

ChatGPTさんの『古事記』英訳 海幸彦と山幸彦 4 ≪改訂版≫

『古事記』海幸彦と山幸彦 4 ≪改訂版≫






Then Ho-ori-no-mikoto [a grandson of Amaterasu], pondering over his first commission, heaved a great sigh. Thereupon, Toyotama-hime [his wife], hearing his sigh, spoke to her father, saying: "Although he has been with me for three years, he has never sighed until now; what can be the reason of it?" Therefore, her father, the sea deity, asked his son-in-law, saying: "This morning I heard my daughter's words, saying that you have been with her for three years without sighing, but that tonight you gave a deep sigh. Is there any cause for it? Why did you come here?"

Ho-ori told him in detail the story of the lost fishhook. Thereupon, the sea deity summoned all kinds of fish, great and small, and inquired of them, "Has any one taken this hook?" Then the fishes all replied, "Recently the red sea bream has been complaining in sorrow that he cannot eat anything because of a bone in his throat; he must certainly be the one who has taken it." So they searched the throat of the red sea bream, and there they found the hook. They took it out, washed it clean, and, when they presented it to Ho-ori, the sea deity instructed him, saying, "When you give this hook to your elder brother, describe it as 'the Mud Hook,' 'the Weary-of-the-World Hook,' 'the Poverty Hook,' 'the Flowing Waters Hook,' and and give it to him backwards."


ここでホヲリの命は最初に与えられた任務のことを考え、大きなため息をついた。そこでトヨタマ姫がそのため息を聞き、父にこう言った「彼は3年間私と一緒にいましたが、今までため息をついたことはありませんでした。今晩、一つ大きなため息をついたのは何か理由があるのでしょうか?」 そのため、父の大神は彼女の夫に尋ねました「今朝、私の娘の言葉を聞いたところ、彼女と3年間一緒に過ごしているが、ため息をついたことがなかったのに、今夜は大きなため息をついたと言っています。何か理由がありますか。また、ここに来た理由は何ですか?」


*海神は山幸彦に兄の海幸彦をこらしめる方法や助ける方法を教えた (Bingの回答)

 The phrase  “give it to him backwards"
 means to hand something over with one hand behind your back, which is considered less polite than handing something over with both hands. It is often used to describe a situation where someone is being given something reluctantly or in a way that is not very respectful. (Bingの回答)

令和5年8月2日(水) 2023
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