
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

688.Many viewpoints..?

2009-07-31 12:28:22 | Topics
いつも、ブログの題材は、駅から会社間の徒歩10分で考えます。と言うか、思いつきます。でも、帰宅後、落ち着いてPCに向かうと、全く違う題材を書くことが多いです。今日も、変えてます。そういえば、少し前、私のYouTubeのある動画に「Justine Henin」のタグをつけました。その動画の再生状況が気になったので、記録することにしました。

I always think up the topic of my blog for about 10 minutes between the station and my office. But after work and some houseworks, and when I sit in front of my PC, I always write about the different one from the topic I thought up in the morning. Today, I'm changing it. OK, Now, while back, I gave my YouTube cilp the tag "Justine Henin". I mind about the play of that clip, so I write about it.
「YouTube Insight」は、再生状況を確認できるサービスです。基本的に、あまり見られていませんが、、チェックしてみましょう。あら、、タグを付けた動画は、2番目です。何と、、タグのない動画が、1番です。あ、ちと意外です。。しかも、私があまり見返したくない動画です。。エナン引退直後、泣きながら作ったので(苦笑)。。

"YouTube Insight" is the service that you can confirm the record of my clips. They are not watched so much now.., but I'll check it. Oh-oh., the clip with tag was second. I was surprised at it. The best clip was the clip I don't want to watch again... Because after her retirement, I made it with lots of tears(wry laugh)...

* My YouTube【51sepf】

OK, I'll show you the record about Europe. Oh.., Belgian didn't watch them a lot(tears)... But people in other countries watched them, I was so glad to know that. Hmm., I wonder how they come to my site? I don't know. But I'm really glad. Thank you very much☆
そういえば、「The No.1 Forever」は、「翼を下さい」の英語版でした。引退したエナンには、「自由」に大空へ羽ばたいて欲しくて(涙)、選曲しました。。…あ、この曲は、日本の曲?ですよね。おっ、違法とはいえ(苦笑)、世界でも、ほんの少し、この曲が聞かれているわけですか?。しみじみ。

Well., the song of "The No.1 Forever" was "Wings to fly"... I wanted retired Henin to fly into the sky for her "freedom"(tears).., so I selected that song. Hmm., this song is Japanese song, right?. Oh, it's a illegal clip(wry laugh), but somewhere in the world, this music would be listened by a few people. Wow, it's a feeling thing.
時々、私は、この「Artistic backhand & ...song?」を見ます。あら、、皆様にはウケないようですね~(笑)。YouTube、なかなか色々と観察できて、楽しいです。で、結局、「タグ効果」は微妙だったんでしょうか(笑)??。でも、引退して1年以上経っても、見てくれる人がいるなんて、根強いエナンファンがいますね~☆。あ、私もか(あほファン)。

Sometimes, I watch this clip "Artistic backhand & ...song?". Oh.., everyone doesn't seem to like it-(laugh). I can have many viewpoints about how to use YouTube, I enjoy it. Well, The "effect of tag" was not so much(laugh)??. Anyway, more than a year has passed since her retirement, but the clips are still played, it means she has her persistent fans~☆ Oh, me too(crazy fan).


2009-07-30 12:40:32 | Topics

I was thinking I would want to write about it someday. It was the NHK drama before "Limit", I watched it a few episodes before. It was the story about UNHCR. NHK made the drama with a deep message. UNHCR is the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. It's the organization for refugee problem(Wikipedia).

* UNHCR Home page
* The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees : UNHCR(Wikipedia)

Angelina Jolie works as a goodwill ambassador of UNHCR. I have read her paperback about her activity, a little. She is famous to have some orphan children as adopted child. I remembered one phrase "We needs something more to our life?" in this drama. Hmm., I have many things I don't use(need?) now., yes, I think...

* Angelina Jolie(Wikipedia)

But I would not find it clearly, maybe... I can live now at a certain level, so if I say something about that, my opinion would not have the weight of it. Because even if I think so., I would buy something more than I need, I would make trash, and I don't work for it like that...

Even if you work for it, you would not help everyone.., and you would need leeway to work for it.., but it's great to have a goodwill to work for it, I think. The activity Henin-san do is UNICEF. Great!, we want her to keep the activity. Date-san and her husband said on her blog, they established a school in Laos. Wow, great activity for children, so cool☆. I want massmedia to pick the topic like that up more.

