
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2015-02-19 12:15:00 | Berlin trip

I'd like to write about Berlin trip until starting the next tournament for Nishikori and Date. This is the photo of internet cafe at Berlin I went. At that time 2008, I didn't have smart phone or tablet. So, I had to go there to use internet. I was a little scary to get in, but it was no problem to use, even in my poor English.



2015-02-10 12:15:00 | Berlin trip

These photos are Berlin city. It's a very big capital city. In my generation, Germany was written as East German & West German on a textbook. When I was a kid, I didn't expect that I would go to unified Germany alone to see Belgian Henin in the future(^^;). The history goes ahead, and I too grow up.

As you see, it's a beautiful city with old and new buildings. Hmm, Tokyo is so too, but I think Berlin has more spacious for everything. Tokyo is very very busy...



2015-02-09 12:15:00 | Berlin trip
7年ぶりに、ベルリンの地図を見ました。旅行する前、見知らぬ土地の情報を得るために、Google mapで検索しまくっていました。ネット、便利ですよね。最寄り駅・バス停からホテルまでは数百メートル、非常に便利な場所でした。でも、夜の歩きは、本当に怖かったです。

I look at this map of Berlin since my trip 7 years ago. At that time, Before having the trip, I checked a lot on Google map. Internet is really useful. It was a few hundred meters from the nearest station. But walking at midnight was really scary.
これが駅です。Berlin Zoologischer Garten駅(ベルリン動物園駅)。近くに動物園がありました。
This is "Berlin Zoologischer Garten" station. It's a big station. There is zoo near the station.
I couldn't pronounce it... Yes, almost all words.

I could understand only number, time and the number of platform... I couldn't memorize a station name. So, I memorized only the first alphabet of the station name. My German level is very low and I couldn't speak English well enough... Oh, my brave trip... That's just love for Henin.



2015-02-08 12:15:00 | Berlin trip
ベルリンに滞在した時のホテルは、Wyndham Berlin Excelsiorでした。お部屋は、こんな感じです。ま、ビジネスホテルです。とにかく、ホテルに着いた時は安心しました。バス停からは、真っ暗な中、初めて訪れた地を一人で歩いて、めちゃくちゃ怖かったです。

It's Wyndham Berlin Excelsior I stayed at Berlin. It's like this photo. Hmm, yes, it's a business hotel. Anyway, when I got to the hotel, I felt great security. Because, it was very scary to walk alone in dark at midnight, besides, it was my first visit to Germany.
By the way, there is 0 floor. In Japan, it means 1st floor.



2015-02-07 12:15:00 | Berlin trip

Berlin airport. It was smaller than Heathrow and Narita. The airplane was delayed at Heathrow, so, I arrived here at midnight(I took this photo on way back). I was very nervus at that time.

I didn't understand German language, but I had to get on a bus. In the initial plan, my arrival was in the afternoon, but in actuality it was at midnight. It was really scary for me.

This is the hotel I stayed. Maybe, it's like a business hotel. The travel fee was 233,980 Yen. The trip for Henin was very expensive... But it was well worth the expense.



2015-02-06 12:15:00 | Berlin trip
自分を元気にするために、6年前に書いていた「Berlin trip」について、もう一度ブログしてみたいと思います。当時のブログをチェックしてみると、タイトル番号はNo.300でした。今は、もうNo.2621です。読んでみると、長い間に、私の文章の書き方が変わったようです。今読むと、すごく恥ずかしい。。当時は、途中で旅行記が終わっていました(^^;)。今度は、最後まで書けるといいな。。時は、2008年5月5日。一人旅でした。

To cheer up myself, I try to write again about "Berlin trip" I was writing six years ago. Checking my blog, the title-number was No.300. Now, it's No.2601... I think my writing style would have been changed in a long time. Reading the old topics now, I'm really ashamed. And these topics were still ongoing(^^;). I want to finish writing it this time... It was traveling alone, on May 5th, 2008.

