
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

2909.Maybe, OK.

2016-01-11 12:15:00 | Topics


Nishikori lost to Tomic in the third round at Brisbane. Sad to hear that, but it would be important for him to be in his best condition at AO, so, that's not such a big problem, I think. And about Date-san. She keeps playing tennis this year too. I can't understand her thought and mental level anymore, but anyway, I just pray that she will play her best tennis. I think, she would have the ideal tennis in her mind that she wants to play. How can she reach her ideal? That would be important for her. Probably, not winning the game, achieving her best is important now. Getting older, I might understand her thought a little. Anyway, I support Nishikori and Date this year too☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



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