

ChatGPTさんの『古事記』英訳 垂仁天皇 13 ≪改訂版≫

『古事記』垂仁天皇 13 ≪改訂版≫





The Emperor sent Tajimamori, an ancestor of the Miyake clan, to the land of Tokoyo (the eternal world) to seek the fruit of the fragrant tree. When Tajimamori finally reached that land and gathered eight vines and eight spear-shaped fruits from the tree, he discovered that the Emperor had already passed away. Tajimamori offered four vines and four spear-shaped fruits to the Empress and presented the remaining four vines and four fruits at the Emperor’s mausoleum, where he cried out, “I have brought the fruit of the fragrant tree from the land of Tokoyo,” and then he cried out and died. The fruit of the fragrant tree mentioned here is what is now known as the tachibana fruit. The Emperor was 153 years old at the time of his death, and his mausoleum is located in the middle of the Mitachino area of Sugawara.

During the reign of the Empress Hiba-hime, the Emperor ordered the making of stone coffins and established the Hani-shibe (土師部)(a division of labor). The Empress was buried in the Saki no Terama mound.




令和5年9月11日(月) 2023

令和5年7月27日(木) 2023

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