Dramatic Death of Masato SEKINE

2017-02-03 18:10:02 | 日記
03/02/2017 (afternoon) I was said to come to Alex's school by his teacher responsible Mr.OOKOSHI. Wow! We are the champions! We got a success in that Alex declared to apply to the course of agriculture at Business School. We should take advantage of this lucky chance. As soon as possible, we should make Alex to apply the form. Mr.OOKOSHI did the difficult job fairly good. And I signed up and went to hand the form to Mr.OOKOSHI directly with Alex. I was smiling all the way to the school. I thanked Mr.OOKOSHI, passing the form. I would bring some sweets later.

He should do extra job to my flamboyant boy Alex. Of course, he is a public servant. So, if I do give something precious to him, it would be a bribe. However, someting consumable for the teachers at school, like rice crackers or cheap sweets are allowed in Japan. There is a jurisprudence at this point. I have learned it when I was a undergraduate student. I just want to express my thanks to his extra job. He deserves it, I think.

I wrote to my friend IZUMI-san that I was relieved that he is a man of common sense. We are free from Alex problem now. I felt totaly relieved, really.

On the way home, I found the name of "Museum of Masao SEKINE" beside the school. Masao SEKINE is the name of the father of my ex-almunus in primary school called Masato SEKINE.

He was a son of the rich medical doctor Masao SEKINE. The evil teacher Kouichi YOSHIDA treated him with special effection because of his father's power and richness.
I was rather sorry for him being a son of the rich family. He had been said by the evil YOSHIDA, "You would be a rich medical doctor like your father, wouldn't you?"

When I was a versity student, my friend of Shirakawa MAKI-chan informed me that he had died by traffic accident. According to her, he had been studying in a cram school for 3 years after graduating from high school in order to be a medical doctor.
After 3 years of hard study, he got to enter into some Faculty of Medicine in a certain versity. His father gave a gift for him. It was a red sport type vehicle. Soon after, he died due to the car accident in the car.

I was astonished at the story. At the same time, it was so dramatic that I felt as if it were just a groundless rumor. So, I belerved a half and douted a half.

I wanted to get to know wheather it is true or not.

The reply was true. He died exactly soon after his entrance were allowed. And several years after, his father began to make statues related to Buddism of wood.

According to the explanation by the curator, his father's major was reproductive health. However, he extended his medical treatment to other field like internal medicine later.

Hearing his remarks, I felt strange. Because I remembered a tragedic medical accident which had happened on my friend's closesed friend. My friend was called Ms.Hiroko YMAZAKI. She was a daughter of the craftsman of folded paper boxes. I sometimes visited her house to play together. Whenever I visited, I could hear the sound of the manufacturing equipment, by which her father made the product. Regular rysmical sound like tic-tac of a clock. It was not noisy. I felt comforted with the sound, because I could feel that her family was near us.

She got her closest friend in junior high. Sorry, I can remember her face, however, can't remember her name now.
She was a new comer. They got along highly well each other. Please allow me to call her Girl A, provisionaly.
However, probably when we were in the second grade, a tragedy happened. Girl A was hospitalized in the hospital of Masato's father called SEKINA hospital.
She was in the hospital for almost 1 month. After 1 month, we were heard that Girl A had died because of intestatinal occulusion. We were shocked. My friend Ms.Hiroko YAMAZAKI was so suffered from her closest friend's early death that she turned to be calm and silent. We left her untouched as long as she could recover from the tragedy.

I didn't know that SEKINE hospital was one of the reproductive health exclusively. I thought that it were a general hospital for multiple epecial treatment.

Now, why Masao SEKINE did send the patient of Intestinal occulusion to bigger hospilal in a larger town than Shirakawa? Why he refrained from saving her life and forced her to stay in his hospital?
He just wanted to earn money by way of long hospitalization like Hasegawa Hospital?

And also, he was a member of clubs related with several sports activities of youth at several public schools.
He was so enthusiastic to the activities, according to the curator.
What does it mean? He was looking for chances to wounded kids by sports accident? Then, he treated them in his hospital as a "provisional substitute hospital for quick attendance" and sometimes, took advantage of forcing them to be hospitalized.
Maternity espert could treat other diseases, in particular, serious ones?