* United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund : UNICEF(Wikipedia)

Well., Henin's former fellow would come back to the tour in this summer. But each player is different., it would be sure that both are shining. Both works are not what everyone can do. We'll support them☆ Allez!


2009-07-29 12:39:35 | Topics

Do you mind about "one's evaluation"?. To be honest, I mind about it. Yes, maybe, you think so too?. Of course, how much you think of it would be each different... I mind about everyone's opinion about my weblog and YouTube, a little. Oh, Henin is really a great tennis player, so it's natural to evaluate her by everyone, Yes, of course☆

But I'm not a great person like her, I'm a ordinary person. Everyday, I was told from my boss, "You don't make this document yet?", "You should read my mail", and "Send the e-mail to finish it clearly"., Yes, I'm a salary-woman(laugh)... It's far to have a opportunity to evaluate me(tears)... Oh, Date-san is a great tennis player too.

So, I mind about my evaluation, even though it's computer's one. it's the "report card of my blog". I did it just one year ago, so Let's compare last year's one to this year's one. Ahaha, this year, my blog's age was "18 years old"... Hmm., yes, recently, I'm a crazy fan of Henin(laugh)... Oh, this blog was judged as a "woman". My evaluation of "assertion" and "busy writer" were down point...

* The record card of your Blog(ブログ通信簿)

Eh? I always write about "myself" a lot, but my evaluation "assertion" was down point, huh?(laugh)... Well., while back, I found my diary, it was when I was a college student. I seemed to feel frustrated to myself... I seem to have a small mind since early 20s, huh?(laugh). I can say something only on the blog or notebook?(laugh). Maybe, Whenever I live, I'm the person like that(laugh). So, yes, even though she retired, maybe, she would be just Henin(laugh). Right~?

Oh, Date-san, she'll go for hard court season. She has popularity, publicity and career, so now, "Challenging tennis" is good for herself and it would become "hope" for everyone. What a great work!, it's just a good evaluation. We want her to play tennis longer☆. At first, we're waiting for her first win at WTA!. It'll come to her soon☆, we believe so.

* Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


2009-07-28 12:32:00 | Topics

My neck's muscle is terrible... Sunday, I did bad serve many times. Turning my neck up, I feel a muscle ache... The most terrible muscle ache is my hip. And legs, waist. Oh, all of my body(tears). Sitting on the seat, and standing from the seat., very muscle ache. Since last afternoon., my muscle became like a solid gradually.., last night, it reached a peak...
久しぶりのテニスで、改めて、エナンのパフォーマンスはすごいと思いました。ではでは、この動画「Amazing points!」を見てみましょう☆。まず、ビーナス姉さんの素晴らしいサーブに、エナンはコートの外にはじき出されてしまいます。よくレシーブしました!

After tennis, I thought again that, Henin's performance was very great. OK, Now, Let's watch this clip "Amazing points!"☆. At first, Henin was gotten out the court to receive Venus's good serve. Yes, she caught that ball!

* Amazing points!【My YouTube】

But soon, Venus attacked to the opposite side... A little queen ran and ran to the left side, caught that ball. Great!. But Venus tried to finish it, and she went to the net to attack Henin's easy ball.
エナンは振り向きざま、姉さんの動きを見て、後ろにステップしながら、打ち返した球が、左隅に決まります☆。ゲームの展開は、エナンが押されていたのに、エナンのポイントです☆。やった、Amazing point!。素晴らしいパフォーマンス☆(あほファントーク、、今日ひどいね)。。

Henin turned around, and checked Venus's movement, she went to back with her beautiful steps, returned that ball, it went to the left side corner☆. That game making was Venus's, but Henin got the point☆ Yes, it's an Amazing point!. Great performance☆(crazy fan's talk.., today, so crazy)...

It's just a moment. Of course, her technique and physical ability were great, maybe, besides, she had quick wits and concentration. It would be just the "sense" of tennis... Because she predicted where the ball would come for a moment.. Anyway, the mind to catch the ball is the most important, maybe. Oh-oh., sorry about my fan's talk.

684.Absence of 5 years...

2009-07-27 12:25:01 | Diary

Yesterday, I played tennis for the first time after an absence of 5 years. I always write about tennis on this blog, but I didn't play tennis at all. This photo is my tennis goods came back after a long time sleeping. Oh, each one is different maker(laugh)... I'm a fan of Henin., but adidas is only one.., actually, I'm a small fan..? FILA.., Kuz-chan too.

