
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

627.Play football..?!

2009-05-31 05:45:05 | Topics

Today(31th May), an international friendship game will be held between Belgium and Japan. Hey, me.., you write about football?, not tennis(laugh)? Ahaha, I just found the words, Belgium, so I'm writing about it(laugh)

* Football Belgium VS Japan

Hmm? This ball is same as one of above photo? The ball that has hexagonal shape print is not there now(laugh)? Hmmm.., if Henin-san plays football, I would watch it(laugh)...

This is the tennis magazine I bought in Brussels on big holidays in early May. It's not a football magazine(laugh). One year ago, Henin-san retired with No.1 status. Mmmm., taking an objective view., she seems to feel a constant need to move about something(laugh).
OK, she should play football with them(laugh). Men's..? Henin, Come to Japan(laugh)
Hmmm.., she might play football rather than tennis now?(wry laugh)...

626.What can you feel?

2009-05-30 06:48:20 | Topics

The persons who come to watch my YouTube still now., would be just a tennis fan or Henin's fan..? I can't know who is... A few month ago, my other clips were in public(they are illegal), and they were played. Now., Hmm., it would be a few plays a day. I don't know it clearly...

* YouTube【My channel】

The number of plays are not important. Of course, I mind it(laugh). What the person feels from my clips would be important, I think. And when I had a comment, I was so glad and I thought making it was not wrong. They bring back the memories of Henin..?(tears). I hope so.
YouTubeって何でしょう。。いつも思っていますけど。。私は、たった今、「Justine Henin」のタグをつけたり、再公開することもできます。著作権…、私にはよくわかりませんし、それだけの問題ではありませんが、、「個人が楽しむレベル」にしては、やっぱり重い気がしますね。。ま、公開した時点で、罪は同じですね(苦笑)。。許して(笑)。

What is YouTube..? I always think so... I can put my clips in public with the tag "Justine Henin", and put some clips in again from just now. The copyright.., I don't know the detail., and only it's not problem.., but I think, it was heavy responsibility as "the field for private fun"... Hmm, yes you konw, when I uploaded them, my action was already guilty(wry laugh)... Forgive me(laugh).
そして、私は、エナンに対して、間もなく区切りの日を迎える?ことになるのでしょうか。。んな、大げさな(笑)。。ま、これは、完全に私自身のためにです(笑)。エナンは、間違いなく素晴らしいテニス選手でした。出会えて良かったです。素敵な時間をありがとう。これからも応援します。Allez, Justine.

And I will have the day soon that I have to change my mind to Henin...? Ahaha., too big expression(laugh)... I'll just do it for myself(laugh). Henin was a great tennis player, absolutely. I'm so glad to see her. Thank you for sharing your great moments. I'll support you. Allez, Justine.

625.Get grumpy...

2009-05-29 12:46:58 | Diary

Kuznetsova won in the 2nd round at RG. She seems to win easily now. Go for it☆. Hmm., these days, I went back home late... Maybe, because I enjoyed too much on the big holidays. I always have time to write this blog for one hour at night. And I check some information about tennis and I write it as a draft. So, the time to go to bed is 1:00AM or 2:00AM. It's not good for my skin.

Oh, Jankovic, I didn't write about her for a long time. Of course, she won, because she was former queen(laugh)☆ But I think a little that she might get the title.., Hmm.., No?, What do you think of it?(laugh)

Hmm., last night, I got grumpy... I got it about once a year(laugh). Why do I have to overwork for unreasonable response, huh(-"-)?. Can I upload it on this blog?(laugh). I got angry like the time when someone wrote about negative comments of Henin to my clips(laugh). Of course, I just deleted that comment, I protect Henin(laugh). So this time, if I can do it, I want to delete it(laugh). Oh, The King of clay, Nadal got 30 straight wins at RG. He doesn't lost the match for 4 years. Great☆
Hmm., late-night and rainy., so I got grumpy and feel down. I want to go back home earlier

624.Mental power...