It was a package tour of free plan with reservation of plane and hotel. Narita - Heathrow - Berlin. I have to go there by myself, of course, transit too. At that time, Heathrow was renewed to beautiful airport, but it was too huge, so, I just felt helpless there. Thinking of it now, I might not go there alone, even if Henin is there...


481.Small but Big...?

2008-12-26 12:43:23 | Berlin trip

This May, I went to Berlin to watch the match of Henin. The most nervous thing was.., whether I would be able to buy the tickets, or not(laugh). I should have prepared about it? Anyway.., It took two hundred thousand yen to go there., and if.. if I couldn't watch Henin., you know, I would be sooooo sad., right? Oh, this was the station near German Open.
There was the poster of German Open. I took it unconsciously.

I don't know German., first of all, I worried about if I could go to the site of German Open. I was getting all fired up to buy the tickets on the preceding day.., but on that day, I had stomachache, and I got lost in Potsdam. It was too bad.. Oh, it's a lovely station☆

It's the way for the site of German Open. It was quiet residential area. In Japan before coming there, I searched the place of German Open on Google, so I checked the air photo.., but It was difficult to confirm the place by it...

"Eh-? There is nobody.., I got lost?" I was thinking, and I walked for about 15 minutes, I found the banner. I got it-. I'll be able to buy the ticket to watch Henin-. I was exciting., so I must have been a strange Japanese at that time., absolutely(laugh)...

Here's the ticket office. Before I would buy it, I was rehearsing English words to buy it many times... But in the end, "Eh--, tomorrow's ticket♪" I said only that words... What a simple English words.., I,I,I'm really studying English now, huh? Humm.., on-the-spot, my English was the way it was... I said that with my heart(laugh), so I could buy it☆. Danke(Thank you). It's my "Small but Big memory".

331.I got lost...

2008-08-07 12:59:35 | Berlin trip

My travel report to Berlin, at a whim. I had a big abdominal pain. And the moment I got to POTSDAM, I went to the toilet... I felt bad about oneself(laugh). OK, me, Let's go sightseeing from now.
でも、道に迷った(笑)。どうして一本道で迷うのかー?ま、方向オンチとはそんなもんです。。危険を感じた私は、おばぁちゃんに道を聞いてみました。英語が通じない(泣)。散歩していた人も巻き込んで、違う方向であることに気がつきました。おばぁちゃんが「途中まで一緒に」とゼスチュア(笑)で、私を助けてくれました。私が"I'm from Japan"と言うと、ヤパナ(Japanese)?と理解してくれました。泣ける。

But I got lost(laugh). I wonder why I always get lost on the straight road... That's the lack of a sense of direction. I worried about my safety, so I asked the way to elderly woman. We couldn't communicate in English.. The passing person helped us, I found it was the wrong way. She took me to the way I should go. Communication was gesture(laugh). I said "I'm from Japan", so she responded "Japanisch(Japanese)?". I was touched by her words.
おばぁちゃんは、私の手をとり「こんな風に連れてかれないよう気をつけなさい」と心配して言ってるらしく(ドイツ語)、"大丈夫、I'm OK, Danke"(3ヶ国語?笑)と会話してみました。別れ際に、私から握手をして"Danke schon(どうもありがとう)"と言うと、笑顔で答えてくれました。泣ける。挨拶に国境なし!。こういうの思い出に残りますよね。で、普通と違う道で着きました(笑)。

The elderly woman took my arm and told me, maybe(I don't know German), "Be careful not to take you by someone, like this" It seemed she worried about me. I understood it, I said "大丈夫, I'm OK, Danke"(3 language?_laugh). On parting, I offered to shake hands from me to express my thanks and I said "Danke schon(Thank you so much)". And she gave me her big smile. I was touched by her smile. No Border in greeting! It was my good memory. Well,,, I got my destination by irregular route(laugh).
それにしても、私…German Openの会場に行けるのか?と、かなり不安になりました。。近くて遠いかー?エナンまで。

Humm.. Hey me.., I can go to German Open by oneself? I don't have enough confidence... I'm so close to Henin now but.., it's far?
Oh, Safin. He won somewhere now(laugh). Go for it with your sister!

