


2010年12月15日 | OpenNI

【注意】 以下のプログラムは、私が試行錯誤で調べたものを参考のためにまとめたものです。



//2010.12.15 Ver.1.00 for OpenNI
int knVideoOpen(char *config);
int knVideoClose(void);
int knVideoCapStart(void);
int knVideoCapStop(void);
int knVideoCapNext(void);
int knVideoInqSize(int *x, int *y);
int knVideoDispOption(void);
unsigned char * knVideoGetImage(void);
unsigned short * knVideoGetDepthRaw(void);
unsigned char * knVideoGetDepthColor(void);
unsigned char * knVideoGetDepthImage(void);
int knVideoSetMotorPosition(float MotorPosition);
int knVideoSetLedMode(int LedMode);
void KinectDepthToWorld(float &x, float &y, float &z);



//2010.12.15 Ver.1.00 for OpenNI
// Includes
#include "XnOS.h"
#include "GL/glut.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "knVideo.h"

#include "XnCppWrapper.h"
using namespace xn;

// Defines
#define SAMPLE_XML_PATH "./Data/SamplesConfig.xml"
#define MAX_DEPTH 10000

// Globals
float g_pDepthHist[MAX_DEPTH];

Context g_context;
DepthGenerator g_depth;
ImageGenerator g_image;
DepthMetaData g_depthMD;
ImageMetaData g_imageMD;

static unsigned char gColorBuffer[640 * 480 * 4];         // BGRA
static unsigned char gDepthColorBuffer[640 * 480 * 4];    // BGRA
static unsigned char gDepthImageBuffer[640 * 480 * 4];    // BGRA
static unsigned short gDepthRawBuffer[640 * 480];

int knVideoOpen(char *config)
  XnStatus rc;

  EnumerationErrors errors;
  rc = g_context.InitFromXmlFile(SAMPLE_XML_PATH, &errors);
    XnChar strError[1024];
    errors.ToString(strError, 1024);
    printf("%s\n", strError);
    return (-1);
  else if (rc != XN_STATUS_OK)
    printf("Open failed: %s\n", xnGetStatusString(rc));
    return (-1);

  rc = g_context.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH, g_depth);
  rc = g_context.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_IMAGE, g_image);


  // Hybrid mode isn't supported in this sample
  if (g_imageMD.FullXRes() != g_depthMD.FullXRes() || g_imageMD.FullYRes() != g_depthMD.FullYRes())
    printf ("The device depth and image resolution must be equal!\n");
    return -1;

  // RGB is the only image format supported.
  if (g_imageMD.PixelFormat() != XN_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24)
    printf("The device image format must be RGB24\n");
    return -1;

  g_context.SetGlobalMirror(FALSE);   //画像を左右反転させたい場合はここをコメントアウトする。

  return 0;

int knVideoCapStart(void)
  return 0;

int knVideoDispOption(void)     //ダミー
  return 0;

int knVideoClose(void)
  return 0;

int knVideoCapStop(void)      //ダミー
  return 0;

int knVideoCapNext(void)      //ダミー
  return 0;

unsigned char * knVideoGetDepthColor(void)
  const XnDepthPixel* pDepth = g_depthMD.Data();

  // Calculate the accumulative histogram (the yellow display...)
  xnOSMemSet(g_pDepthHist, 0, MAX_DEPTH*sizeof(float));

  unsigned int nNumberOfPoints = 0;
  for (XnUInt y = 0; y < g_depthMD.YRes(); ++y)
    for (XnUInt x = 0; x < g_depthMD.XRes(); ++x, ++pDepth)
      if (*pDepth != 0)
  for (int nIndex=1; nIndex<MAX_DEPTH; nIndex++) //訂正 2012.01.30
    g_pDepthHist[nIndex] += g_pDepthHist[nIndex-1];
  if (nNumberOfPoints)
    for (int nIndex=1; nIndex<MAX_DEPTH; nIndex++) //訂正 2012.01.30
      g_pDepthHist[nIndex] = (unsigned int)(256 * (1.0f - (g_pDepthHist[nIndex] / nNumberOfPoints)));

  xnOSMemSet(gDepthColorBuffer, 0, sizeof(gDepthColorBuffer));

  const XnDepthPixel* pDepthRow = g_depthMD.Data();
  unsigned char* pBuffRow = gDepthColorBuffer + g_depthMD.YOffset();

  for (XnUInt y = 0; y < g_depthMD.YRes(); ++y)
    const XnDepthPixel* pDepth = pDepthRow;
    unsigned char* pBuff = pBuffRow + g_depthMD.XOffset();