According to "Black Jack" by the renoun ANIME producer Osamy TEZUKA, who graduated from Medical University of Osaka City, intestinal occulussion is one of the serious disease and sometimes even the special experts fail to operate the patients. Why he left Girl A in his hospital?

And even in the case of my friend Ms.Jinko OOTA, she was so waiting for the arrival of her younger brother. However, she couldn't have him, because he was born dead, suffocated by his own umbilical cord, in Sekine Hospital. She was a cheerful girl. She looked like a DAKKO-chan doll, whose design was inspirated by African cute girls. However, she got to be so sad after this tragedy.

Why Masao SEKINA was so rich? He came from GUMMA prefecture and decided to work here in Shirakawa.
Also according to the curator, he was accutomed to do his farming job every day in the morning. He went to the field at 7:00 o'clock in the morning and came back at 9:00 to the hospital and worked until 15:00. After, he visited elders to give his medical treatment to them.
Maternity expert provided what kind of treatment to elders?

He had been also a member of Committee of protection for human rights of Shirakawa Prefecture since 1976. What does it mean?
He probably was protected by the power holders in Shirakawa, even he did wrongdoing.

The museum was established only 2 years ago, following the proposal of his daughter, who died before the inauguration. She was also a medical doctor. Her major, unknown. She wanted to present the collection of his father to others. Rich family can have their own museum, she thought, presumably.

Masao SEKINE died 7 years ago, according to the curator.

Now, beside the museum, there is a big hospital of different name. Probably, it would be the second Masao SEKINE running the hospital. The impression is similar to Hasegawa Hospital. Cheap and brilliant, like other buildings in Tokyo.

He was praised 3 times by strong power holders in 1990s.
Once by Fukushima Prefectural Governor Eisaku SATO in 1992, twice in 1999 by Minister of Culture Hirofumi NAKASONE and by Minister of Justice Taizo NOZAWA.

The curator ommited his career as a principient. According to the pamphlet, he graduated from Faculty of Medicine of University of SHOWA in 1957 and got a licence of medical doctor in 1958.
I can't know abot University of SHOWA at all. I know Women's University of SHOWA.
He was hired in 1958 by a public hospital called Tokyo Metropolitan Maternity Hospital of OOKUBO.
In 1960, he was hired as a chief doctor in a division of OONUMA of Shirakawa Prefecture. It's also unknown for me.
He opened his private hospital in 1963. Masao SEKINE, my alumnum was born one year earlier of the year.

He became a president of Association of Volleyball of Shirakawa in 1973.

My friend Masato SEKINE, his son, has just the same value of the hospital. His only son, my friend was.
Masato's development means the hospital's prosperity, I presume. His symbolic son died soon after the end of his harsh severe study period at cramschool in 1983.

He put his dream to his son as a superior's order. That is, being a petit prince of Medical Imperial SEKINE Family. I remember my friend's face. He was similar to his father in appearance.

However, their atmospheres of them were totally different. Father SEKINE resembled a rapist criminal called Kiyoshi OOKUBO at that time. His son Masato was a fairly normal kid, like us. However, we prefered to avoid him, because he was liked by Kouichi YOSHIDA. It means that he was under the control of this evil teacher pretending monster.

I don't want put my dream on my son. He should live as an independent person. He should pursue his own dream. I of course, dream my dream and plan to realize the dream in effect.
Alex is yet immature on this process. He should learn lots in Business School. Human Relationship, cultivating plants, the tastes of foods, communication with his class mates, feeding farm animals etc. etc.

Coincidently, Masao SEKINE had a field beside Business School, in which he cultivated plants every morning. I am relieved that the kinky old medical doctor is already dead. Or my beautiful boy Alex would have been a victim of his attack.

Now, I remember that we were really "raped" when we were in the kindergarden.
We pupils were collected in a gymnastic hall to check the faces. We didn't know what the doctor did for us.
We needed to take our blief or panry off and forced to pose of leapflog. We had to make a row. Every one, with this contemptious pose.
Then, the doctor put a gross glass bar in the ass. We were astonished. We had never been done sach a strange check-up. More than 50 pupils were there. All in the face of confusion. However, we couln't say anything. We didn't know what the medical doctor was doing. Just contempt, we felt.

I don't know this strange medical doctor is Masato's father or not.
However, at that time, the check up was done under the controle of the kindergarden.
After the checkup, we have never experienced such a rape like collective check up.