2009-05-28 12:33:38 | Tennis

On 8th May 2008, If Henin have beaten Safina, the next opponent would have been Serena, I remember so. I thought I wanted to stay there one more day, but I had to go back to Japan on the next day. I was thinking she would have won against Safina... On that day.., I thought she did many miss-shots by her backhand.
エナンがバックハンドのミスショットをした時、隣に座ったドイツのおばあちゃんは「Oh., Justine...」と言い、私は「あぁ、エナン。。」と言って、、顔を見合わせた記憶があります。。テニス(エナン?)に国境はないのですね(笑)。それだけー…、サフィナさんのボールが強かったのでしょうか、それとも、精神力で押されたのでしょうか。。2007年あれだけ活躍したエナンが、ほんの数ヶ月で技術や体力が落ちるわけがない…ですよね、、やっぱり精神力だったのでしょうか。。燃え尽き…?。サフィナさん、2回戦も圧倒的な強さで勝ちました。強いですね。

When Henin did miss-shots by her backhand, German elderly woman sitting next to me said "Oh., Justine..." and I also said "Oh., Henin..."., we exchanged looks each other... Tennis(Henin?) has no border(laugh). Why., Henin? It was because the return ball Safina hit was so strong? ..or, it was because Safina's momentum pushed Henin...? Henin played tennis very well in 2007. And only a few month have passed since her fantastic year., we don't think she lost physical power and technique for such a short time, right? So., it means., it was because she lost mental power... burning out..? Oh, Safina won in the 2nd round. Very strong.

Safina-san is 23 years old now. Speaking of Henin-san, it was 2005. She already had three GS titles and Gold medal... Great. If it comes to this great level, it might depend on "mental power". In the case that you have the strong mental power, you might need to grow up as a person. Maybe, in that field, you need a great coach, I think. Safina-san, her mood seems to change from her previous one. Maybe, she got not only the technique, but also mental power?.
Aha, young-Henin, so cute. Mental strength.., Motivation.., I don't have now..., feel down...

623.The post-who?

2009-05-27 12:23:46 | Tennis

Kuznetsova won in the first round at RG. I want her to win easily this week. Oh, The uniform makes her look like being strong(laugh). This clay season, she got one title, so if she is in good condition, she might be able to go to get the title?! Go for the post-Henin?!

Sharapova scored a come-from-behind victory in the first round at RG. Wow, beautiful costume... That's just Russian fairy(laugh). And she has a long leg, and small head. she has a nice body. Be careful for shoulder injury and Go for it.

Safina-san won at double bagel(6-0,6-0) in the first round. Wow, she is just No.1 and top-seed. Hmm., she grew up as a top player for one year... Last year, after she beat Henin, she played one's way to a victory. But I could honor her won for a long time, because I have a small mind(laugh). Ahaha., anyway, she is strong now, she might be post-Henin??
Speaking of RG, a few week ago, RG was very quite(laugh). That's right...
You can see the center court a little. Maybe now, it would be very exciting☆

622.Try exhibition!?

2009-05-26 12:22:22 | Tennis

On 17th May, "The celebration exhibition of Centre Court roof" at Wimbledon was held. I didn't check it at that time. Because I was listening to Henin-san's song♪ on YouTube(laugh). Oh-oh., It was not on 14th May, whoof., I thought it was good that day was different., only me? Kim's fans would have been waiting for that day. Good. I just envy her fans. Hmm.., The topic of Wimbledon..? Hello, me? Now, Roland Garros is just beginning.

* Wimbledon unveils Centre Court roof to public
Wow, great roof. But I don't get used to watching it...
Graf-san is still good. Nice☆. And almost same age, Date-san.., she came back., so young.

Belgium has the fever of Kim-san's comeback? I went to Brussels in early May, but, of course, I'm a foreigner, so I couldn't feel that atmosphere... Oh, wow, useful YouTube.., you can watch the exhibition at WB. They enjoy playing tennis. Very good☆

* Wimbledon 2009 new roof exhibition event【YouTube】

Even if we will wait for her one more year, she would not come back... Hey.., one year later, you can do exhibition for fans? ..or, she still would say "I don't follow tennis anymore(・ε・)/"..? if it'll be like that, we would be sad(laugh). It seems to be difficult to turn on the switch of her mind. OK, I accept it(laugh)...


2009-05-25 12:35:15 | Topics

December 2007, I went to Cannes. At that time, I went to Nice in France. So, I have been to Monaco and Cannes. If you look at the map, there're high-class places around Nice in south France. When I visited there, the weather was not good... Oh, now, Cannes Film Festival is held.

