

場所松江市 大根島 あなたはクーデターを知ってますか、岡崎功

2024年08月11日 | Weblog

After he was released from prison, he had started to run his own school. 



松江での高麗人参の栽培Ginseng cultivation in Matsue began during the Edo period and contributed to the financial reconstruction of the Matsue domain. Particularly, the ginseng grown on Daikon Island requires six years of cultivation. 

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場所群馬 山田電機 羅保派

2024年08月11日 | Weblog

 前橋市 Yamada’s daughter was killed in a car crash. He filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the at-fault driver to seek pain and suffering compensation. 

file は提訴する


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場所勝浦市見聞録 まご茶 羅保派⭐︎

2024年08月11日 | Weblog
You can see a bowl of rice with fresh dices of raw fish and savory topping, which then has hot green tea or stock poured over it. Here comes the appetizing aroma! This dish is extremely pleasing to the taste. It\\'s Ambrosian! Très bien! I can eat this any day of the week.
千葉県勝浦市杉戸1459−1に小洒落た洋風の建物の食堂がある。 新鮮な魚が大ぶりに提供される。この「まご茶」という、お茶をかけるスタイルがいい!新鮮な魚に熱いお茶の香りが風味を増して、実に美味しく食べられる。まごまごするな。香りがとぶぞ。

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場所岡山インター近く イールドインテリアプロダクツ

2024年08月11日 | Weblog

雑貨屋兼、服屋兼、家具インテリアの制作販売も行うイールドプロダクツの店。Ifound a newly opened knick knack shop.  Everything is neat and clean and stylish. There is a café inside the shop. The food looked delicious. But it tasted unappealingly bland for me. They don’t give priority to the food. 

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場所奈良 鎧岳

2024年08月11日 | Weblog
Yoroidake is a mountain with the columnar joint in Nara. The columnar joint is a hexagonal rock that contracted when magma cools and consolidates. It is a trace of a former volcanic activity. Yoroidake is a mountain in Nara Prefecture with an elevation of 894 meters. Its name derives from the columnar jointed rock surface on its southern face, which resembles the lacing of armor, and the mountain's shape, which evokes the image of an armored warrior.
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