We kids were treated sexually badly at the kindergarden under the name of medical treatment.
Why the doctor had to oblige us to do such a pose and to endure such a contemptious conducts?

We want to require the detailed explanation. How many kids were the victims of the kinky doctor?

The pamphlet says that SEKINE Family were descendents of old family of 14th century.
In Shirakawa, almost all of us belong to old families. Many of them are of older than SEKINE Family.

Why he stopped to work for public hospital in Tokyo and came to Shirakawa, where no acquaintance of him was.

The museum visiting recalled me a lot of tragedic memories related with my friends and me. All of them belong to "downward" matters.
Now, I realized the spooky feeling when I felt always near the junior high.
Not the junior high, but the hospital.
When I visited Alex's junior high in December, 2016, I noticed the difference of atomosphare. When I was a pupil of Junior High Shirakawa Central, I felt really spooky, even the building were newly established.
However, I feel rather good at the school. Bright and active. More cheerful mood surrounds the school.

The new building was established 2 years ago. The same year, the museum was established.

As I said before, when I was a pupil of primary school, the building of Shirakawa Central was all burned one night. The cause has been unknown at all even now.
I remember the scene of the fire. The sky was red. Someone said that it looked like an air raid. Maybe, my mother said so, because only she experienced the air raid during WWII. She was born in Tokyo.

SEKINE hospital was just beside the school. The fire incidence happened in 1973, probably. We are 10 or 11 years old. SEKINE hospital didn't suffer at all. Our alumnum Masato didn't speak on the fire at all, even though he lives very near the fire. Anyone asked on the fire to him. Why? Why his family and hospital were totally safe from the fire incident? Were they prepared for the incident? Did they know the cause of the fire?
Insurance? SEKINE's house was tremendously big, according to Kouichi YOSHIDA. Why anyone worried about their big property?

In the same year, Father SEKINE started his career as a sponser of various sports activities. His hay day began. Why?

We have heard that by the fire, there several pupils had died at accidents related to sports activities in junior high. SEKINE hospital was very near the school. They probably died in SEKINE Hospital.

Near SEKINE hospital, we had a semi-public hospital run by JA or Japan Agricultural Sindicates. The hospital moved far away from the center of the city onto the top of the hill, almost 15 years ago.
MAKI-chan's mother was working for the semi-pubic hospital. She was beautiful like an actress. However, strange to say, her impression was just a soldier. I understand that the nurses are soldiers in fact, through her impression.

The impression of the nurses in HASEGAWA Hospital is "vague""vapid""vacant". Totally different.
I have never visited SEKINE hospital nor its resident at all until now.
For the first time, I visited, because just I wanted to get to know about Masato, not Masao, his father.

The dilettantism insinuates the hospital's reluctance to work diligently. Presumably, SEKINE hospital was HASEGAWA Hospital's counterpart in SHIRAKAWA. The staff were flamboyant as the top of the hospital.

Girl A was new in Shirakawa and her family didn't know the reputation among us people, maybe. So they allowed to hospitalize her in SEKINE hospital, perhaps.

Since we were kids, we have heard strange rumors on the hospital.
In SEKINE hospital, the president Masao SEKINE had a surgery to the pregnant females, whose babies were born in blue or green. Immature blue babies, several months before the adequate birthday.
"Expert of Maternity Care does such a brutal medical treatment?" I was in wonder and felt nasty.
For me, SEKINE hospital is one of the avoidable place with its spooky feeling.

I don't no any closed acuqintance to have seen SEKINE doctors. Anyone refers to the hospital at all. It's just avoidable.
Maybe, among us people, there was a watchword in common, "Watch out SEKINE Hospital".
And for DoDoMerdas, SEKINE Family is welcome.

Probably, SEKINE Family earns money just like HASEGAWA hospital. Miniture rural version of it. Inside, formidable inhuman treatments had been casually done.

I think that our friend Masao SEKINE wasn't able to be a kinky doctor like his father. He was not so bad. Rather, a person had common feeling duty and rightiousness. For him, succeeding the damnit hospital was beyond his endurance.

Maybe, the big hospital beside the museum is runned by the relative of SEKINE Family. SEKINE's family name wasn't succeeded, because only one male descendent of its name died and his sister got married with the male of another name. Thus, the name changed. However, the hospital exists.
It is waiting for cliants. Watch out over DoDoMerdic hospitals in your town, country people!

