
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

809.Hmm.., why?

2009-11-30 12:35:05 | Topics

Date-san got the title in Toyota!. Great!. Congratulations☆. She won against big and young opponent like this☆. Just great. This year, she was shining more than young players☆. Her ability made this great result. We just honor her.

Last year(2008), since Henin retired, I wrote about Henin-san by comparing many views of Date-san as my opinion. Both players retired at 25, in the future, they came back. Hmm., I wrote about them on one's own, but they might be similar a little bit, I think. Even though they are different country and age...
杉山さんも、とても素晴らしい選手で、尊敬してます。でも、何でか、私のブログにあまり登場しませんでした。。うーん。なぜだろう。。杉山さん対エナンさんは、エナンの4勝1敗だったようですね。この写真は、2006年US Openです。

Sugiyama-san is also great player, and I respect her. But I didn't write about her so much... Hmm., I don't know why... Sugiyama VS Henin, Henin had 4 wins against 1 loss. This photo is at 2006 US Open.

2006 US Open - 3rd Round : 4-6, 6-1, 6-0 Henin Won
2006 Pacific Life Open - 4th Round : 6-2, 6-1 Henin Won
2003 Masters - Round Robin : 2-6, 4-6 Henin Lost
2003 Proximus Diamond Games - Quarterfinal : 6-2, 6-4 Henin Won
2001 Rogers AT&T Cup - 2nd Round : 6-4, 7-6(5) Henin Won

I guess, Sugiyama-san would be like a honor and earnest student. Because she played in 62 consecutive GS tournaments. Oh, this is the magazine I bought for this photo of Henin the other day☆

And I guess, Date-san would be like a popular person or queen of the mountain(laugh), she's just a charismatic player. I feel fabulously interested in her big presence. Oh, the following link is Date-san's topic about Henin two years ago. Maybe, she would have analyzed more about Henin. I just want to see the match, Date vs Henin. Her presence makes us think so.

* Date-san's blog ~ 2007-06-10 ~

Even if Date-san lost the match, it was close match. After that, she won against that opponent as the revenge. She is just strong. Henin seems to be strong as well as her(delusion). She might be different from her previous career, but she would perform beautiful tennis, I believe☆

808.For a change!

2009-11-29 07:02:53 | Topics

This week, I couldn't deal with many things at all... I felt down... Hmm., The weeks like this happen... Yesterday, such a sad weekend, I wanted to walk down a street for a change, and I got in the trains. But it was "rapid train", so I couldn't get out at the station I wanted to go.., even trains ridiculed me?(laugh)... I felt frustrated, so I went to enjoy the autumn colors. Oh., I didn't put in contact lenses...

There were many food stores. Oh, this is the "pan-fried noodles in Fujinomiya", we often hear recently. It's well-known as a grade-B gourmet. This is the food from my hometown(Shizuoka prefecture).

Actually, I can go to original place, it takes about 30-40 minutes by a car. Yes, I eat it since childhood.., but I don't like it so much(laugh). I prefer the normal pan-fried noodles to it...

Wow, very beautiful autumn colors☆. Some foreigners came here. Oh, maybe, this view is the exotic Japon, right??. The tree's leaves turned red and yellow, besides five-story tower. Very Japan~.

This photo is Brugge city in Belgium. You can see a little autumn colors in this photo. It might be typical view for Belgian, but for me, it was very exotic☆. A cross-cultural experience would be something new and exciting. I yearn for it.

Hmm., Henin just suits Brugge better than five-story tower(laugh). Well., I wonder what she saw for one year. She is a big star, so we're in different spheres, but she also had the cross-cultural experiences? Ahaha, maybe, when you can know "another" things, you would re-realize about "who you are and where you are", I was so. Yes, sometimes, you would need to have cross-cultural experiences for a change☆


2009-11-28 06:17:57 | Topics

I like this scene, so I watch it many times. This is the scene I used for my clip about Henin. It's her light step and smart backhand. But it seems to be a miss-shot(laugh)

I guess, her great muscle would be needed. If the upper body, besides lower body aren't trained well, you wouldn't stay on one's feet for the backhand. She has a sense of stability, not flowing.

By the way, Do you know the meaning of Roland Garros? This is the name of one airman. The Roland Garros was named after him to honor his military gains. Oh, it had no relation with tennis...