Oh-oh, I look like a lover of Nike... This bag was the gift of something.., I remembered so. If I have the opportunity to buy a bag, I would have bought adidas.., yes, absolutely(cold sweat)...

Oh, yes, I would have bought the bag like this photo-. Hmm., Date-san, she came back to the tour after an absence of 13 years.., she's really a great player... My absence of five years is still small thing, huh?(laugh)... My muscle is terrible since yesterday... Hmm., it was good not to have a injury... And I would feel muscle pain tomorrow?(laugh)...

During playing tennis, my smile disappeared gradually, got short of breath, poured sweat, felt heavy... Where's my "Enjoy tennis"..?? Date-san, just great.., I realized so again. I want her to enjoy playing tennis, to be careful for a injury, and to go for a win. I'll support her.

And I couldn't catch the ball like this photo. I'm sad to my body.., I have enough motivation I want to catch the ball(laugh)... Hey, Henin-san, it's no problem to have an absence of only one year, so you can come back anytime(laugh). It would be more exciting than the exhibition for you☆


2009-07-26 08:03:48 | Topics

One and a half years has passed since I started to write my blog. Instead of it, I got out of watching TV drama on commercial network. It's natural thing., because I can't do everything I want to do... So, NHK is always broadcasted. Oh, this drama on NHK, "Limit" is interesting. It's the story about "mind" of detectives, not about "Who is the criminal?". The actors play very well.

* Limit_NHK drama

Limit.. There're many types of limit.., in my first case, it was when I was a high-school student. It was one's grades. Accepting it.., it meant almost I had to give up. Hmm., maybe, a clever person couldn't understand it... In a sense, it was "hard" rather than now. Because students are classified by the score...
【J.H.】I love playing tennis because of the emotions that it gives me on the tennis court. And like I said many times, I don't want to be part of the history. I just want to do it because I love it so much, and because I love to fight, and I love to win. I'm a real competitor. And I just want to push my limits and that's it.


Henin's limit... it would release Adrenaline a lot.

* Justine Henin interview 2007. 6. 6 at Roland Garros

In many senses, she is really a great player. Maybe, she would have had many enemies(laugh), and she would have had many difficult things for her private... So she might have had many limits. Hmm., we should say just "Take a rest..." to her...

Kuzzie is not same as Henin(laugh). Yes, that's just right(laugh). Kuznetsova is my favorite player too. But Henin's third consecutive title at RG was just great. How much did she concentrate on tennis? As she said, it would have taken some sacrifices... You might find the player's "life" from their tennis. Oh, this blog's topic changes to about Henin., Sorry about that..

682.What's YouTube?

2009-07-25 07:35:54 | Editor's note
YouTubeって何でしょう。。いつも思います。例えば、以下の私の動画「Late 2007」、これは、一度、著作権侵害で削除された動画です。ですが、今は、削除されていません。なぜなら、「タグ」をつけていないからです。見つからなければ、削除されないってことです(ブログで言うな)。あぁ、悪いな、悪いなー。

What's YouTube? I'm always thinking of it. For example, the following my YouTube clip "late 2007", once, this was deleted by someone because of copyright. But now, you can watch it. Because this clip is tagless. I prove that., if this clip was not found by someone who had original copyright, it could be in YouTube(I shouldn't say it on the blog). Oh, I'm a bad person.

* My YouTube【51sepf】

Yesterday, on NHK, the TV program "The more power of user-posted video" was broadcasted. Hmm., It means YouTube. The site has good side and bad side... And it has the problem of copyright.., but now and future, it would be useful more and more., the TV program said so. Yes., it has problem of a law(copyright)., but in the other side, it's recognized the value of YouTube.

Hmm., it's a difficult problem... If you are the person who has post into YouTube, you could understand that psychology of "the side of post(me)". It's so interesting. If you post something into YouTube, you would think "I want someone to watch it, or to enjoy it, and it's just self-assertiveness", even though it's illegality... Yes, I know that, because I experienced that feeling, it was just like a magic..

But now, those clips have "tagless"... To be honest, as a Henin's fan, I have a strong mind, which I want someone to watch my clips... Hmm., but when I made public those clips with the tags, I felt uncomfortable for my illegality clips. But now, I uploaded them with tagless, so it's definitely equally guilty... But it's tagless., so it's low-impact than before., Only I just might think so... Yes, I know that well, it means, it just depends on my mind...


