

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 允恭天皇 1

『日本書紀』允恭天皇 1

雄朝津間稚子宿禰天皇 允恭天皇





Emperor Oasazuma Wakugo no Sukune (Ingyō Tennō) was the younger brother of Emperor Hanzei, born of the same mother. From childhood and even into adulthood, the Emperor was known for his kindness and reverence. In his prime, he was struck by a severe illness that made movement difficult.

In the spring of the fifth year, during the first month, Emperor Hanzei passed away. The court officials consulted with each other, saying, "Now, among the sons of Emperor Nintoku, there are Prince Oasazuma Wakugo no Sukune and Prince Ōkusaka. Prince Oasazuma Wakugo no Sukune is the elder and has a compassionate heart." They then chose an auspicious day, knelt before him, and presented the imperial seal.

However, Prince Oasazuma Wakugo no Sukune said, "My misfortune is that I have been long afflicted with a severe illness, making it difficult for me to walk. I have tried various harsh treatments in secret to cure myself, but none have been effective. The late emperor also reprimanded me, saying, 'Though you are ill, you have inflicted harm upon yourself. There is no greater misfortune than to disobey your parent. Even if you live long, you will not be able to govern the heavenly lineage.' My two elder brothers, the emperors, also considered me foolish and disregarded me, which is well known among the court. The throne is a great responsibility, and the role of emperor is a significant duty. Becoming the parent of the people is the destiny of a wise and virtuous person. How could a foolish person like me bear such a burden? A more suitable prince should be chosen. I am not appropriate for this role."

The court officials bowed again and said, "The throne cannot remain vacant for long. The mandate of heaven cannot be refused. If you, Prince, do not accept the position, we fear the people's hopes will be dashed. Even if you find it undesirable, please ascend to the throne."


雄朝津間稚子宿禰天皇(おあさづまわくごのすくねのすめらみこと 允恭(いんぎょう)天皇)は、反正天皇(はんぜいてんのう)の同母弟でした。幼い頃から成人後も、天皇は慈悲深く敬虔なお心を持っておられました。しかし、壮年期に重い病にかかられ、動くのが難しくなりました。




令和6年5月28日(火) 2024

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