

There's plenty of life, and fight, left in the cats. - Juice Filling Machine Manufacturer

2013-11-24 11:45:52 | 日記
Geelong has certainly been a long way short of the sort of standardit set last year, or for that matter most of the four before that.But here we are in June, and the Cats are in the eight, have somekey players set to return from injury, and if they defeat Carltontonight at Etihad Stadium, turn for home with a 7-4 scoreline. While much of the focus this week has been on its troubledopponent, which has lost three of its past four games and has ahorror draw ahead, tonight seems not a lot less important forGeelong, as much in terms of perception as ladder position. That's important enough, as the Cats are almost certain to betipped out of the eight by St Kilda should they lose. But the gameagainst Carlton could also go some way towards answering just whatsort of Geelong we're dealing with this season.

Are the Cats, as Age columnist Robert Walls contended on these pages a fortnight ago, aside in decline? Or instead, leading into its mid-season break nextweek, one which has stayed afloat despite injuries and some lessthan sparkling form, and has enormous scope for improvement overrounds 12 to 23? Isolate the round-seven thrashing at the hands of Adelaide a monthago and the shock loss to North Melbourne in round three, and you'dseemingly have the proof to back up the ''on the slide'' assertion. Then recall the epic comeback win over Hawthorn on Easter Mondayand you at least pause for consideration. In part, Geelong is a victim of its own lofty standards, set duringa stellar past five years. Its past two wins are good examples.

A fortnight ago, the Cats beatthe Western Bulldogs by 20 points, with the Dogs as competitive asthey had been all season. Geelong was seriously challenged and at one stage looked set to beoverrun, but steadied at the critical moment. Last week, against the novices from Greater Western Sydney, theCats, incredibly, were only level at half-time. A lesser side's eventual 11-goal win might have been portrayed as apower-packed second half, likewise the previous victory a testimonyto mental strength. But when you've had to work as hard as thesceptics have with Geelong to find chinks in the armour, the glasstends to be half-empty rather than full. Hot Filling Machine

Statistics show a fall in most of the important categories. TheCats' top-three ranking status on most of the differentials lastyear has fallen to lots of sevenths and eighths. The most alarming fall has been for contested ball, where third hasbecome 15th, while Geelong is also averaging about 20 points less agame. But on an individual level, at least, Mathew Stokes aside, there'snot many Cats turning in a lot worse numbers than last year,certainly not five of the top six in last year's best and fairest -Corey Enright, Joel Corey, Jimmy Bartel, James Kelly and JoelSelwood. Juice Filling Machine Manufacturer

If that indicates the struggle of a system rather than its parts,perhaps the key statistic for Geelong might be the seven debutantsit has been forced to field so far in 2012, more than any sideother than the Giants. That gives you some idea how deep injuries have bitten the Geelonglist. But so do the ''ins'' for tonight of Enright, Corey, Tom Hawkins,Steven Motlop and David Wojcinski give an idea of just how big ascope for improvement there is in Geelong. These players know the system like the back of their hand. Cans Filling Machine Manufacturer

And ifthey and their team click this evening, Geelong pauses formid-season breath knowing there may still be a bit of life left inthe old Cat yet.

Queen elizabeth ii visits prince philip in hospital for 45 minutes - China Centrifugal Transfer Pump

2013-11-23 11:45:40 | 旅行
On Wednesday, the Queen attended a lunch with Commonwealth leaders,as she continued to mark 60 years of her reign. Prime Minister David Cameron was among the 70 guests at the lunch,at Marlborough House on Pall Mall. The engagement saw a protest by some members of the UK'sTamil community, as Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa arrived.They were demonstrating about the country's record on humanrights. The duke, who had treatment for a blocked coronary artery inDecember, turns 91 on Sunday. A palace spokesman said earlier: "The treatment of his infection continues with antibiotics. Vertical Pressure Leaf Filters

