Vanish! DoDoMerdas! (Relay Novel)

2017-02-01 15:37:35 | 日記
01/02/2017 (afternoon) I started to use a small kettle of iron-casting made in AOMORI prefecture in order to boil the water and to soak green tea.

This is a gift from someone to my father. He didn't use it so my mother found it and got allowence to use it. However, she didn't use it because of some reason unknown to me and left it on the floor. Thus, I decided to take advantage of it.

I like iron-casting materials. My skilet is one of them. They are heavy and strong. They keep warmth inside, different from other steel products who are likely to transmit the temperature. Metal has high transmitting material of temperature. I leaned when I was in the first grader in junior high.
The iron-casting can avoid this demerit, using gross thick iron.

Aomori prefecture is located the most nothern part of mainland of Japan. The percentage of JOUMON blood is the highest among 6 prefectures in North Eastern region of Japan.
The iron-casting skill has been developed in feudal era. There was a HAN, a prefecture's countrpart at that time, called NAMBU. NAMBU means "Southern Part" ironically.
The HAN, which was disliked by the family TOKUGAWA, Shougunate one, was put far away from the center and NAMBU HAN had to settle in the most nothern part of the mainland. The residents were poor, because it was and is too frosty to cultivate plants. Thus, the NAMBU HAN invested to iron-casting and their products got famous all over Japan.

The design is different from YAYOI's so called sophisticated one. The colar is black, dark green or dark brown. My kettle is black like a skilet.
And mine has concaves and convex regular design. When I touch, I feel roughness in my hand. And on the top there is a tap with the same design outside of the circle and in the middle there is a projection with the shape of an icorn. The form's impression is strong and beautifull, and of couse, usuful.
The handle of the kettle is curved and thinner because of avoid high temperature of heating.
I said "kettle", however, it's rather a tea pot. I can put it on the gas ring directly to heat up and put tea leaf into it. After several minutes of waiting for soaking, I can pour the tea into my cup.

I have a slight problem of anemia or lack of red blood corpuscles. To increase the number of the corpuscles, iron is recommendable. Thus, my iron-casting products is really good for my health.

And I also found a small tray, which I got in the first selling day of new year when I was in primary school with other utensils.
I draw a "Lucky Bag", which is an event of this season. I didn't remember exactly why I paid for the bag, because I have been a careful customer since I was an infant. I always dislike to buy "something unknown". I pay money for those exactly I want. I hate to waste money.
Maybe I drew it instead of my mother. In the bag, there is a tiny steel tray with the design of colourful flowers. I don't like the design. However, the size is usuful, I think. Because it is consideraby smaller than usual trays. It's good for a teapot and a cup, I thought.

The kettle = teapot becomes hot. So the tray should be endurable to the high temprature. The tray best fits the iron-casting teapot.
In addition, I put my mug cup with the design of Paddington bear on the tray. The teapot and the mug are located exactly on the tray just in size.
"Marvelous!" I shouted. From the point of view of designs, they are motly combined, I can't deny it. However, from the view point of functions, they are the best trio! I didn't know it! I found the golden combination of the tea serving selected members!

I used the kettle to serve grean tea. However, it can use for any tea leaf. I'm now using tea bag. However, after consuming the last bag of english tea, I will buy only tea leaf to take an elegant afternoon tea break.

The good products have power to make users enhance their imagination. They are qualified as "Upward", by my standard.

I choose people and things by the standard. Of course, as a professional, I choose them by the standard of certain rational requisits. At the same time, I put importance of total impression in material meaning. Not by appearance.
I like to be empowerd by others, in body and soul. Thus, I want to be surrounded by "upward" fellows always, in the working place and in my private life. I also want to empower them. We should influence each other in positive sense.

DoDoMerdas are all "downward", which I hate to be with. I was forced to "live with" them in HASEGAWA Hospital. I took care of my sanity in body and soul, because I was sorrounded by the "downward" figures.

I was also surrounded by "downward" figures in Kyorin University and in Tokyo University.
As I wrote before, if now Tokyo Univ. offer me the position of the professor, I would kick the proposal out, definitely! The staff are "downward" too much.
I don't want to sink with them toward the bottom of INFERNO.

