it is natural!

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Rice field

2005-01-25 | rice field (farming)

Now rice fields are like this.

In winter the rice fields are taking a rest though many years ago farmers grows wheat or rushes during winter.

But farmers cultivate them using the tractor a few times in this season.
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Another sign of spring

2005-01-24 | plant
I can see another sign of spring in this plant.

Some little flowers are blooming on the twigs.
Many flower buds and leaf buds are on them.
They are ready for breaking into flowers and leaves.

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Butterbur sprout;(Fu-ki-no-to-u)

2005-01-23 | plant

In the very cold midwinter, I can see the sign of spring.

This is a butterbur sprout; 'Fu-ki-no-to-u'.
It tastes bitter a little.
We eat them in the 'miso soup' or as 'tempura' and so on.

When I eat them, I feel the spring is just around the corner!
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Happy week

2005-01-21 | e-trade

I am quite satisfied with the result of e-trade this week.
I could hit the target as the target isn't so high.

The result of the e-trade last year was not so good.
It seemed to be a waste of effort, but I think 'the lost labor' will do good to me this year.

At the end of this year, I will make money twice as much as the one of the beginning of the year!!

Now I have 1964T, 4714T, 4753T, 5009T, 5401T and 5009T.

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A cat in the midwinter

2005-01-21 | animal


Yesterday was the coldest time of the year;(da-i-ka-n) and it was really very cold.
About 20 year-old cat, 'Yuki' is always in front of this fan heater these days.
During the night she is on the cover of the bathtub.

Though she is old, she has been fine.

But suddenly there was an emergency to her about noon on the day before yesterday.
Suddenly she cried loudly, so I went to see her soon.
Her hind legs were strange and she couldn't walk.
I was surprised and worried very much.
I thouht she might die!!
I was holding her in my arms for some time.

After an hour or so she walked and jumped up as usual.
What happened to her?

Now she is fine.

But I have to be prepared for the worst because she is very old.
Every living thing never lives forever but will die someday.

Knowing it, but I may not be able to accept it.

I hope she will live as long as possible!
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Proverb 21

2005-01-19 | proverb
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

If we are in good condition, for example, rich, healthy or happy, many peolple may gather around you.
But we can know the true friend when we are in bad condition.

Let's have 'friends in deed' for you and become 'a friend indeed' for someone!!

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Pruning the trees

2005-01-18 | diary
It's sunny and warm in the morning but cloudy and cold a little in the afternoon.

Today we had the trees of our yard trimmed by the men from 'the old-aged center'.
Six men came in the morning and trimmed the trees around my house skillfully.
They finished it early in the evening.

Every year they come at the end of the year; November or December, to be ready for the New Year.
But last year we had a misunderstanding about booking.
We, especially old Shizusan, were sorry for that.
And they came today.

Small Japanese-style yard looks nice, trimmed neatly.
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New Year in the old calendar; (ko-sho-u-ga-tsu)

2005-01-15 | diary

Today is a New Year in the old calendar.
In other words, it is called 'New Year for women';(o-n-na sho-u-ga-tsu) as house wives must have been busy since New Year's day .
They thank to them today.

Generally they seem to eat rice gruel with adzuki beans;(a-dzu-ki ga-yu) for breakfast praying for good health.
But we ate rice cakes boiled with vegetables;(zo-u-ni).

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The cutting of New Year's rice-cakes

2005-01-14 | diary
Around here, January 14 is the day we take off New Year's decorations;(ka-ga-mi-bi-ra-ki).

In the morning we removed the decorations and gathered them together.
And in the afternoon Shizusan and I burned 'the decorations' and 'the rice-cakes' in the yard of my house.
Shizusan scattered it's ash to the flower garden in my house.

We will eat the rice-cake cooked to 'zo-u-ni' tomorrow morning.
It is the end of New Year events.

Years ago many people brought them to a certain place called 'tondo-ba' and burned them together.
But recently, we don't do like that in this region.
So I wonder if there is no place to burn, what do they do?
Do they bring them to a garbage dump?
I am reluctant to do that as the decoraions are relevant to god.

The world are changing and these events in the village are also disappearing little by little!

Sunset this evening

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