


2024-04-11 20:37:47 | Newsメモ
 殺害されたのはオロモ解放戦線のsenior official。反政府の論客で逮捕歴あり。

Bate Urgessa was a senior official of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)


BBC Bate Urgessa: Ethiopian opposition OLF figure shot dead and dumped by road 18 hours ago
By Kalkidan Yibeltal

A top Ethiopian opposition figure has been shot dead and his body found on the side of a road in his hometown in Meki, in the troubled Oromia region.

Bate Urgessa, 41, was an outspoken critic of the government and had been jailed on several occasions.

Family members told local news site, Addis Standard, people who "looked like government security forces" took him from his hotel room on Tuesday night.

The Oromia regional government denied that security forces were involved.


Phone lines are cut off in the town but it is unclear if the killing of Mr Bate will trigger protests.


The OLF boycotted the last general election, in 2021, saying the political space was too narrow to operate.

At the time it accused the government of arresting several of its members, supporters and leaders.

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