Probably, even in the future, I wouldn't colaborate with any one of them in the research. They are time consuming and anti-productive, spending lots of money in vain. They should throw away themselves. It would be a contribution to Society.

Vanish! DoDoMerdas! You are shameless, doing masturbation in public. This onanism is called "government" in Japan.

Thus, I decided to live in the "upward" world.
In our house, we are minority and suffer lots. Our territory is each day attacked by YUKARI the broken robot, a representative of DoDoMerdas, in a rural version.
No other alternatives beside running away from here. Dr.Miyuki SATO doesn't want to sink with YUKARI, the existance of the maximum "downward" atomosphare.

She is not just a burden for me. She is too dangerous. I don't waste time any more for her. For her, my money is for common use and can be taken from my wallet, even it's in my bag. Thus, she treats Alex as a good boy.
I'm not your earning machine, YUKARI the broken robot. You don't understand that I am not a member of the basic community called SATO family. I have to stay here until I get a suitable job. I sleep in the chamber of my mother, exactly, on the floor. I have to use my father's office.
Oh, YUKARI, you have two rooms only for your private use. I don't claim of it at all, although your rooms are in total desorder. Why you started to put away my belongings in my limitted territory, totally only 3.3 ㎡ all together. You occupy already 10 times wider space in our house.
And you pass most of day time in my mother's chamber, with your legs under the electric heating table. Your belongings occupy also our living room. Why you want to intrude to the other's space?

My parents allow her invasion with a reluctance to resist her brutality. Especially my father is the victim of her irrational behavour. She abruptly throws away things that she judges hers and useless. She can't recognize her belongings from others' ones. He seems to have passed severe repeated offences by her. She does everything in the easiest way. She decides and she does, indifferent from others' opinion.
According to her, the family is the basic community, that who can earn, should earn money and who can consume, should be she.

The broken machine can't be stopped to move by any of others.
She is so brutal. She is threatening the territory each day, more and more.
She is "thriller" for me.

Her space gaining activity continues, spreading harm and nusance to us. She doesn't move by the reason, but by instinct. I'm her instinctive enemy No.1.
For a long time, this role was owen by my father. Now, I owe it.
He can't get rid of her, because he adopt the theory of "Productive Liability".
If I were he, I would have put away her long time before and declared not to approach to our house.

Thus, only one way is leaving from here. It's good for me. I want to live without the conception of nationality. Especially, I hate being a Japanese.
It's good time to say good bye to Japanese society. Oh, I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I wrote "good bye", however, I really wanted to say, "Fuck You!" to the society.
Fuck you, DoDoMerdas! Vanish! You have no way without death.
No way to stop YUKARI the DoDoMerda, the broken robot, the dullest, the idolest, the most arrogant in the world. You have learned nothing. You haven't recognize other's pity or mercy. You think that it's your right. However, you have no right at all. You are incapable, in any means. Everyone knows it.
You insist that you are right to being substitute of mother of Alex and Clare.
However, you are a just queer broken robot, who has no right to feed them or educate them. Don't touch them. Don't approach to them.
Why you prepare for changing clothings in a box for them? They are not 5 years old. They are junior high school boy and girl. They do want to be touched their intimate underwear by you, really? They allow you to do it that they have no other choice. You want to rule the house, as a householder, despite of your incapacity, instead of your mother, don't you?

