◯ Big Quake Warning.米国西海岸大地震の警告 - USGS引用「今すぐにでも " -

2015-07-26 12:23:05 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


 2015-07-26 12:23:05  global news.  USGS.  FOX news


Don’t miss!

Related info:

– Huge Earthquake To Devastate Pacific Northwest (Video):

It will strike, and it will be bigger than the 9.0 that struck Japan in 2011.

“Our operating assumption is that everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast,” says Kenneth Murphy, who directs FEMA’s Region X, the division responsible for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska

“The region will be unrecognizable …. That’s Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Eugene, Salem (the capital city of Oregon), Olympia (the capital of Washington), and some seven million people.”

FEMA expects that nearly thirteen thousand people will die in the earthquake and ensuing tsunami. Another twenty-seven thousand will be injured. On top of that, the agency expects that “it will need to provide shelter for a million displaced people, and food and water for another two and a half million.”

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jtyrYre9Et8?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" width="484" height="272"></iframe>
Jul 23, 2015


Warning issued for a large earthquake to strike the West coast near San Francisco California (quote) “Any day now” comes from professionals:


New Yorker article calling for a M9.2 earthquake along the West coast in the near term future:



TV News ticker accidentally shows M9.0 “mega-quake” announcement for San Francisco California on live TV:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpQAx… Continue reading »





アメリカ地質調査所 - Wikipedia

アメリカ地質調査所(アメリカちしつちょうさじょ、英: United States Geological Survey; USGS)は、アメリカ合衆国内務省の傘下にある研究機関である。水文学、生物学、地質学、地理学の4つの主要な学問分野について、合衆国領内を中心に、自然景観、天然 ...



2015-07-26 12:23:05  global news.  USGS.  

FOX news


西海岸大地震の警告 - USGS引用「今すぐにでも " -

2015年7月23日 - (ビデオ)








<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jtyrYre9Et8?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" width="484" height="272"></iframe>








https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpQAx... »続きを読みます





◯ ToThe Ruin.Abe Gov.祖父と同じ道…戦争法案「強行採決」で迫る安倍政権“退陣”の日

2015-07-26 07:43:22 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS





2015-07-26 07:43:22 nikkan gendai


July 16, 2015

Day of Abe government which approaches by the same way... war bill as my grandfather "railroading" "resignation"



Opposition member (C) daily Gendai for which I press Chairperson Hamada

Opposition member (C) daily Gendai for which I press Chairperson Hamada

It expands.

On the 15th, House of Representatives Heiwa safe law ad hoc committee puts a concentration deliberation and generalization inquiry into effect. Self-publicity overcame the opposite of an opposition party side and decided on "railroading". Does this violence of the Government party draw Japan into the way of "war" again? Or do you trigger Abe political power resignation?

"Argument has already fullied express.". Tanigaki Teiichi secretary-general of LDP is based on deliberation time's of the bill exceeding 110 hours, and says so, and understanding is indicated in generalization inquiry by special committee and railroading, and Chairperson Yasuichi Hamada has decided voting. Important ones are the contents by a deliberation, and it isn't time, though Chairperson Hamada was also democratic by special committee on the 14th, and community of goods absented itself, I "enter at inquiry time of Democratic Party of Japan", and, a committee is continued by official authority. "I raced." 1 hour and a half also wore a watch, and I gained deliberation time. What intension you'll deliberate seriously from Hana didn't the Government party have?



Opposition member (C) daily Gendai for which I press Chairperson Hamada of Japan of Abe government which approaches by the same way... war bill as my grandfather "railroading" "resignation"

Opposition member (C) daily Gendai for which I press Chairperson Hamada

It expands.

Though special committee ended a deliberation and railroaded a war bill as scheduled on the 15th, and it was approved by majority approval of self-publicity. The arrogant posture of Abe political power is just similar to grandfather's bank ministry.

"Democracy's destroyer" and a criticized Kishi former prime minister visited America in January, 60 and signed a new security treaty between President Eisenhower in those days. After that Diet deliberations are complicated concerning approval of a new treaty. LDP which came to a deadlock has gone out to railroading like this time.

When one in case of Prime Minister Abe also visited America in April and spoke by an assembly, the Diet deliberations I promise "I make a security bill be accomplished by summer." selfishly, and which are after that go to neither a niche nor thatch any more. History isn't repeated--, but Abe government now is following the same way as 55 years before. Mr. Makoto Morita, the publicist says so.



"A bank ministry was also so, but there won't be choices besides the railroading by the situation that opposite voice spreads so that a deliberation is prolonged. But opposite voice of an opinion rose suddenly after railroading at security for 60 years. There is also a possibility that counter exercise spreads quickly enough this time. Even if a bill is so well-informed when it is, Abe ministry is coming to a deadlock."

After railroading, a bank ministry was driven into resignation suddenly. When further down and an approval rate also go down Abe political power, there is a possibility that I advance the same way including physical condition deterioration from a stress. There is LDP congressman who says "When an approval rate falls, Abe's 'hanamichi' "the End" theory goes out.", too.






2015-07-26 07:43:22  nikkan gendai









祖父と同じ道…戦争法案「強行採決」で迫る安倍政権“退陣”の日 浜田委員長に詰め寄る野党議員ら(C)日刊ゲンダイ






◯ Expansion,Demo 70,000 More.国会周辺にデモ7万人…「打倒安倍政権」の声がさらに拡大

2015-07-26 07:24:44 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS





2015-07-26 07:24:44 nikkan gendai


More voice of demonstration 70,000 person... "overthrow Abe political power" expands around the Diet.



(C) daily Gendai through which a chorus of shouts of "the opposite" echoed expands to Hibiyakoen.

A flame of national anger to Abe political power and a security bill keeps kindling. The citizen assemblies to which I complain of "Abe political power NO!" are the evening on the 24th and Tokyo Hibiya amphitheater, and without giving up, I "will keep" saying political power overthrow, and, I raised spirits.

"The war opposite" "Obey constitutions." "for Abe, YAMERO"--. Many citizens throng from the front at 6:30pm of assembly starting, and the sultry concert hall is stuffier by person's many heat. 3000 people beyond Capa of the accommodation number of people thronged immediately. Ms. Rika Kayama, the psychiatrist, "In the government which fell the wrong idea that I say if it was for peace, that you might fight a war, we, a citizen has to say "Please soon take it back."", when I call, big clapping and shout of joy have occurred from a meeting place.

Demonstration is also performed at the Diet circumference on this day, and about 70,000 people participate according to student group "SEALDs" etc.. Murayama Tomiichi former prime minister, "A young potato is also unrelated growing old to make this bill a scrapped bill.", the other participants who raised their voice "make" them make war, "Don't involve the people in bloodshed.", a chorus of shouts was given.






2015-07-26 07:24:44  nikkan gendai