"He is likely to remain in hospital over the next few days.He is in good spirits." The Queen arrived at the hospital, in central London, at 17:10 BSTand left at 17:55. The Duke of York left the hospital at about18:40 BST. Prince Andrew told reporters that his father was "mendingvery well". Meanwhile, the Prince of Wales, who earlier opened a sheep industryshow in Scotland, told well-wishers the duke was "doingwell". China Centrifugal Transfer Pump

Dorothea Holland, 60, from Stranraer in Galloway, said she askedPrince Charles how the duke was. "He said he was doing well and thanked me for asking. He justsaid it was a shame that he hadn't been able to take partyesterday, and said they had all had a very busy few days," she said. On Tuesday, the Earl of Wessex, his youngest son, said the duke was"feeling better" and had been watching the Jubileeevents on television. China Candle Filter Purification

Asked how the Queen was coping without her husband, Prince Edwardadded: "She's bearing up but missing him, obviously." As well as the concert, which saw performances from artistsincluding Stevie Wonder and Sir Paul McCartney, the duke missed thenational service of thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral onTuesday. In his sermon, the Archbishop of Canterbury said "our prayersand thoughts" are with the duke. The service was followed by receptions at Mansion House and theGuildhall, a lunch at Westminster Hall and a carriage procession toBuckingham Palace, then by a balcony appearance by the Queen, theRoyal Family and a flypast. Buckingham Palace said Prince Philip was "understandablydisappointed" about missing the rest of the celebrations. On Tuesday evening the Queen released video message to the nation,describing the four days of celebration as a "humblingexperience".

"It has touched me deeply to see so many thousands offamilies, neighbors and friends celebrating together in such ahappy atmosphere," the Queen said.


2013-11-22 11:50:45 | グルメ
Hosni Mubarak's condition has deteriorated so much that doctors atthe Cairo prison where he is serving a life sentence had toconstantly administer oxygen to him overnight, security officialssaid Thursday. More Related to this Story Mubarak s health in dangerous phase, Egyptian officials say Mubarak's health deteriorating in Egyptian prison, official says Egypt prosecutor to appeal Hosni Mubarak trial verdicts The officials at Cairo's Torah prison said 84-year-old Mr. Mubarakis suffering breathing problems, high blood pressure anddepression. He did not speak to his doctors or anyone else exceptfor a few words to his son and one-time heir apparent Gamal, who isbeing held in the same prison and was at his father's side, saidthe officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because theywere not authorized to speak to the media.

They said Mr. Mubarak was given oxygen throughout the night anduntil Thursday morning. Security officials say Mr. Mubarak's health has deterioratedsharply since Saturday, when he and his ex-security chief weresentenced to life in prison for failing to prevent the killing ofprotesters during the uprising that toppled him last year.

Mr. Mubarak had been held in military hospitals from his arrest inApril last year up until his sentencing. He did not want to go tothe Torah prison hospital after the sentencing Saturday, pleadingwith his escort to take him back to the military hospital east ofCairo where he had stayed in a suite since his trial began inAugust. Before that, he was held in a hospital in the Red Searesort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Mr. LED Flood Lamp

Mubarak and his two sons were acquitted of corruption chargesin Saturday's mixed verdict. But they are being held in prison onnew charges of insider trading, brought just days before theiracquittals were announced in the separate case with their father. The acquittals brought harsh criticism from the Islamist-dominatedparliament and set off a new wave of mass protests in Cairo'sTahrir Square and other cities. The turmoil erupted two weeksbefore Egypt's presidential run-off on June 16-17 pitting MohammedMorsi of the Brotherhood against Mr. China LED Tube Light Fixture

Mubarak's last prime ministerAhmed Shafiq in a presidential run-off vote. On Thursday, one of the country's top judicial officials, chairmanof the union of judges Ahmed el-Zind, responded to criticism fromparliament with a scathing attack. In a televised news conference,Mr. el-Zind said it was unacceptable to question the integrity ofjudges and accused lawmakers of abusing their immunity. You did not inherit Egypt from your mothers and fathers, saidMr. LED Fluorescent Tubes

el-Zind, whose attack appeared to be directed against theMuslim Brotherhood, a fundamentalist group whose supporters wonjust under half of the legislature's seats. We will never allowthis legislature to be a thorn in Egypt's side, he added. Mr. el-Zind's attack adds to the woes of the Brotherhood. Thefundamentalist group is at odds with the ruling military councilthat took over from Mr.