* Roland Garros(Wikipedia)
Anyway, the city of art, Paris. The white building and blue sky are very beautiful
Henin's backhand is art, so she suits Roland Garros in Paris the best☆(fan's talk)

There are some temples, so you can get into there. For us the Asian, it seems to be mystical space. Maybe, it would be the same the European people think that Japanese temples are exotic. Henin, Would you like exotic Japon, huh?

806.My growth..?

2009-11-27 12:31:51 | Topics

The country I visited for the first time was Singapore and Bintan island. I was a college student. It was five-day four-night tour, but I had a very big baggage, I remember the most(laugh). Singapore was very beautiful city, you know, and I saw Merlion from the sightseeing ship. Bintan island was so beautiful too☆

At that time, I went there with two friends, but I was very nervous. It was the cheap package tour, and we didn't know English and Singlish so much... Anyway, at that time, I didn't expect that, in the future, I would go to New York alone for watching Henin(laugh). Well, this movie's sound is lost because of file translation.

When I bought the today's ticket, they couldn't understand my English(laugh). How low level my English was, huh?!... In the end, I indicated the ticket by my finger and said "this one, please!". I could buy it, but I couldn't understand their explanation about the ticket.., it was just my adventure(laugh)... After that, I gave up speaking English, so I replied in Japanese to the gate keepers(laugh). And I got into the center court☆, but actually, my ticket was not for the center court. Ahaha, I couldn't understand English~(laugh). Wow, What a big court!

Henin won 2 championships in that a big court at US Open. Just great. At that time, She had the second match in the small court next to it. At that night, Federer played, but I got tired because of the heat and tension after watching Henin's match, so I didn't have power to watch it, and I was sleeping in the hotel. Ahaha, it's my good memories.

805.Even if...

2009-11-26 12:36:26 | Topics

I always check the topic about hard times for job seekers... I guess that the people who could get the job easily would not mind about the topic. Ahaha, that's just the way it is. Also I would have some pain I don't know now, so you can say the same to me.. Anyway, for me, the person who experienced employment ice age, it was very hard memories(wry laugh)...

* The hard times for job seekers...

Even if you get the job, you would feel unfair among individuals or among men and women. Wherever you are, you would have any complaints. The feeling "Denied what you are" is very uncomfortable anytime and anywhere, right?

"A few successful examples" and "The person who can get it always get it" would be true, I think. But how do the person like me do for it?!(laugh). Your effort always isn't rewarded, sometimes, you need to wheel and deal it a little bit...

Even if you make a big effort, you can't get it.., maybe, you would be trampled down your "confidence" and "pride"... It's really hard to undergo the feeling that you are directly told "Your work was not good" from someone, right? Oh, this my blog very dismal one, huh?(bitter laugh)... Because there days, I often feel down...

But, even if you have a hard time, human can make a comeback☆. And your mind would grow up by the experiences. Until you can think so about that, it might be a long way, many months or many years. But wasting experiences are nothing, I want to believe so, ...I believe so☆


2009-11-25 12:35:05 | Topics

Nadal-kun lost to Soderling in the final race of the tour. Anyway.., he really has a great muscle of his arm... In 2009, Nadal got the Australian Open title. After that, he was slumping because of his knee's injury. But he is No.2 now.

* Rafael Nadal again loses to Robin Soderling

Bringing back my memories, Nadal had the shocking loss in the 4th round at RG, he was in the fourth consecutive RG titles. The "King of clay" lost in earlier round, and we were surprised at his loss, I remember so. Hmm., I was in bad condition over the past year.., Help me...
Soderling who beat Nadal at this RG is the No.9 now. Really great player

And Federer got his first RG title this year. If Nadal-kun got the title this year too.., Belgian Queen of clay might not have woken up again?... Federer's first RG title was one of her motivations to come back, it made her heart burn again. Yes, she seemed to be able to think "I just want Wimbledon title"☆, it's the only title she couldn't have until now. We thank Federer's win and Nadal-kun? for Henin's comeback☆??. Oh, Also I was moved his spirit to get his first RG title, so I bought "Federer's book"☆

Henin, we believe you☆. We want her to get the Wimbledon title, but for me, it's happy enough I can see her sprightly attitude to the tennis. I can find satisfaction as a fan from it. Ahaha, she comes back, that's just happy enough☆. Oh-oh, the hurdle of my satisfaction is getting low... Henin, just run to Wimbledon~☆

803.Seasonal menu.

