

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 武烈天皇 1

『日本書紀』武烈天皇 1





Emperor Ohatsuse Wakasazaki was the crown prince of Emperor Ninken. His mother was called Kasuga no Ōiratsume no Kisaki. In the seventh year of Emperor Ninken’s reign, Ohatsuse became the crown prince.

As he grew older, Ohatsuse took a particular interest in legal matters and punishments, and he became very knowledgeable about laws and regulations. He would work on government affairs until sunset, and he was particularly skilled at uncovering and rectifying injustices that had gone unnoticed. He was also effective in resolving disputes. However, he frequently committed various wrongdoings and did not engage in any good deeds. He personally witnessed all forms of severe punishments, which terrified the people throughout the land.

In the eleventh year, in August, Emperor Ninken passed away. The minister, Heguri no Matori no Omi, seized control of the government and aspired to become the ruler of Japan. Although he pretended to be building a palace for the crown prince, he took it for himself once it was completed. His arrogance grew, and he completely disregarded the proper conduct expected of a subject.

At this time, the crown prince wished to marry Kagehime, the daughter of Mononobe no Arakai no Ōmuraji, and sent a matchmaker to arrange the meeting. However, Kagehime had previously been violated by Matori’s son, Shibi. Afraid of going against the prince’s wishes, she replied, “I shall await you at the crossroads of Tsubaki Market.”



長じて裁きごとや処罰を好まれ、法令にも詳しかった。日の暮れるまで政務に従われ、知られないでいる無実の罪などは、必ず見抜いて明らかにされた。紛争の解決にも優れていました。しかし、一つも良いことを修められず、およそさまざまの極刑を親しくご覧にならないということはなかっ た。それによって国中の人々は恐怖におののきました。


この時、皇太子は物部麁鹿火大連(もののべのあらかいのおおむらじ)の娘、影媛(かげひめ)を娶ろうと考え、仲人を送り、会う約束を取り付けられました。しかし、影媛は以前に真鳥臣(まとりのおおおみ)の息子である鮪(しび)に犯されていました。影媛は皇太子の期待を裏切ることを恐れ、「海柘榴市(つばきち)の辻(つじ 交差点)でお待ちいたしましょう」と伝えた。

令和6年8月24日(土) 2024

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