* News of Cannes Film Festival

The purpose of this trip was that I wanted to go to London once again, and to meet my friend. And when I searched cheap free tour to go there, I found the tour "London + Nice", it was lucky. So I could went to Nice. But., Visiting Cannes., it was off-season.., it was so cold...
Maybe, celebrity wouldn't take train.., it's the station ordinary people like me take. Very normal(laugh)

There're expensive hotels we can't stay easily on ocean-side. The winning group of life would stay here... I stayed Two-star(☆☆) hotel in Nice(laugh)... But I was happy enough. I appreciated to stay there in safety. Thank you.
Bad weather... Maybe, Date-san would look very blue sea now... I envy her...

* Date-san's blog ~Always Smile~
It's the park in Canne. Off-season is like this photo(laugh).

This was the street in Cannes, it was quiet... Because I visited there at the end of the year. Maybe now, it would be crowded with many celebrities. Hmm., RG is coming already., but I'm not interested in it less than I expected. Date-san dropped out in a preliminary game at RG., my mind seems to go to "grass"already... Hmm., but I'll check only result at RG, because it's good place where Henin became four-time champion.


2009-05-24 06:45:00 | Topics

Yesterday, I went to English conversation school, but I couldn't speak English well... Hmm., one lessons a month is not enough to improve, but the problem is that I don't have motivation to speak English... Mmm., Henin-san plays tennis very well, and she speaks English very well too... I envy her(laugh). It's important to have the "opportunity to speak", I think.

They communicate in English, right? English is useful and convenient language. I don't know French and Russian, but if they comment in English, I can understand it a little. But we have to feel(image) how their characters are(laugh). "speech pattern" is only for Japan?

The formal lines, respect lines, modesty line... Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji. Japanese is a bother language... It's difficult for me... Besides, we have to feel the atmosphere that we should say, huh?(laugh)... Yesterday, I asked to my teacher, "I can't understand this grammar", and he told to me "Feel!"... Hey., teach me more clearly(laugh)... Hmm., maybe, it means "You should learn it while conversation". Oh, Kuznetsova, I hope she likes Japan. How would her condition be?
Go for RG, both players. And come to Japan again☆ We support you.

619.Tennis talk@office...

2009-05-23 08:33:51 | Topics

OL tennis talk, it's long time no see. When I write about that, my blog becomes strange.., but the tennis topic we talk is just the way it is... OK, I write about that(laugh). Long time ago, I belonged soft tennis club in school. So I hit the ball with backswing longer and all my strength, and I was one-handed backhand.

And in our date, the gym clothes was.. "bloomer". It was when loose socks came up☆. It was conversion time period from bloomer to gym shorts. The bloomer is just "black pants", you think so too?(laugh). It's sexual harassment... And, tennis skirt and under skirt were strange. A few month ago, I found my old one on cleaning room, so I took the photo.
Today's photo, not good(laugh). This blog is clean, sorry today(laugh).


【Senior】:I put on pleat-tennis skirt, it was popular.
【Me】:Yes, me too. while back, I found it, and I laughed out loud.
【Me】:Besides, our under skirt was frilled♪
【Senior】:It was bloomer on training, right?
【Me】:Yes, that black pants... Well, what is the frill for?

* under skirt(Wikipedia)

Now, everyone puts on spats like professional player. Oh, this photo is my office. I took it last year, when I came there to work on holiday. We talk about tennis there. At lunch time, I update my blog(laugh). I really work?

618.Go to green!

2009-05-22 12:19:41 | Tennis

Ahh-, Date-san drop out of the first preliminary. She had injured calf again... I'm sorry to hear that... But she is very nice☆. I think her challenge is great. I support her☆. And I got the photo with BNP paribas and red clay(laugh). It was for the first time in 13 years..? it's emotional work...

Speaking of Paris., it's BNP paribas?(laugh). It's the bank of sponsor at RG. If you come to Paris, you'll see it in the city. Oh, Sharapova lost at Warsaw Open. It's hard sports. Watching them., I think how great player Henin-san was... She was four-time champion at RG... Great... She is just the historical queen of clay.

* BNP Paribas(Wikipedia)
* Sharapova falls to Bondarenko in Warsaw
Date-san, Go to the next, it's grass☆. White uniform in green, We're waiting for you☆

According to Date-san's blog, she goes back to Monaco with her husband. Take a rest☆. Well, I have been to Monaco. Hmm., the weather was not good, but it was nice place. The city becomes car race course, right? Oh, Henin-san., is?(was?) there, Monaco? They are neighborhood(laugh)?

* Date-san's blog ~Always Smile~