Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (105)

2017-06-10 08:23:17 | 日記
10/06/2017 (Saturday, morning) It's cloudy today. Last night, OCN stole the contents of this blog (103), thus, we couldn't provide the important information inside the article. Miyuki spent almost 3 hours, despite from her sleepy mode. How cruel they rob from the result of our products. Habitual stealing job holders, they are.

It was a debut of Kabucky as a new member of our selective team called Quartet MARCK. He came to our IGNOLANDIA, although he was categorized as "sage", who deserves to stay in the wage men only land. He came on behalf of Miyuki's army, and Miyuki introduced him as a new strongest member. Thus, the damage is tremendously vast.

In Miyuki's case, the cost of psychological damage is calculated 1 galaxy per second. However, in his case, 1 universe per second, because of his categorization.

The same as KUBO and his team member of Happy Dragon V. They should be paid earlier than us, because their sufferings were so so cruelest in the universe. They was concealed in the hospital of Tokyo Versity, even after their death. They concealed their spirit in the evilest hospital in the world. Until Miyuki came, no one has known what kind of medical treatment they had. Just a mormot, with slight care of flamed skin. Chinkoro!!!! You were peeled by the wrongdoers after death, while KUBO and his team mates, during their stay in the crazy kinkiest hospital, were the cruelest tortures for long long time, for many years. Thus, they should calculate by second.

It happened in 1956. And until Miyuki's visit in May, 2015, their treatment was not revealed at all! Like a messy rural hospital in our villege. Worse than SHIRAKAWA KOUSEI Hospital. Incredible!!! First, Miyuki thought it as if an old parking building from outside, then, from inside, nurses' dormitory, and the next moment, she found that this is the expert hospital for the big disaster in the world!!!! Century level disaster, the experiment of explosion of BIKINI ragoon. How many creatures, of course, so so respectful and beautiful like Happy Dragon V's team mates, lost their spirits in the disaster? Beyond our imagination.

yesterday, Miyuki noticed the difference between hydrogen explosion and atomic one. The former, the level is particle's one, while, the latter, atomic bomb's case, neclear level change. Thus, despite of the name, the former was a kind of neculear change type explosion, not only hydrogen one.

It is called Hydrogen Bomb, however, cheap trick!!! Hydrogen explosion, we all, kids of junior high experienced acording to the instruction of Ministry of Culture and Education. Ogigen is requisite, and they produce H20. Hall and Oats.

The same system is adopted in hydrogen combined so called ECO-Car, or hybrid car. The explosion induces the piston movement, which makes DDMs feel sexually so active. Honda Civic is an example of this cheapish cars. Cilinder moves and the body transmits the wave like movement and shaking, like Rocking chair. Thus, sleepy, and easy to fail on the road. Hot Road. Taku TSUMUKI.

Recently, Miyuki got to be induced to write with errors because of her drowthy mode, by way of some hormone related stimulation. They can produce it, take advantage of Miyuki's brain control system. They stimulate her smell memory and her sense of nose is so acute like a dog, thus, they could make her faint, and did it.

The last resort, they yelled, and did, and failed. Total control system was revealed. Miyuki almost faint in so many place, despite of her any attempt to avoid it, including cafein reinforced coffee drinking. However, they did.

Oh, on the way back home from IWAKI Aqualium, and on the road of Route 4 and Route 16, when she drove in August, 2016. Oh, the same situation, Miyuki is now. And YUKARI wanted to call to the police, according to her saying in the morning.

They did call, on the day 6 of August, last year, and it caused big damage for her, and for us all. They caused her catch. Miyuki recognized how evil they are.

Thus, see you next time. Miyuki should avoid the nasty game, done by Alzheimer patients. They dreamt Miyuki's catch and sloughter, and acted for them. Both, already done. And confirmed by Miyuki herself. Despite of their stupid appearance, they did. This was the cause of this devastation of the universe. sages yelled Miyuki to go forhead. She doesn't know the unit beyond the universe. Sages???? Don't know. Thus, try, anyway!!! We should ask more assitence to resolve this type of audacious cruel attempt done by imcapables. They didn't recognized any basic requisite for living creatures. For them, now, Miyuki's catch is a kind of dairy hobby. Terrible. They talk a bit, and then, "We will call to the police" Yukari declares. And the police came. The police is the side of the DDMic patients pair in Miyuki's family.

See you for all of us all!!! We are all ready to catch them both. Try more audacious, show your hatred to them both. How they behave, it would be fun to watch it...Just call to the police, Miyuki already knows it.

Slight disliking is enough for them both, like, "She is so nasty ant stupid. She doesn't help us at all. How cruel she is! She should be punished. Let's call to the police, and they will kill her. Good grief."

VANISH! DDMs!!! They are BUSU Bitches!!!!

From Quintet MARCK, with Big LOVE!!!

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