    for (XnUInt x = 0; x < g_depthMD.XRes(); ++x, ++pDepth)
      if (*pDepth != 0)
        int nHistValue = g_pDepthHist[*pDepth];
        pBuff[2] = nHistValue;
        pBuff[1] = nHistValue;
        pBuff[0] = 0;
        pBuff[3] = 0;
      pBuff += 4;
    pDepthRow += g_depthMD.XRes();
    pBuffRow += g_depthMD.FullXRes()*4;
  return gDepthColorBuffer;

unsigned char * knVideoGetDepthImage(void)
  xnOSMemSet(gDepthImageBuffer, 0, sizeof(gDepthImageBuffer));

  const XnDepthPixel* pDepth = g_depthMD.Data();
  const XnDepthPixel* pDepthRow = g_depthMD.Data();
  unsigned char* pBuffRow = gDepthImageBuffer + g_depthMD.YOffset();
  unsigned char* pImgRow = gColorBuffer + g_depthMD.YOffset();

  for (XnUInt y = 0; y < g_depthMD.YRes(); ++y)
    const XnDepthPixel* pDepth = pDepthRow;
    unsigned char* pBuff = pBuffRow + g_depthMD.XOffset();
    unsigned char* pImg = pImgRow + g_depthMD.XOffset();

    for (XnUInt x = 0; x < g_depthMD.XRes(); ++x, ++pDepth)
      if (*pDepth != 0)
        pBuff[2] = pImg[2];
        pBuff[1] = pImg[1];
        pBuff[0] = pImg[0];
        pBuff[3] = 0;
      pBuff += 4;
      pImg += 4;
    pDepthRow += g_depthMD.XRes();
    pBuffRow += g_depthMD.FullXRes()*4;
    pImgRow += g_depthMD.FullXRes()*4;
  return gDepthImageBuffer;

unsigned char * knVideoGetImage(void)
  XnStatus rc = XN_STATUS_OK;

  // Read a new frame
  rc = g_context.WaitAnyUpdateAll();
  if (rc != XN_STATUS_OK)
    printf("Read failed: %s\n", xnGetStatusString(rc));
    return NULL;
  const XnDepthPixel* pDepth = g_depthMD.Data();
  const XnUInt8* pImage = g_imageMD.Data();

  const XnRGB24Pixel* pImageRow = g_imageMD.RGB24Data();
  unsigned char* pBuffRow = gColorBuffer + g_imageMD.YOffset();

  for (XnUInt y = 0; y < g_imageMD.YRes(); ++y)
    const XnRGB24Pixel* pImage = pImageRow;
    unsigned char* pBuff = pBuffRow + g_imageMD.XOffset();

    for (XnUInt x = 0; x < g_imageMD.XRes(); ++x, ++pImage)
      pBuff[0] = pImage->nBlue;
      pBuff[1] = pImage->nGreen;
      pBuff[2] = pImage->nRed;
      pBuff[3] = 0;
      pBuff +=4;
    pImageRow += g_imageMD.XRes();
    pBuffRow += g_imageMD.XRes()*4;
  return gColorBuffer;

unsigned short *knVideoGetDepthRaw(void)
  xnOSMemSet(gDepthRawBuffer, 0, sizeof(gDepthRawBuffer));

  const XnDepthPixel* pDepth = g_depthMD.Data();
  const XnDepthPixel* pDepthRow = g_depthMD.Data();
  unsigned short* pBuffRow = gDepthRawBuffer + g_depthMD.YOffset();

  for (XnUInt y = 0; y < g_depthMD.YRes(); ++y)
    const XnDepthPixel* pDepth = pDepthRow;
    unsigned short* pBuff = pBuffRow + g_depthMD.XOffset();

    for (XnUInt x = 0; x < g_depthMD.XRes(); ++x, ++pDepth, ++pBuff)
      if (*pDepth != 0)
        *pBuff = *pDepth;
    pDepthRow += g_depthMD.XRes();
    pBuffRow += g_depthMD.FullXRes();
  return gDepthRawBuffer;

int knVideoInqSize(int *x, int *y)
  *x = (int)g_depthMD.FullXRes();
  *y = (int)g_depthMD.FullYRes();
  return 0;

int knVideoSetMotorPosition(float MotorPosition)
  return -1;

int knVideoSetLedMode(int LedMode)
  return -1;

// x:参照型 float :DepthカメラX座標 0~639
// y:参照型 float :DepthカメラX座標 0~479
// z:参照型 float :DepthカメラDepth 0~2047
// x:参照型 float :ワールド座標X(単位mm)
// y:参照型 float :ワールド座標Y(単位mm)
// z:参照型 float :ワールド座標Z(単位mm)
void KinectDepthToWorld(float &x, float &y, float &z)
  XnPoint3D in[1],out[1];

  in[0].X = x;
  in[0].Y = y;
  in[0].Z = z;
  g_depth.ConvertProjectiveToRealWorld (1,in,out);
  x = out[0].X;
  y =-out[0].Y; //ARToolKitのカメラ座標系は、Y軸が下向き
  z = out[0].Z;


