

ChatGPTさんの『古事記』英訳 海幸彦と山幸彦 5 ≪改訂版≫

『古事記』海幸彦と山幸彦 5 ≪改訂版≫




And if your elder brother cultivates the fields in a higher place, you should cultivate them in a lower place. If your elder brother cultivates them in a lower place, you should cultivate them in a higher place. By doing so, I, who control the water, will ensure that your elder brother becomes poor within three years. If he harbors resentment and engage in war because of this, you will use the overflowing pearls to drown him. If he mourn and sincerely apologizes for any mistakes he made, you will use the dried pearls to save him and leave him stunned and distressed in this way. Thus, he shall be tormented." Saying this, he presented two pearls, one filled with water and one dried, and gathered all the crocodiles, inquired, "The child of the heavenly deity is planning to go to the upper country. How many days will each of you take to deliver the message and report back?" They were asked to respond based on their own lengths, and a crocodile measuring ten feet said, "I will deliver him in one day and return." Therefore, he instructed that crocodile, "Then you shall deliver him. Do not make him afraid when crossing the sea," and mounted him on its neck to send him off. As promised, it delivered him within one day.



潮満珠(しおみつだま)を出して溺れさせ、 もし嘆きを訴え、哀願してくれば潮乾珠(しおひるだま)を出して命を助け、このようにして呆然とさせ苦しませなさい」と申され、残らず(悉く)鰐どもを呼び集められました。それから、それぞれに自分の身の丈に合わせて日数を限って返事をするように言われました。一丈の鰐が「私が一日でお送りし、それから戻って参ります」と申しましたので、その一丈の鰐に「それならばお前がお送りしなさい。海中を渡る時に怖がらせ申すな」と言って、その鰐の頸に乗せて送り出しました。約束通り一日でお送りしました。

令和5年8月3日(木) 2023

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