Now, YUKARI's world is near. Maybe, she thinks. Her two pets would obey her, she thinks. They would earn money outside, and she use it as she likes. She adopts the basic communism called family. She pretended to be a kind aunt of my kids, who really worried about the future of your kids as their nearest kin.
You faked your intention as mine. You used my name without my accordance. You wanted to rule my kids. One of them you can't. Because Clare is under the protection of my father. They get along with each other.
Another one, my son Alex suffers lot because of you. You oppressed his natural desire to get along with other kids. You taught him to be careful to others.
You transmitted your fear to others to him, when he was in instable psycologically. He is a cheerful communicative kid, however, he can't talk with other kids frankly. He couldn't play with the classmate in his residence, because you ordered him not to bring them.
According to your theory, the residence is a castle of the family, in which no one could enter. Thus the family members were protected.
Miyuki didn't know you were so influencial to him. Miyuki believed that Alex would welcome Miyuki's friend even she was a foreigner.
Miyuki was so frightened that Alex cried, asking not to enter anyone into his residence, because of YUKARI's castle thory.
Miyuki decided to get rid of her as soon as possible. She lerned lots on domestic works and prepared for the day of YUKARI's leaving.
Now, YUKARI got out! Her peace and happiness were retrieved. However, she doesn't know that she was surrounded by all DoDoMerdas.
Soon, she was caught and imprisoned in kyorin hospital, under the name of medical treatment. Who call the number of the telephone of her father? All of DoDoMerdas refused at this point. Who make the versity notice the number to catch her that she is mentally ill? She put away you, because she has right. Everyone knows that she was in trouble with you and put away you at the cost of US$30 thousand. You did the tasks, which was deserved the value? You lost your money to pay the delayed insurance to Meiji Seimei. You didn't know that you can't get the reward after the death. You would receive the money after 60 years old. You are 48 years old. However, your memory is deteriorating day bay day. Your recognition ability wouldn't endure until that age. You don't understand what you are losing everyday. You pass time most of the day in mother's chamber. Only several hours a day, you goes downstairs and does wrongdoing. You want her chamber, doesn't you? Why you want it? Because your nephew is near. Whar are you dreaming? You want to be hugged by him? Shut up! You only immagine, however, you lost recognition ability. You do as you like, like other idiots of this disease. You have no limit. You are brute animal, in this sense. You are dreaming a life with Alex. Alex is a good boy, unless you spoil him. He is cheerful youn man, as Miyuki recognizes. Alex isn't brutal, as you think. Even in the battle, he didn't behave violent at all. You are different. Howmany times, you pretended to kill her? Your desire can't stop by yourself. You are spoiled by your mother. She wanted her servant. You offered her to be her servant. You agreed. You called yourself as "Assistant of Household", without knowing anything on domestic tasks. You do something if you like. Now, the interesting is disturbing her kids happiness. KOUNAN is out of choice. everyone agrees at this point. Miyuki thinks really for Alex's happiness, Business school is the best choice.
Alex himself knows it. Howeveer, you insisted him to go to KOUNAN to be a city boy to live with her. Alex doesn't want such a flamboyant immaginary world. He is more practical prson. He can't refuse your offer, because you are influenced by your mother. Alex wants to go to business school, however, when he says, they laugh at him, saying, that the agriculture isn't the study. You should go to versity. So normal school is good for you. Alex wants to avoid the laugh. Alex doesn't want to be a fool of them. He should be proud of them, so he decided to go to KOUNAN, indifferent from his favour. Miyuki thinks that his choice is ridiculous however, some of his friends know that he really wants to go to business school especially agricultural course. He understands that Miyuki really thinks of his future, not by pride. She is proud of him really. Agricultural business is good for her future, also she thinks. She recommended him not to be a farmer. Eating is the most important thing as human beings and as creature. Thus, it would enrich your life in every meaning. Furthermore, agriculture course is easy to enter! What a lucky boy you are! She was pleased. She thinks that agriculture is the best choice to understand the meaningless study until now is usuful for Alex. Alex got to know it. However, the pression on him by urbanists are so great. The teacher responsible is also thinking of the agriculture course is the best for him. Everyone except two urbanists is in favour of business school.
Why Alex should choose KOUNAN, far from his house, impossible to go and easy to retire as Miyuki says. HE didn't resist the two urbanists. They have a dream on him, He doesn't want destroy the dream. He was feeble to their indulgence. They spoiled him for the sake of it. Miyuki is so ignorant to be trapped by them, They want really to get her nervous and accued by everyone outside the house, they want her money. She is rich and they can buy their dream house in Tokyo beside Miyuki. If she doesn't, they can use her money as they like.
They want to rule her financially. She is a prisoner, in practice.
She doesn't conceal the fact. So they want to trap her to be a fool of her city. She is a shameless violent idiot in the city.
However, Miyuki does walk arround as she like. She likes to make errand to search the cheapest things at the supermarket. They all know that her choice is rational at any means. She likes to walk arround outside, despite her reputation. She doesn't know how ill she is talken among them. She believe that her family keep secret of her hospitalizatin, Nono, they take advantage of it and talked whatever they knows. She is concealed by DoDoMerdic citizens.
She thinks that Shirakawa people don't know her experience and she speaks in case of necessity. It was bad for them They described her that she was mentally ill, suffering from Alzheimer disease. Why? because she looks childish at his age. HUMMMMM. Childishness is a clue to Alzneimer?
Anyway, She looks so much cheerful, so anyone believe that she suffers something wrong with her. Maybe, a commedy writing disease! Maybe! It is!
Everyone treats he as a commedian. She is satisfied with the position and thinking of performing in Shirakwa, on what happened on her.
Everyone thinks that she is suffering seriously illness of commedian.
DoDoMerdas insists so.