Do you think what YouTube is?. I just think it was made from "human's psychology". Because now, it's the most popular site, right? It's the perfect structure of human's psychology, because it got well-balanced between "watch" and "post". Especially, "post" wouldn't have "special benefit" more than that psychology. Hmm., What's the essence of it?. If these clips are good for Henin, I want everyone in the world to watch them(crazy fan). But I can't judge if it's better for her, or not.., I don't know...

682.After mistake...

2009-07-24 12:40:08 | Diary

Mmmm., yesterday, I had a big mistake on my work., so I felt down(凹) a lot... I noticed it before becoming the completed product., but this was a big problem for me... This week, I felt like this, and my mind is weak., so my attitude gets small(laugh). Yes, I have a small mind...

This was a common mistake.., almost always, it's a easy mistake. You know, everything might be always simple. That's why., it might be difficult to find it for us(wry laugh). And., you take courage to admit one's mistake, right?. It's so scary. Because., I believed that was right, but the truth was that was wrong.. At that time, I think "I don't want to believe the truth" because of my self-defense...

Hmm., these mistakes just would happen to human. At times like this, it would be best to accept it soon, and you should think what to do the next step... It's really difficult to change your mind and to concentrate for it. Hmm., and., it's hard to say "I'm so sorry about my mistake".., it's hard to accept it. And I feel frustrated to myself... Come on., me...


2009-07-23 12:32:15 | Topics

2009.7.22, A total solar eclipse occurred. In Japan, it was for the first time after 46 years. But unfortunately, it was bad weather in almost places in Japan... But people in some places could observe partial eclipse of the sun. And next time, it will be occur 26 years later in Japan, 2035.9.2... It's a long long time later...

* A total solar eclipse

It was around AM 11:00, which a total solar eclipse occurred. I was at office., yes, it was just a ordinary day for me... Some place where occurred a total solar eclipse seemed to get night for a few minutes. The temperature went down, and it got dark... The sunlight, the forces of nature is great.
A total eclipse of tennis①. Kuznetsova, all eclipse(laugh). It's time to go for hard court? Go for it☆
A total eclipse of tennis②. It's not so funny?(laugh). I want to see her tennis rather than solar eclipse☆


2009-07-22 12:31:02 | Topics

Dissolve of the House of Representatives! Now, it's said a change of regime, each party's "Manifesto" seems to have advantage for some job fields. When I went back to hometown, my father said to me that, you should read the manifesto for yourself. Heh-., they have such a lots of difference?, I didn't know that.

I'm a fan of Aso-san(laugh)., so I bought his book(but I don't read it yet...), Hmm., he doesn't have popular support so much..?? It was not good he couldn't read the Kanji "Mizou"... Hey, everyone, take it easy, maybe, you sometimes couldn't read some Kanji, right?. But., he is prime minister in Japan., so it was just "Mizou", huh?(laugh)

* Mizou(Dictionary)

By the way, I wondered that, the assembly in Belgium, what kind of language do they speak at that? So, I checked it on the internet. Oh, each area in Belgium is different. Flemish(north), Wallonia(south) and Brussels have each one. Yes, Belgium is federate nations.

* Belgian assembly
* Federate nations(Wikipedia)

And according to Japanese Foreign Ministry's site, the relation between Belgium and Japan seems to be good. Yes, Good☆. Maybe, Henin would contribute to the relationship for Japanese tennis fans(crazy fan). Oh., but she didn't come to Japan(laugh)... When I went to Brussels, I found Japanese restaurant in the city. Heh-, they like Japanese taste?

【The Kanji of Belgium】:It's written "白耳義" by Kanji, it's shortened into "白"(Wikipedia). I didn't know that...

* Between Belgium and Japan
* Kingdom of Belgium(Wikipedia)

Udon is 8.8€., it's expensive... Oh, there's the photo of Unagi. Heh-, they might like the Japanese taste of salty-sweet? Besides, there's the photo of Gyoza too. Hmm., but it's Chinese food, right?(laugh).

I often found Yakitori as Japanese food in Europe. Hmm., They like the Japanese taste of salty-sweet? Anyway, Belgian Beer with Yakitori would be good taste? Maybe, delicious☆(laugh)