◯ Abe's Gov to the Give Up.支持率急落の安倍首相、2度目の政権放り投げが現実味…

2015-07-19 07:13:37 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS




2015-07-19 07:13:37 nstimes. nikkan gendai
Prime Minister Abe and the 2nd time of political power throw of an approval rate slump, reality...

Is it the anxiety limit by the verbal abuse which floods SNS?


July 18, 2015 21:00:00

July 18, 2015 21:00:00
Prime Minister Abe
B! HA, please, BU.
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An offensive article was contributed to an article of daily Gendai to Abe political power.
It's written with the etc. "an approval rate of Abe political power won't soon recover" by an article.
Moreover I refer to the "colitis" which is prime minister's chronic disease, and you're writing "I have no choice but to drive into resignation."
I become Shinzo Abe ministry and a roller coaster ministry, by wwwwww approval rate sudden falling, the support-lessness is the majority exceeding first reverse!
The wwwwwwwww net to which a former comfort woman sues His Majesty the Emperor and Shinzo Abe "YUSURIBABAA where a gangster is surprise, too"
"Even if you say to Mr. pipe who entered robbery "I fight together, and.", it isn't helped." Prime Minister Abe appears on a net program every day and explains security related bills by a fable.
anpohouankaketsukita━━━━((maru)∀(maru))━━━━!! Net "by an opposition party, that, then, wwwwww" (There is an animation.)
Political power throw of the 2nd degree of Abe prime minister who can happen by a whirlpool of anger of a daily Gendai| opinion
What kind of performance will Prime Minister Abe give, an approval rate wouldn't soon be convalescent. The national anger to a security bill isn't ordinary. "Junction line between two sea currents" turned perfect.

When it'll be, I can also think Prime Minister Abe throws political power again enough.

Abe defeated by an Upper House Election 8 years before makes "ulcerative colitis" of a chronic disease be aggravated because of a stress, and resigns. If falling of an approval rate continues, even if I make them collect a stress again and makes a chronic disease be aggravated, it isn't strange.

I "am anxious about health" actually, an opinion, quite, it spreads. Perhaps it'll lead to irregularity for a body. I frequently go to a dentist from the end of June and am also treated by a doctor on Monday on the 13th. After making a bill pass on the 15th, badly, there was dandruff in a shoulder for Abe's complexion which appeared in front of the press corps. It's well-informed about 4 times of inside and a weekend in these 1 month and 5 weeks in a spa whether it's the purpose which makes a stress divergent.



Moreover something unusual has also come out on the face book which was the only "tranquilizer". Criticism floods a comment space, and "Head OKASHI is here." "low educational background refuse" verbal abuse of etc. lines up on the net, and the person himself says that it's quite tortured.

It's also because room is lost, that voting was hurried about a security law.

Mr. publicist's Tadashi Nogami interest says.

"All fact eggplant fact unfortunate results done already. The reliance's biggest approval rate keeps also falling, and it's driven increasingly mentally. A tied day is a talk for 70 years and future will be a committee of the House of Councilors and becomes a lot. When I foresee the future, I'd have a headache. A possibility that I throw on the way isn't a zero."

If it'll be so, again, I have no choice but to drive into resignation.
A source: Political power throw of the 2nd degree of Abe prime minister who can happen by a whirlpool of anger of a daily Gendai| opinion

Source :http://static.nikkan-gendai.com/
Deterioration of the ulcerative colitis by which the "physical condition delinquent" by whom daily Gendai| is whispered undermines Prime Minister Abe
A chronic disease may be aggravated--. Prime Minister Abe's "physical condition badness" is whispered. I look well indeed and often lose courage disappointedly. You can't return to a home for 2 weeks after occurrence of a hostage event, and the life which stands by at an official residence continues, and they seem to have destroyed physical condition.

"Prime Minister Abe was a physical condition delinquent originally from time of the Middle East visit. There also seems to have been a sign of ulcerative colitis of a chronic disease. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered the trip abroad schedule with which I participate in the Davos meeting held in Switzerland just as it is after the Middle East visit at first, there is an answer to which I say "Because physical condition isn't thoroughgoing." from a prime minister side, and I say that attendance to Davos meeting was left over." (the political world person concerned)
A source: Deterioration of the ulcerative colitis by which the "physical condition delinquent" by whom daily Gendai| is whispered undermines Prime Minister Abe


2015-07-19 07:13:37  nstimes.  nikkan gendai



  • 日刊ゲンダイの記事に安倍政権に対し、攻撃的な記事が投稿された
  • 記事では、「もう安倍政権の支持率が回復することはない」などと書かれている
  • さらには、首相の持病である『大腸炎』に言及し「退陣に追い込むしかない」と書かれている
日刊ゲンダイ|世論の怒りの渦で起こり得る 安倍首相2度目の政権放り投げ








日刊ゲンダイ|囁かれる「体調不良」 安倍首相をむしばむ潰瘍性大腸炎の悪化


◯ 安倍内閣支持急落37% 不支持過半数で逆転 

2015-07-19 05:54:37 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS





2015-07-18 23:02:40 Kyodo News.