I don't feel any cotradiction between my treatment on Masato and that on Masao, his father.
They are different. Masato wanted to live like a human being, if he could. He was not inhuman. He should be treated independent from his evil father. We are in the position of individualism.

The same thing we can say concerning Kouichi YOSHIDA. His son was a good friend of the brother of my closed friend IZUMI-san. She didn't conceal the fact at all. We were indifferent from his son. Our target was always Kouichi YOSHIDA himself.

Now, as adults, we got to know that Kouichi YOSHIDA is not only he. He was only one DoDoMerdas. Our enemy is DoDoMerdas themselves.
Vanish! DoDoMerdas!

I finished a battle with Alex. A bit complicated one, however, I feel really good after the battle. Alex is developping now. He stepped forward. A bit, but a great step.
Nobody is perfecct. I wrote to Mr.OOKOSHI, his teacher responsible, that school exists for pupils to fail. The more they fail, the more they learn. He has the same idea on this point.
Thus, Dr.Miyuki SATO, have learned several times much more than usual common people. Almost all of my life have been spent in some school related facilities. I have failed much more than you, thus, I have learned much more than you. I'm sure. I would say, I am a professional of failure studies. We should learn from our falures. Thus, day by day, Dr.Miyuki SATO continues to learn more and more, failing more and more.
My value exists on the point that I am a professional school leaner. It's very rare to find this type of persons in the world. Even with age 54, I've learned at junior high school. At the same time, I did a lesson to pupils there, without being asked or spontaneouslly. Be more mischivous! Pupils, fail more! Thus, you would be a professional leaner like Dr.Miyuki SATO.

Many people wonders that I say that "I'm working diligently!". Even my family don't know I'm really working in fact diligently. Thus, I am so underesteemed.
However, I should think that I am a litmus test paper of Gods of Justice. Thin, light and cheap, however, usuful in effect. I am a kind of Mr.Kin of TOOYAMA Family. People arround us don't know who I am in really, what is my real job. I look like a jobless poor person. However, I'm not in fact. I work diligently.
Look! I'm not so "vapid" "vacant" "vague" like the medical staff in Hasegawa Hospital or versity professors in Tokyo Univ. I'm working thas, I was escaped from the terrified characters of early Alzheimer. Dr.Miyuki SATO, she is an unknown professor-commedian in the world. She is a bit different. Unique, she prefer saying. However, she is just a common person like us, people. She is filled with kind feeling and warm hearted. She is seeking friends.
Make friends with me! She shouts.

"Devils Out!" "Common Lucks Inside Our House!" Today's "SETSUBUN" or beans spilling day. It means that tomorrow comes spring! I spilled several pistacio nuts, shouting these spells. Usually, in Japan, fried soybeans or boiled peanuts are spilled in the evening, shauting the spells.
However, Dr.Miyuki SATO, spilled expensive pistacio nuts, in a rightous loud voice. Thus, I believe that my bean spilling ceremony will call much more lucks to me!!!! Good jobs, good friends, especially good boy friends, good towns, good adventures, good knowledge, good experiences, good trips, good performances, good writing abilities, good linguistic abilities, good family relationship, good communities, good health, good appetite, good topics, good physical composition, good shape, good atomosphare, good long legs, good hight, good chilblainless life, good professional life, good colleagues, good superiors, good partners, good supporters, all of good things and fenomena in any time and space, good universe, good world, good galaxies, good countries, good levels, good humores, good jokes, good senses of every part of my entire body, good memories, good sense of direction, good vehicles, good driving abilities, good residence, good strage, good space, good feeling, good music, good victories, good battles, good debates, good dancing, good exercises, good athiletics, good funny interesting discoveries, good wits, good contes, good movies, good games, good plays, good smiling, good laughs, good foods, good drinks, good spices, good enegies, good stimulations, good provocations, good callings, good sweets, good cooking ability, good entertainments, good enjoyable life, all of all good things and femomena entirely completely, perfectly!!!! More and more good lucks!!!!

Thus, we are getting much lucky. Spring is getting near and near. Tomorrow is spring already. We are surrounded by snow here in Shirakawa. However, we will meet spring symptom tomorrow! What will be? We will know tomorrow!

Then, Good Bye, for now! Vanish! DoDoMerdas! Out from our beautiful universe!
For us, people, Good Luck!!!!!
