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Hina doll 2

2008-02-29 | others

This hina dll is the one I uploaded the other day.

I took pictures of the hina dll again.

Their face and the figures are so nice !

This pottery is made at Bi-ze-n in Okayama prefecture and we call it 'Bi-ze-n ya-ki.'

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Spring flowers

2008-02-26 | plant
A pair of hi-na doll and a pot of cyclamen

I bought this set of hi-na doll of pottery the other day as my commemorative gift of 60 years old called 'Ka-n-re-ki'.

This narcissus is blooming in my yard.
The color of white and yellow is very elegant.

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It's been raining since this morning, but it was very fine yesterday and the sky was clear.
So I took the picture of u-me blossoms that are in full bloom now.
I wonder why the top of the tree began to wither.

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U-me blossom at a zen temple
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Signs of spring

2008-02-21 | plant
Weeds in the rice field

It's been warm for a few days.
I found this butterbur sprout around mu house.
This winter is colder than last year, so they are growing a little later than usual.  
They are good to eat, bringing taste of spring.

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Hina doll

2008-02-20 | others

  March 3 is Hi-na-ma-tsu-ri,  festival for the girls.

Shizusan made this set of hina doll  at a welfare center for the aged where she goes every Tuesday.

She brought back it home yesterday.

It is made of a piece of paper and very simple.

I set it at an entrance hall.  

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Tree in winter

2008-02-18 | plant
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This ginkgo tree is on the tennis court near my house.
Twigs without leaves are also beautiful.
Seeing trees like this, I feel beauty of winter.
Though we can't see any leaves now, trees and plants are preparing for the coming of spring.
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U-me blossoms

2008-02-14 | plant
U-me blossoms on February 4

It's very cold these days, but U-me blossoms at the precincts of O-da-i-shi temple is blooming now.
It's one of the signs of spring.
The former priest is sick in a hospital now, so another priest came to this temple last summer.
So these flowers also look happy a little.

By the way, I have a cold at last owing to this coldness.
I was in bed all day yesterday, but I'm recovering little by little.

So please be careful !

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Festival at I-na-ri shrine

2008-02-10 | shrine and temple
We held a small festival called Ha-tsu u-ma (first horse day) this morning at I-na-ri shrine near my house.
About eighty people got together to clean the shrine as well as precincts of the shrine.
The building of the shrine is too small to go into all of us, so
after cleaning, only one thirds of us prayed good harvest and good luck of this year.
After praying, we had sake and some steamed rice with red beans that had been offered to the god.
And we were presented a piece of offered rice cake cut into pieces too.

We hold the festival twice a year, July and February.

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2008-02-04 | shrine and temple
Ta-ka-ma-tsu sa-i-jyo i-na-ri

February 3 was the last day of winter on calendar called 'Se-tsu-bu-n'.
They scattered fried soy beans at many shrines all over Japan.
And we also did this at home to drive out evil spirits and summon good luck saying ' 'Out with the demon and in with the fortune !'
But they say only 'In with the fortune' at this temple.

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Prayer in the main temple

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Fried soy beans put in small bags were scattered from a corridor
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