She is in custidy in her house, because of her chilblains. Her frostbites get worse, because of Acrilic materials. Now her feet are nakid because of the frosting temperature. "Sirs, please buy the matches! Please, sir!"
Her cry sounds in vein in the cold sky. "Sirs, please buy the matchs for me!"
Poor Miyuki, at a frosty night, she lits the last piece of match, silently.
"No more matches"...She sighed. The last happiness vanished with the sigh, that is, her life.

Thus, Andersen, a renoun romantic novel writer wrote the novel, or non-fiction, according to her harsh experience.
She is now 54 years old, latent jobless, and his alex also. 2 generation of latent jobless. How poor they are.
Mr.Andersen can write another version of 2 generations of jobless. In addition, her father Koji is practically incomeless. It should be called latent jobless in our meaning. Thus, Garcia Marques participated in the new project of "3 generations of Jobless. The story of Familia SATO".
It would be the best seller novel of the world, we are sure!
Beyond time and space, the story filled with tears and sobbing, would be sold eternally. Everyone who reads the book can't put up with tearing. How beautiful story it is! It's realy emotional. Your heart would beat because of their severe survival game. Who will win?
Everyone thinks that Miyuki is the loser, because she gets away from the family. She knows it. She wants to be a loser. She doesn't want to be a winner of this game of endurance. She is the most getting bored type. Then, Alex. He isn't able to put up with the situation.
Now, who would win? Miyuki thinks that would be Clare. She is persistent and stronger than others.
Miyuki and Alex dare to choose to get out of here. They are too much apes to be pacient to this circcumstance. Clare will win the game, practically.