Abe ministry support slump 37% I reverse by the majority support-lessly.  

Change in Abe cabinet support rate

Cabinet support rate was 37 and 7% according to the whole country telephone poll Kyodo News put into effect in 17 or 18 a couple of days, and 9* plunged 7 points from 47 in June and 4% last time. The approval rate-lessness reached 51, 6% (last 43 and 0%) 



and the majority, and first support and the support-lessness reversed the 2nd of a start after Abe political power in December, 2012.

The Government party was the House of Representatives plenary session on the 16th, and the answer that many opposition parties "weren't good" for leaving the seat and the case that I voted on security related bills and approved during being absent, occupied 73 and 3%. "It was good." for, they were 21 and 4%.

The opposite was 68 and 2% in the current Diet session formation of a security bill, and 5* increased 1 point from last time. Agreement was 24 and 6%.

2015/07/18 16:51 [Kyodo News]





2015-07-18 23:02:40 共同通信

安倍内閣支持急落37% 不支持過半数で逆転 






2015/07/18 16:51   【共同通信】

 安倍政権末期 pfk


◯3 things in bad rain.便秘にはニンジン!梅雨のプチ不調に効く「症状別おすすめ食材」3つ

2015-07-19 05:26:10 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS





2015-07-19 05:26:10  http://nikkancareism.jp/

I'm constipated, carrot! 3 of "symptom another recommendation ingredients" which work in petite bad condition in the rainy season


2015/06/18 20:08

Profile picture psychological counselor Nao Kiyota

Healthy meal

I'm constipated, carrot! 3 of "symptom another recommendation ingredients" which work in petite bad condition in the rainy season

Every day when I can't sleep by sultriness eats only something which continues and is cold, and, internal organs fail, and....... Living rhythm and a living habit are often disordered a hot season.

It's recommended to choose the ingredients which suggest revival of a cell in the body in such case and make them activate. A writer of a diet adviser will introduce "3 of recommendation ingredients which improve petite bad condition in the rainy season" this time.


■ If a living habit is in disorder "tomato".

Anti oxidant action is high in the ingredients which make work in the body be activated, and the "tomato" with revival of a cell and the aging preventive effect is effective.

That expensive lycopene of anti oxidant action (red pigment) is taken with oil, absorbency, UP, it's recommended to take tomato sauce and tomato stew. If lycopene is taken efficiently, it's also recommended to utilize tomato juice with a lot of lycopene contents.


■ I'm constipated, "carrot"

The amount of β Caro stoat included in carrot is also top-ranking at the inside of green and yellow vegetables. Anti oxidant action is high like tomato and it's useful to keep a cell youthfully. The high blood pressure, the constipated prevention and the improvement effect are also high because the dietary fiber and the potassium are also rich in carrot.

The water solubility constipated cancellation can dissolve in water as well as fibrous a lot of vegetables, and which makes the flight soft, the dietary fiber is also important, so water solubility, it's recommended that a dietary fiber takes with the rich seaweed family. By also taking nutriment of carrot with oil, ratio of absorption, UP, because, how about making it cooked vegetables with the seaweed family of the carrot and the seaweed?


■ The interior of the body is heated up "the spicy ingredients".

When hot every day continues, only cold food is often chosen. When the interior of the body finishes getting cold, metabolism falls, and work weakens. When having a meal in the room where air-conditioning works, I'll take and do the ingredients which heat up a body aggressively.



The ingredients on which recommendation is hard". When red chili pepper and soybean candy bar shou are added to a dish, you heat up the interior of the body and make work in the body be activated. Vegetables of the warm-colored system of the garlic and the pumpkin also have the effect which heats up the interior of the body. When adding garlic and soybean candy bar shou to fish powder boiling of pumpkin, it's completion on the easy warm way menu.


The ingredients which stop petite bad condition in damp time hotly are taken aggressively, and how about aiming at a fine body?





 2015-07-19 05:26:10  http://nikkancareism.jp/


プロフィール画像心理カウンセラー Nao Kiyota


















