

帳坂 岡山市西大寺 吉井川の賜物 岡山市 旭川の賜物 種子島 黒潮の賜物 

2024年03月27日 | Weblog

帳坂:エジプトはナイルの賜物 Egypt is called the “Gift of the Nile” because the Nile River played a vital role in the development of ancient Egypt. The Nile served as Egypt’s lifeline.

西大寺:西大寺は吉井川の賜物  The town lies astride Yoshii river. 門前町。 高瀬舟の発着地 The shallow-draft flat-bottomed boats called "Takasebune" were used to transport large quantities of goods, taking advantage of the water transportation of the Yoshii River. shoal draft 喫水 船体が沈む深さ draft 引くこと Saidaiji  Area flourished as a temple town for Kannon-Iin, as well as a port of call for Takasebune, and prospered as a commercial town. Escaped wartime destruction, it has preserved numerous cultural assets. 

岡山市:岡山は旭川の賜物 勝山町には旭川発着場所:Katsuyama Town, located in the northern part of Okayama Prefecture, has a historical significance as it used to be a thriving castle town with a bustling port for the Takasebune boats operating on the Asahi River. The lord of Katsuyama Domain placed special emphasis on the boat transport system and it served as a vital hub for the distribution of goods, contributing to the town's prosperity. The Takasebune boats on the Asahi River acted as a major transportation artery connecting the Seto Inland Sea with the inland areas. However, with the opening of the railway in 1925, the prominence of the boat transport system declined, and it completely disappeared after being devastated by floods in 1934.

鹿児島:種子島は黒潮の賜物 There were many ships that drifted ashore on Tanegashima. 黒潮が漂着させ、黒潮が砂鉄 米が豊富 おじゃりもうせ 種子島時尭 禰寝氏 戦争1543 火縄銃を必要とした ネジ発祥の地


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帳坂 岡山市北区大安寺南町 驚きの「豚骨ラーメン190円」commoners's ally 「チータ」

2024年03月27日 | 英語学習
This diner is surly the commoners’ ally. アライ They offer free refills for the rice and miso soup. But now it has closed down due to the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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帳坂 フランス 原子力発電大国 衛生面 

2024年03月27日 | Weblog

French derives about 70% of its electricity from nuclear energy.

I derive joy from seeing my students learn and grow and witnessing their success.

derive 得る

A third of French people don't wash their hands after going to the toilet and less than half before eating. These are some of the unsavoury personal hygiene in France.  It leaves a lot to be desired.

Seurat culminated pointillism.  スーラは点描を極めた。

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