

ChatGPTさんの『古事記』英訳 景行天皇 1

『古事記』景行天皇 1

古事記 中卷-4






Emperor Ohotarashi Hiko Oshiro-wake (Emperor Keiko) came to the throne and ruled over the realm from the palace of Hishiro at Makimuku in Yamato. This emperor married the daughter of Inabi no Ōiratsume from Harima, who was the ancestor of the subjects of Kibi. They had several children, including the five princes: Kushi-tsu-no-wake no Ō (prince)(Ōhousu), Ōsu no Ō (Wousu), also known as Yamato-woguna no Ō (Yamato-neko no Ō) and Kamu-kushi no Ō.    *Ō = 王 (皇子)(Prince)

His son, by marrying the daughter of Yasaka no Iri-hiko no Ō (Yasaka no Iri-hime), had children named Wakatarashi-hiko no Ō (Prince), Ihoki no Iri-hiko no Ō, Oshiwake no Ō, and Ihoki no Iri-hime.

Additionally, there were children from other consorts: Toyotowake no Ō (Toyotowake no Ō), Nunashiro no Ōiratsume, Nunaki no Ōiratsume, Kaguyori-hime, Wakakinohiko no Ō, Kibinoehiko no Ō, Takagi-hime, and Oto-hime.

Among the Emperor’s children, there were 21 princes mentioned in the records, while 59 princes were not mentioned, making a total of 80 children. Of these, Wakatarashi-hiko no Ō, Yamato-takeru no Mikoto, and Ihoki no Iri-hiko no Ō held the title of Crown Prince, while the other 77 princes became rulers of various provinces and territories.

Emperor Wakatarashi-hiko no Ō governed the realm, Ōsu no Ō pacified unruly deities and non-submissive people in the eastern and western regions, and Kushitsunowake no Ō became the ancestor of the Muraji clan in Ibata.

Other descendants became ancestors of the rulers of the territories of Mozu, Suwa, and Shimada. Kamukushi no Ō became the ancestor of the sake brewers of Ki no Kuni (Wooden Country) and Uda.

Emperor Toyokuniwake no Ō became the ancestor of the rulers of Hiyuga. By hearing about the beauty of two princesses, the siblings of the ruler of Sano, Oho no Ōkimi, the Emperor sent Ōsu no Ō to fetch them. However, Ōsu no Ō, instead of bringing the princesses, deceived the Emperor by presenting another woman as his bride. The Emperor discovered the deception but did not punish him, only keeping a close watch on him. Ōsu no Ō eventually married the older princess, and they had a son named Oshikuro no E-hiko no Ō, who became the ancestor of Unezu in Sano. He also married the younger princess and had a son named Oshikuro no Oto-hiko no Ō, who became the ancestor of Mugezu’s rulers.

During Emperor Keiko’s reign, he established the post of Tabaru, designated the port of Mizunomo in the Eastern country of Awa, established the Ōtomo family as providers of the Imperial table, established the Yamato office, and created a pond at Sakate with bamboo trees planted on its embankment.





令和5年7月29日(土) 2023

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