English Collection


work one's butt off

2023年12月27日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 11月号の記事 "Life Advice from 1,000 Strangers" からの引用です。

She told Nuri her story. "I worked my butt off my whole life," she said. "I had this dream that I would live my life once I retired. I'd do art, redo a little house and raise horses. But then I got sick and that dream ended."

butt off" は "butt" があるので、口語/俗語的な表現でしょうね。 辞書を見ます。 "butt" の項には説明がありませんでしたが、"work one's butt off" の慣用句として掲載している辞書がありました。

・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To work really hard (on or at something).: I know you thought it was just a silly New Year's resolution, but I've been working my butt off at the gym!
・Wiktionary: To work, or cause to work, excessively or to the point of exhaustion

"butt" を同じ意味の "arse" 又は "ass" に言い換えた表現も掲載されています。

・A Dictionary of English Slang & Colloquialisms: To work hard. Also as work one's ass off and work one's butt off. E.g."She worked her butt off for 3 years and still failed her exams."

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