* Safin defeats American Isner in LA

322.The toilet...

2008-07-30 12:54:45 | Berlin trip

My travel report to Berlin, at a whim. I took a bus from Tegel airport to Zoo station. And I walked from the station to the hotel. It was said the hotel was near the station. But for me, it was hard. Because I didn't know German, right and left. Besides it was dark. I walked with heart-pounding, I wear a cap deeply(strange?) and I tried not to be upset. But maybe, I was suspicious-looking... Phew,,, It was scary...

* The Berlin Excelsior Hotel

Watching Henin was on 5/7-8. So, I went sightseeing on 5/6. I went to POTSDAM. It was cooler than I expected. I had a t,t,t,t,trouble at the train. I had a big stomachache.. But,,, I couldn't think I could stop over in first visiting country.. O,O,OK, me. I should keep this situation to POTSDAM. So blue, nervous sweat, shakes... First stopping off place in POTSDAM was the toilet... Uh-huh. Any objections?(laugh)

Where's the toilet? I found it with gawky movement. OH MY GOD! Tip-toilet? The woman cleaner stood there(laugh). No,,, The long way to my toilet... "How much is it? When should I pay it? I don't know German(cry). OK, I check it on my guide-book." And then, I watched a few people entered the toilet, so I learned the manner. It's my limit, Help me. Please, Jesus. If I had some badly-behaved things at ordinary times, I apologize about it. So, Please forgive me only now(cry).
便座に座りながら、再びガイド本チェックして悲しくなりました。でも、明日はエナンじゃ。あの時(US Open)より良い写真を撮るために、1日かけてやってきた。そのための今よ、私!メモによると、あの時は25セントのチップ。今思えば、1ユーロの価値はありました(笑)。

When I checked about the manner on my guide-book again while sitting toilet seat, I felt miserable me... But OK, me. Tomorrow, I will watch Henin's match. I came here to take some better photos than US Open last year. I took all day to come here from Japan. This moment must be for getting that moment, me! According to my memo, I paid only 25 cent tip at that time. But I brought back it now, it was the value of 1€, absolutely(laugh).
I have too small mind, huh...?

307.Which color?

2008-07-15 12:59:21 | Berlin trip

Well, Sometimes(freewheeling?), I'll write about travel report to Berlin. Terminal at London's Heathrow was so beautiful. It's exclusive to British Airways(BA). If you'll have the transit from BA to BA, it's convenient, I think. Hum,, But this time, I waited 3-4 hours to transfer in London... And I didn't have some money(pound), I couldn't drink some water... Hey me,, you can exchange it, right? Do it!(laugh)

* British Airways Terminal 5
ベルリンテーゲル空港。帰りに撮った写真です。行きは深夜到着でかなりビビっておりましたゆえ。。だってドイツ語は"ダンケ"しか知らないし(笑)。お、German Openだっ!空港から盛り上がりますね。んー?私だけかー?

Berlin's Tegel airport. This is the photo I took when I would go back to Japan. Because when I came here, it was late at night. It was scary and I was nervous... And besides, I don't know German at all except "Danke"(laugh). Oh? Wow! German Open! It made me warm up. Hum? Only me-?

I was thinking which color Henin's uniform was. I wanted to watch the white color♪ she wore at the event in Grand-Place. In the end, it was a blue color... Well, Henin-san? You can't tie it by oneself-? Oh-oh, sweet child?(laugh) Yes OK, you are just a Queen!(laugh)

Well, I was thinking the possibility this uniform came too. Personally, I like white Henin, but I don't like that red color so much. Although I say it, actually, this photo is my desktop wallpaper now(laugh). I was attracted to her keen eyesight. Cool, Henin! I'm crazy, huh? I know that♪