
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1371.One year ago...

2011-06-30 12:15:41 | Topics

On June 28th last year, Henin played in the 4th round at Wimbledon. Yes.., one year has passed since her shocking injury... One year ago, Henin was in the grass court. So, I was very happy to see White Henin there. But now, I can't see her there anymore(tears)...

Henin finished the 2010 season by this match. And.., her injury couldn't recover completely.., and she retired from her second career. Uhhh.., I think there is not more sad ending than that... Henin., I worry about her injury even now... Please turn to us...



2011-06-29 12:15:10 | Topics

Date-san is very brilliant at this Wimbledon☆. She makes us cheer up a lot. Her second match v.s. Venus made an impression on us. Shorter player Date-san had a bigger presence than Venus☆(crazy fan)

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~

I'm a crazy fan of Henin, so, for me, she looks like Henin(^^;). Henin played tennis with all her spirit until the end of the match anytime. In that Date-san's second match, everyone was thinking she couldn't win against Venus, but Date-san played to win. Their strong spirits are very great☆



2011-06-28 12:15:23 | Topics

Hello. I come back to my blog. I had my trip even during Wimbledon☆. It was only four days to Vietnam. Just before leaving Japan, I had a trouble that we didn't book a hotel in Vietnam.., Oh my god... But I could book it soon. This photo is the city in Hanoi, Vietnam. You might look like Europe city a little, because Vietnam belonged to France before.

This photo is Ha Long, world heritage site. I went to Vietnam to visit there. It was about 180km from Hanoi. Long trip... Ha Long means, "Ha : Flight" "Long : Dragon". Oh, very mystic story☆. Now, I'll write about Wimbledon again.


1368.Sport paper!

2011-06-24 04:18:00 | Topics

This is the photo of sport paper. Of course, I bought it. Even though she lost the match, but it was a great match. I'm looking forward to her great success. Oh, Doi-san won in the second round!. Very good!. Just Go-☆

I'll take a rest for a few days. See you later☆

1367.Great match!

2011-06-23 12:15:46 | Topics

Date-san lost to Venus with 7-6, 3-6, 6-8 in the second round at Wimbledon... Very sad but great match. It was exciting and high level match for the first time since I felt it in Henin's match. You know, it's the match "age 40 v.s. 31"☆
I was very moved and had tears. I want Henin to watch the match!
After the match, they received a standing ovation. WB respected Date☆.

Come on!


2011-06-23 01:24:10 | Topics
21:09 from web
22:17 from web
22:18 from web (Re: @ChiaST
@ChiaST Oh, Date-san got the 1st set! amazing!
22:59 from web
23:14 from web (Re: @mikit25
@mikit25 伊達さん、頑張ってますよ~。今、セット1-1。
by 51sepj on Twitter

1366.Grass court...

2011-06-22 12:15:23 | Topics

Long line. Is it a line to get the ticket for Wimbledon, right?. I have heard before, it's very hard to get the ticket... But, if I can see white Henin, I might stand in the line(tears)...

Do you know Wimbledon tournament?. In this photo, the place Henin took a rest is for only players?. Well., what is that taller physiologist doing now?...

This photo is in 2007. Here is for only players too?. Henin's back shot makes me feel sad. Looking at grass courts, what was the 25 years old Henin thinking about?...


1365.In 15 years!

2011-06-21 12:15:25 | Topics

Date-san won against O'Brien with 6-0, 7-5 in the first round at Wimbledon!. Congratulations☆. She had the win for the first time in 15 years. Great. She still has ability to win. In clay season, she was struggling with losing match for a long time. But maybe, she begins to get over it. I'm very moved☆

40-year-old Date-Krumm to face Venus at Wimbledon

The No.3 court is a new court from this year. Oh, she got the memorial first win there-☆. OK the next, her opponent is Williams older sister. I hope they will have a good match☆. Just Go, Date-san!