2009-11-24 12:35:18 | Topics

Yesterday, my mother came to Tokyo in my hangover condition. Speaking of the souvenir of Tokyo for a country hick, that's Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, huh?(laugh). I'm living in Tokyo, but if I don't have the opportunity like that, I wouldn't go there... Oh, you can see the production process.

* Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Homepage

The waiting time for buying was about 20 minutes. During that, they give the freshly-fried doughnut to the waiting people as a service. We often hear everyone's opinion, "The doughnut we eat during waiting is the best". Yes, that's right, I think. Fresh-from-the-fryer crunch☆

This is the souvenir for my family. The two doughnuts on the bottom-right corner are seasonal menu. We are easily affected by seasonal or limited one... But I like the old-fashioned doughnut the best☆. Hmm., I have a weak stomach, so I can't eat a lot(laugh)

カスタード マロングラッセ:Custard Marron Glace
モンブラン セレナーデ:Mont Blanc Serenade

* Seasonal Menu ~MARRON RICH & SWEET~

Well, in Brussels, you would see the waffles like this photo in the city. It's so voluminous. I wouldn't be able to eat all of it for a snack... Chocolate-drenched banana, and Chocolate-drenched strawberry. Chocolate & Waffle. That's very Belgium☆. Well., if the autumn has come, they top with marron? The custom like seasonal menu is only in Japan?., I don't know...
I wonder how the autumn in Florida is. It don't have the image "Speaking of autumn is Marron"...?
モンブラン セレナーデ。セレナーデの意味は、「恋人のために演奏される音楽」なんだそうです。あ、素敵な言葉ですね。でも、アホな私は、この写真を見ながら、モンブラン セレナーデ、食べてやろう(笑)。はは、ただ書きたかっただけです、すいません。。そうだ、エナン、フロリダで、食べてやれ~(笑)。ぱくっ!

Mont Blanc Serenade. The meaning of Serenade is "the performed music for a lover". Oh, it's a beautiful word. But I would eat Mont Blanc Serenade, watching this photo as a crazy fan(laugh). Ahaha, I just wanted to write about it, sorry... Yes, Henin, Eat her in Florida~(laugh). Allez!

* Serenade(Wikipedia)

802.In the future?

2009-11-23 08:30:05 | Topics

Oh, this movie, Henin's back hand is so cool. But this is the very maniac moment for me. Because I worry about her tag's future(laugh).
Henin with fully opened tag. After this, she lost this game.(Check the following movie)
After changing court.., Oh, it was still opened fully.
Ju:"OK, Good point, it begins here. Oh, something on my neck..."
Ju:"Oh my god.., tag is opened.., Eh-, from when??"

Henin noticed that(laugh). Hmm., it would be because it was opened fully... Anyway, this is the maniac topic, right?... Too crazy☆. But I had something about the tag's future in my mind, so I checked it the other day, and I felt better about it(self-satisfaction). It was originally just a scene I found by chance, but anyway., it would be only my blog that writes about "tag" in the match two years ago... Crazy♪

801.The autumn.

2009-11-22 08:45:41 | Topics

The autumn has come. I took this photo of ginkgo tree-lined around my office. The leaves begin to turn red and gold. This photo is taken by my mobile phone. It's just a good function. Maybe, it has more functions in it, but I can't use it completely...

About five years ago, I thought the camera function in mobile phone was great!.., but now it's nothing special., and we can see the internet at high speed., it keeps improving more...

Last Friday, I went out for a work. When I sometimes go out, I often have a lunch with my coworkers. Always, I have some rice balls I buy at a convenience store or bring my lunch box. I always have simple meal(laugh). Well, I had hash and rice, and I got a oriental persimmon there at that time☆. Yes, it was a free gift☆. But after eating hash and rice, I had stomachache... What a "poor and weak stomach" I have... Oh, this juice was good. Both ones look like "autumn", right☆?

By the way, According to the informations by the visitor to my blog, Henin had the corrective vision surgery too. Well, There's very cute photo in the photo album I bought in my trip to Belgium☆. What about the glasses and hairstyle..?(laugh). Ahaha, very cute. Juju-chan's eyes were not very good since a little girl?. The writing is French and Dutch languages, so I can't understand it...
Now, she wears sunglasses?... Eh.., Like this, huh?. The Mat..rix?(laugh), Sorry!