Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (142)

2017-07-03 23:53:41 | 日記
Miyuki could took a shower and dyed her front hair in dark brown. She has white hair in this part, and now, in gradation of several brown and black. Not so bad as accent. However, Miyuki wants to appear as more attractive. Her preference is gradation from brighter to darker, as a image. Thus, she prefers use the dye colour a bit a bit. Thrifty way. And probably, her sea mud inclined product would be fine for her hair only. She tried another more popular product, however, didn't work. her hair is good with sea mud. Thus, oriental green, probably she would gain. Like Spirlina, probably. With the light, it would seen more greeish, and in darker place, more black resembling colour. Misterious, and pretty. Brown is not bad, however, not so fittable, she feels. However, no other choice, until now. Tried, and failed. Red in 花王 or KAOU product caused skin problem, rather exactly, emflamation on skin. Thus, Miyuki stopped using it.

Now, she thinks that chemical product would be avoidable. However, until to gain better more non reling on chemical type, she continues to use it. Dreaming a greenish black hair.

Probably, Miyuki's hair's original clour. Like sea weed dried type called 海苔 or NORI, in Japanese. Green in thinner part, while in fatter part, black, with brillience.

Taking a lot of water is a kind of avoid nasty UV attacking. Oh, thanks! At the same time, vagitable eating. Any green would be fine. Try to eat as dark as possible, like pumpkin and much as possible.

Miyuki thought that the relative came to attack her family, taking advantage of the feeble-minded Alzheimer patients inside the house. Not at all? Thus funeral party going? A kind of. Some good bye ceremony. Oh, they are going to INFERNO. Good. Then, Bye for now!!!

Miyuki, thus, for them, good. Less shame. And for us all, creation of paradise project.

Interesting! We all in mood. A kid type semi-god of death, they yelled. Monky type would be fine to this working, they presumed. Highly monky type should be recommended. Thus, M&A, a combined type. Miyuki thinks no problem. And Adachi works for it. ??? For it, it means...P????

Miyuki thinks ADACHI resembles her so much. Probably, in generally speaking. In this case, she would behave like that contest, he gained so much. Rather than Miyuki's kids. Of course. And only in some not so trifle parts, they split. Monopolization of the counterpart. Thus...Adachi is the middle. Miyuki recommeded him not to pledge again. Try some suitable guys. Roberta, Diana...Western, broader shoulder type.When I remembered some guy, this type, I would introduce you several, ADACHI, Miyuki assured.

And at the same time, Miyuki did know her limit. Miyuki is so positive to think in her experience. At this point, she is new. They really want to attack her. VANISH! All in a body!!! DDMs, Satans, you are!!! You should die, for now!!!!

And they attack and attack for several days.

today, Miyuki got chilled outside also. At first, she found a police car, near the public library. Then, another police car, wagon type. And in the small park of KOMINES culture hall, two police men were watching her, persistently. Already, from the inside of KOMINES, Miyuki perceived them, staying in front of the entrance, through the glass doors, the two police men.

And the police cars, laurel type and van type, both, appeared several times on the road Ruete 289. They really want to attack me, Miyuki deeply felt and prayed to erradicate all in a body for asking yells to her supporters.

Chilled. Faked, however, with gun and bullet. Why they came here so often? The relatives of Sato Family triggered today?

Feeble-minded Azlheimer patients should not be play the role any more. They wanted to say so. And they failed. Her mother is harsh to call to the police. And so many times, they trapped Miyuki and Chinkoro. Miyuki was so brave to save a spallow, who deslocated his shoulders, on the road.

He persestently stayed on the road. anyway, it is dangerous, come back to the side near pedestrian deck. And Miyuki tried to persudade him. Not because of me, but because of you, spallow!!!

She wanted to save him, because he was with difficulty to fly. And she yelled to go back to the road side. For Miyuki, on the road means being killed by DDMic satanic cars. Thus, "Come on guy, you would be killed by satans, here! Go back to your place. I will assist you, as much as possible."

And he, insisted to stay on the road. Thus, she started to pursuade him. "For me, in the worst case, it is easy to run away from the road. In the worst case, I will run away, more swiftly, rather than he, the spallow. "

She tried to grasp her, however she couldn't. And she declared, "I will run way in case of the vehicles' coming, indifferent form you, guy. If you want to survive, I recommend to to come with me. " And he decided finally to move to the garden side. he was under the KOSMOS flowers'leaves, to take a rest.

She did well. they yelled. She wanted to respect his choice. Thus, in the final case, I would run away to stay here, was effected him. He felt so bad at that time. No choice, for broken wings, he really thought. Attacked already with sythe type. And Miyuki watched two DDMs in the garden. Miyuki chose wrong place, they thought. However, she wispered him, "Under the leaves. Plants assist you. You would be saved. And we will help us each other. Probably your species will help you. I, if you like, help you, to be cured. Proably, dislocated shoulders. Somebody knows the way to correct the position. Thus, if you need, I will provide you some service to your cure."

Even in the worst case, you can walk, I did see it. You would be a yeller to others, and sometimes, to be a visitor for our party. We can play with each other, at least. We ca help each other. Thus, take a rest, for a while. Probably, DDMs can't see you. Their sight is so limited. Thus, after leaving them, we will make a conversation on how to cure your wings. I will feed you, if you like, until you cure, Clare said. For her, anyway, she tried to help other species. She wants to you come. And if you need, tomorrow, Miyuki will visit you on the same place, under the KOSMOS flowers. OK? Take a rest well. Then, we manage the situation.

Miyuki's attitude is always, "you decide" type. Don't worry, I will take an advantage of you????
Kyorin like approach, they tried to them, and disliked. Always, they trapped him. KASUMI-AMI? Transparent net. Cruel, from the ancient. Miyuki remembered the episode on the net, written by AEsophos.

In the episode, the bird, who had been trapped, was a fool. Why you did not avoid the trap?, the owner of the trap said, and killed him with a sly smile.

Cold hearted. Different from other stories, Miyuki thought. Always, when human beings appeared in the episode, Aesophos turned to be a black tail, according to HIROSUKE-DOUWA, or ひろすけ童話, a Japanese translation for kids, by hirosuke HAMADA.

Animals are stupid, the sly man said, and killed him. The origin of cruel arrogance. Miyuki felt the same sansation from the book, as OKINO. Nasty story, both felt. With the illustration, smiling sly man.

The image was God of Death. However, in this case, man face existance did the same type job. Illegitimately.

KASUMI-AMI or transparent net was prohibitted even under IDIOCRASY, by the law of protection of Birds and Animals. And spallows are also considered with wild birds. Thus, catching them was tabboo, yes.

However, if Miyuki catchs him, is it a crime? Saving a life. Who punishes Miyuki would be punished. They, the DDMs, were hearing Miyuki's voice, "How should I do! Oh, vehicles! They are coming!" However, they kept silent, doing their unnecessary gardeners faking. For them, attacking others would be amusement, anyway.

Thus, as early as possible, investigate the case. He would be found, alive. He would know that someone help him. As early bird mode Miyuki. Try it!!

However, sleepy Miyuki doesn't work. Thus, I will sleep now. And try to get up early as much as possible.

Take care, spallow!!! I will try to search you, and you would inform me your story.

Thus, see you later, on our blog. We should be kind to others, as much as possible.

Do you like cherry? I will bring some of cherries. Eat together, if you like.

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so so cruel, unnecessarily. Satans, in short.

From Wild 7, with Big LOVE!!!!! Cherry Bombs!!!!
