ことば宇宙 universum verborum



2013-02-10 | スピーチ

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the well-known father of positive psychology, was born in Fiume, 1934. The son of a Hungarian counsel. The family left Hungary in 1944, and move to Rome, where they operated a small restaurant. The young Csikszentmihalyi did not like Italy and immigrated to the United States. He was interested in painting. And he worked and attended university lectures at University of Chicago. Later he became head of Psychology Department there. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi wrote his doctoral dissertation in the field of creativity. This led him to the understanding of phenomenon of happiness which he describes as flow experiences in one of his articles in 1972. The theory became widespread only after 1988. Several of Csikszentmihalyi’s books have been published in Hungarian: the Flow, Psychology of Optimal Experiences, and Evolving Self. His books have been translated into more than thirty languages. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a member of both the American Academy of Sciences and the Hangarian Academy of Sciences.


Flow is a state of mind, or a state of experience that we feel when we are totally involved in what we are doing.


I began to notice how important this feeling is in the arts for instance, for painters and musicians who when a painter begins to fill a white canvas, a canvas with nothing on it, and he or she begins to put colors on this canvas, and begins to develop a shape, develop a painting that will be important to them and to the public, the artists completely lose the track of time, they don’t notice they’re hungry, they’re tired, they are just sometimes working for days without stopping. And that feeling then they try to explain it to someone who wasn’t involved in the painting, and they explain it as being completely carried away, almost like being a river and the flow of the water takes them on.


This state of mind has the same characteristics. Everybody describes it as being very focused, very clear of goals, immediate feedback to their action, and a balance of challenges and skills. So this is the experience of flow as they describe it in art, in sports, in music and every time a person is really involved in what they are doing.


For instance, one of the most successful examples is a Swedish company called Green Cargo, which has been losing money for hundred twenty-five years, every year losing money partly the only way they could afford that was that they were a government company of transportation which was state-owned. And then a person who learned about Flow became the Human Resource manager for Green Cargo, and he started applying Flow principles in that company. And it turned out that after two years for the first time in hundred twenty-five years Green Cargo made a profit. And since then apparently is making still profit. But that is not the only company there are many. Microsoft is using it. There is a company here close to Los Angeles, Patagonia, which makes clothes for outdoors for sports people. And that’s a very good example of a company that is able to introduce flow in the work.


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