She will be a good legitimalte reigner of SATO family. Any other members, even YUKARI, wouldn't deny the fact. MIYUKI is too flamboyant according to others.
She is totally irrisponsible for them. Everyone criticises. And Miyuki accepts it. In her word, she is just a liberalist. However, at the standard of rural Shirakawa people, it means "irresponsible".
Miyuki knows that SHIRAKAWA people are good natured but they are simple-minded. They are too good to do Miyuki's like choice.
For them, Miyuki is a Devil! Everyone in Shirakawa thinks so!
She is being proud of it! She thinks that liberalism is the best choice for human beings. Protectionists should be applauded, in some means, by their morality. However, liberalism brings more happiness to every people, inclutind protectionists.
Protectionalists' require is too much bueden for Miyuki like liberalists. They can't put up with the burded.
Miyuki doesn't want any succession in Shirakawa at all. She refuses to receive it. She prefer being free from such type of financial problem. She has sufficient of money to go on her way. She isn't other menmer's marionet or papett. Her personality value is the most important for her. She doesn't want to be coufused by YUKARI, even she insists that it's for her sake. She doesn't know how Miyuki thinks. Miyuki knows how Yukari thinks. Miyuki can play the role of Yukari, however, Yukari doesn't. Yukari doesn't know that she thinks that she is a member of her family. However, everyone doesn't think so. She is only a broken robot. How much she wants to conceal the fact, she can't do a good job on it. She makes a lot of mistaked also outside, even she rare walks arround the city. She thinks that anyone doesn't know her, because she ignores her. However, everyone gets to know her. She is hermit-like queer person, as they say. She doesn't compliment at all, nor ignore others' gaze. It's impossible to avoid others criticism. We should be kind, at least, persons who know each other. After 20 years of stay in Shirakawa, why she can't get a job? Because of her erroneous pride? Not at all. She can't remember the name of the goods or of figures. She can't put away the things in order. Why she doesn't do the job while her stay in Shirakawa? Because she is so tired. Why she is so tired? She is tired of her monotonous life. Why? She doesn't work. She doesn't agree to move to hospis at all, because she has no insurance.
She has no insurance, in public and in private. Her insurance is for old age, nor for her health and her life. She is medically unsafe. However, she chose the way.
She insists that she can work as her mother's servant. However, she doesn't work as domestic servant. Just working as a companion. Mother is satisfied with the position. Now, why she distuebes the kids independent life?
She was set for serving for 5 years old kids. She repeats the movement. Miyuki criticised her strange habit. However, she wants to do it. Clare doesn't want her appearance eather. however, she can't put up with her ignorance. She asked many times to knock the door before entering her room. However, YUKARI is exception. Because she always forgets to knock, even after her repeated desire to do so.
Miyuki was astonished her behavour in her room, entering her room without knocking and closed the door with force and kept closed. Miyuki couldn't talk to his father because of her violent disturbance.
Miyuki came back. Because she thought that it wasn't necessary talking with his father. Only mer mother forcedly recommended her to go, thus she goes. Why YUKARI dashed into Clare's room to disturbe her? She was in wonder.
What Yukari wanted to do with it? It was her mother's order. Miyuki herself was reluctant to do so. YUKARI was thinking what?
Anyway, at that night, her mother and YUKARI behaved strange. What is the content of their conversation? What made them do so?
Miyuki thinks that they wanted her to be the robot No.2.
However, in the backstage, there was a negotiation between them. If Alex goes to KOUNAN, YUKARI will send him by car to the school. YUKari would be Alex's special car driver.
Alex would be in danger, in this case. Yukari should learn driving at that time. And she has no monery at all. She spent all of money to Meiji Seimei's insurance. All of US$30 thousand! All she wanted is just life-time insurance.
She doen't want to buy something for her. For mother, also. It's her choice.
She needed money to go to driving school. She took a driving lisence. Alex said to her and her mother believed it and lended her car.
I don't know ? I only know that my parents realy lend me the car. Why Yukari can use the car? Pratically, her driving is dangerous, with or without licence.
I presume that my mother paid it for her career.

She is now in driving lessen in her dreaming. She confused the truth and the dream, easily. She thinks that she gave her money. However, others think not.
She thinks that Miyuki should thank to her. Others know that Miyuki wouldn't thank her.
Yukari's interference causes another problem, as always. Harumi just said that Alex isn't good for agriculture. YUKARI began to imagine their future. Alex would live with her, his only aunt, kind and maternal, different from her.
She thinks that Alex would go to versity. There Yukari take care of him. Yukari would serve her nephew as a Japanese dancing mouse. She would be praised by others like a mirror of female. Yokari's dream involves her own choice. Going to Tokyo with Alex or to outside the city with ....I...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....
She dreams her future with Miyuki!!! Non sense!!! Her enemy No.1! Why? To kill me? I don't want to her victim! Help!
Yukari wrote to her friends that her sister is not kind to her. She presumably dislikes her. She is kinky figures. She is so arrogant because she graduated from Tokyo univ. Yukari wants to live with Miyuki, because she is rich and needs her help, because she is mentally ill. Miyuki can'live without her assistance. Her mother thinks so. They thinks that Miyuki is dangerous and irresponsible.
They don't think that Yukari is really alzheimer, despite of lots of proofs.
Yeah, believing it it too tough for her mother.
Yukari also thinks that Miyuki is really ill. She is silent however, she pretended to be her mother, despite of Alex's resistance. Yukari thinks that she looks like her so everyone would be confused.
The day of trio interview, Alex really wanted that Yukari doesn't appear in the class room. She sometimes does so, as did in Hachioji.
She replied "yes", when she was asked, "Are you Alex's mother?"
Ai-Ai. I am not a kinky lady like her. Yukari doesn't mind to use Miyuki's personality. She wrote as Miyuki, she pretended as Miyuki, She used many times her name instead of YUKARI.
She thought that it were allowed for her, because she was responsible for contradiction.
She should be accused but she is incapable. In this means, she has no escuse.
She again pretended to behave as Miyuki, to perticipated in the trio interview.
She explained Alex teacher that "I'm responsible for Alex. My sister is mentally ill. She abandons her kids. I'm doing her jobs instead of her. In this case, I am responsible for Alex. I need to see Mr....teacher responsible. I don't know his name. Class? the 3rd grade. maybe, 3 or 5. He is taller than me. He looks like ..." Yukari's expression is vague. Mr.OOKOSHI was at a loss. Why she appeared? Miyuki says that she is responsible now. She was in hospitalized, she agreed. however, now she is here.Why he should treat her as Alex's responsible? She said, "I was ordered by my mother". Why she was ordered to do so? Because Miyuki is mentally ill. She is so ill to abandon her kids.
This is the real story. She wanted to make a reputation in junior high to accuse Miyuki as a bad and morally deteriorated person.
One of the clue is "condome", that Miyuki brought in her bag. For Miyuki, it's common sense. However, for YUKARI, it was beyond her immagination.
She confessed to Mr.OOKOSHI, that's why she thought so.
Miyuki was contempted by her totally. In junior high, there were held meeting on MIYUKI-ALEX problems. Miyuki is evil or good natured?
Miyuki herself responds. This is illogical question. The proposition isn't well done. Miyuki is bad or good? and Miyuki is good natured or not? They are different questions.
To the first question, Miyuki is good! Yes! She isn't evil at all! She is totally good common peole,
To the second question, Miyuki isn't good natured. Miyuki is a liberalist and be proud of it. Good natured means kind and simple-minded. She wants to be kind however, she doesn't want to be simple-minded. She wants to be complex-minded.
Thus, the meetings should be resolved in vain. Who is the figure who proposes the erroneous question?
Teachers in junior high? Hummmmm... You should be punished! You deserve to be patted your bottom!

