0010110 ハートの贈りもの―2020―黄金時代08年 



2012-11-05 09:57:02 | ディスクロージャー

AA マイケルAA メタトロン、今月のマシュー君のメッセージ始め、多くのスピリチュアル/スペース・ファミリーから、今回のハリケーン・サンディは闇の勢力のテロによるものではなく、どうしてもその地に必要な地球の浄化活動であったというメッセージが届いています。どんな装置を使おうと、これほどの気象を動かす力は、もはや奴らには残っていないとのこと。


Stock certificates feared damaged by Sandy (CNN)

NYウォール街、全面復旧見えず 水害・停電
2012/11/3 1:23

大型ハリケーン GS本社、取り囲む土嚢 ウォール街金融機関、業務拠点移す

データセンターや物流も直撃 ハリケーン「Sandy」の教訓

実際に、この停電・浸水の間に、いわば闇の勢力の「中枢を麻痺させ、崩壊に追い込む」作業が、スペース・ファミリーの協力で為されたという、極めて興味深いチャネリング・メッセージ、The Great Dissolution of 2012 A Message from Sananda, November 2, 2012 があります。送り主は、Lord Sananda、つまり、アセンデッド・マスターとして復活されているイエス様です。

内容は、上の CNN ニュース、「ウォール街55の保管所における証券水浸しの被害」と関連しています。出生証明書債券(この下に注)って、本当に、ここに存在したんですね。

その取引記録の抹消(人類の奴隷状態からの解放)含め、腐敗したニューヨーク警察、国連、FRB への措置、そして、シップによるマスコミ報道切り替えの準備が本当に完了したのだったら、素晴らしいことです。

追加1: このサイトでも、まだ詳細は明かせないけれど、この1週間で、大きな変化が起こったことを告げています。ここも。

追加2: FRB も、業務の一部を停止しているそうです! 

追加3: 水に浸かった証券の被害総額は、額面で36.5兆ドル、修復費用は6840億ドル?!

The Great Dissolution of 2012 A Message from Sananda, November 2, 2012  一部抜粋

The storm which caused power to be out to millions in New York City and surrounding Metro in New Jersey and Conneticut and others in the North East U.S. was for a purpose. It allowed Galactic Technology to undo to all of the clandestined illegal activities.

Wall Street was the number one casuality of the Sand Man or Sandy the Huricane. By holding the high winds over Manhattan so long a two day shut down of the Markets allowed the Galactics with computers from their Ships to dismantle the trading of Birth Certificate Bonds. Wall Street and specifically 55 Water Street were dismantled from the inside. Maritime Law which holds your Birth Certificate Bonds as the Gross National Product and you as a slave from your moment of Birth into the Maritime system was wiped off their screens. All of their records are gone. All of their bank accounts balance to Zero.

Where before they held your secured registered Birth Certificate and Libor number, it has disappeared. You are dissengaged from the system. Fifty-five Water Street held all the records for the Birth Certificate Gross National Product listings for over 190 Countries on Earth and those too have been wiped out. You are no longer a number which is cashed in upon your Death.

When the Executives arrived back at their desks and turned on their computers an Error Screen explained to them that their trading days were over. In the meantime a dummy system has been installed running on the other computers throughout the offices. The workers do not know it, but they are no longer trading on any system that is real. They may as well be playing Ms. Pacman. The Stock Market has been dissolved.

The Police Force NYPD Blue. The vast majority of Police in NYC are corrupt. On the morning of 911 those who were to Announce NESARA Law were shot dead by Police in the Twin Towers Lobby. Shortly after explosions dropped the lobby covering the dead bodies. Throughout the City Police have been bought out by the Cabal to run false flags and look the other way. Had the Terrorists inside the White House not had the cooperation of NYC Police then they could have never hidden 911 was an inside job from millions of people. The Police control mass transit, emergency response, video surveillance, helicopter security, vice, drugs, gambling, evictions and on and on having their hand in every segment of society with deleterious effects. A dismantling of illegal surveillance and other activities by the Police had their books wiped - all their record keeping has disappeared and they will not be able to recover the records of those nonviolent falsely accused. Those Police valiantly upholding the law are known and will continue their good works.

The United Nations. The United Nations Soul Control is the Pope and the Vatican Bank. They decide which Nations will receive financial aid and every nation is considered a not-for-profit entity. All of the American Nations in North and South America and the Caribbean are overseen by the Organization of American States a policy setting entity for the United Nations. All those working illegally as representatives of Countries have been removed from their posts. Their computer access has been removed. Later Indigenous Peoples will be represented by their peers, not Attorneys or Members of the Vatican or State Department in these posts. As we knew it, the United Nations has been dissolved.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The computer system for valuations and a switch over in currency has been in place a long time. The computer records of all loans tied to Governments, Corporations, Individuals, other Banks and Private Firms has been uploaded and Indictments are pending. The Fed has been dissolved.

The Media have been controlling mass consciousness through constant exposure to news of a sexual nature, political scandals, and pop culture. What movies are produced, video games, youtubes, twitter, facebook, songs and television shows are all controlled by the few controlling the many. We have gone in put into place an infrastructure for Media that is directly linked to the Communications from our Ships. Only the Truth will be broadcast and this is available at the flip of a switch now.

没収アメリカの金(ゴールド) 若干蛇足さんのサイトから