Anyone can't stop YUKARI-Merda. YUKARI went to the junior high at that day of the snowing, not just for bringing Alex, but for reporting her own intention to suggest Alex's high school choice. She said that she wants Alex to go to ASAHI high school, because it's nearest from her house. It's quick to bring him in these snow days.
Asahi is too difficult for Alex to enter. Mr.OOKOSHI said to her, however, she said to him that Miyuki is Asahi high School's best student in the history. So she could put him in Asahi. Thus, Alex should enter the high school.
Ummmmmm...Miyuki is mentally ill now, according to her and can power to pur him in Asahi school, illegaly?
YUKARI is in sick. Everyone got to know that. Public school allows the boy to enter illegaly?
YUKARI believe that Miyuki can do it. She think that Miyuki is so evil that can't do so because of her wrongdoing.
She asked Mr.OOKOSHI many times to do so. Alex is in the extreme confusion.
What should I do! Asahi? Not at all! Miyuki knows that Alex isn't good at athiletics and he is good at more practical things. Asahi? Not at all! Alex shold go to Business school.
Only Yukari doesn't know that Alex nor Miyuki don't let him to go to Asahi.
Alex worried about her mental illness. Asahi? I don't think it's good for me.

Yukari's mother worried about alex's breakfast. Who serve Alex, if he goes to business school, yukari can't get up until his departure. At least, one family sends him, shaking her hands, she insisted.
She thinks that Miyuki has power to do so. So she asked her to do so.

Only YUKARI insisted to let Alex to go to Asahi. Because she should follow her mother's order.
Thus, repeatedly, YUKARI asked Mr.OOKOSHI to lead Alex to go to Asahi.
However, YUKARI is persistent.
Yukari beleives that Miyuki can do everything for his son. Why she can't her power to realize the dream?
Ummmm........Alex doesn't want to go to Asahi and me too.
And putting the son to public school is crime. It would be assistance of wrongdoing of public servant. It also is against equality, we persue always.
We should be fair as much as we can. I have not such a magic-like power.
All I have dreaming, planning, acting, correcting, reacting and so on. Making efforts for our dreams. Not a special power for me. Everyone has it.
Alex should make his effort to go to high school, however, Asahi is out of our range. Why we should move him to go to Asahi?

YUKARI thinks that power holders can do it. Miyuki doesn't think so. Miyuki ins't power holders eather. Miyuki hates to be a power holder.

Yes, I want to be much stronger and kinder. It's totally different to be a power holder. I don't force others to do anything at all, except rare cases called extreme paternalistic intervention.
Power is to make everyone happy. Not to force everyone to follow their irrarional desicion.
All de