Mubarak, in part over the selection of a100-member panel to draft a new constitution. The generals havegiven the legislature a 48-hour ultimatum, which expires later onThursday, to agree on a new selection process. The generals' action came after the Brotherhood had packed thepanel with Islamists, who account for about 70 per cent of allseats in the chamber. A court order disbanded that panel andefforts to form a new one have been deadlocked.

The Brotherhood, whose popularity has dramatically declined sinceparliamentary elections about six months ago, is also at odds withliberals, leftists and Christians who accuse the group of seekingto monopolize power. The legislature, meanwhile, is faced with the prospect of beingdissolved. Leaks published in the media Thursday said a panel of legal expertshas recommended to the country's highest court that an election lawthat regulated the parliamentary elections was illegal. Therecommendation upheld a ruling to that effect by a lower court. Ifthe Supreme Constitutional Court adopts the recommendation in asession scheduled for June 14, parliament will be dissolved,robbing the Islamists of their biggest prize since the ouster ofMr.

Mubarak. The court is also to look into and possibly rule on whether Mr.Shafiq is eligible to run in the same hearing. The media leaks say the same experts have recommended to the courtthat a law adopted by parliament last month to bar Mubarak regimeofficials from running for office was unconstitutional, meaningthat Mr. Shafiq can continue in the race.

More Related to this Story Mubarak s sham acquittal has Egyptians up in arms in TahrirSquare Egypt s Mubarak has 'health crisis' after receiving life in prison.

Guest column: five reasons why canada needs low tuition - Alkaline Water Pitcher

2013-11-21 11:40:31 | 旅行
Much of the media coverage of the Quebec student protests hasdismissed the protesters as spoiled children trying to protecttheir unfair privilege (Quebec has the lowest tuition in thecountry). The vast majority of today s university students do, in fact, comefrom relatively well-off families. But rather than weakening theirposition, this supports the protesters claims that we have aserious problem with access to education a problem that wouldonly worsen with tuition hikes. Low tuition is not an unfair entitlement for students; it issensible public policy.

Here are five reasons why we should supportlow tuition everywhere in Canada. 1) Making university education affordable would allow moreCanadians to access this key tool for social mobility. The evidence is clear: university education is a route toconsiderably higher lifetime earnings and the financial benefit ofhaving a university degree has increased over the past 20 years.Yet, in a time of sharply rising income inequality, this ladder toa better life is only accessible to some Canadians. 2) Financial barriers to education impact Canada s economicwell-being. An educated and highly skilled workforce is a crucial element forthe continued economic and social development of Canada.

But whenthe ability to pay becomes a deciding factor in who gets educationand who doesn t, our country loses the chance to benefit from theskills and capabilities of many of its citizens. Because financialbarriers to education reduce social mobility, inequality willincrease, with all the associated social and economic costs tosociety, including increased health- and justice-system costs andworsening social tension. 3) Higher learning is becoming a standard job requirement. Advanced education increasingly affects people s ability tocompete in the labour market, the types of jobs they obtain, andthe incomes they are able to earn. Fever Cooling Patch

In B.C., it is estimated that more than three-quarters of new jobswill require some form of post-secondary education. The figures aresimilar for Canada as a whole. This is why it is now more importantthan ever to ensure all Canadians have access to advancededucation. Yet, instead of increasing financial support for higher education,governments have steadily withdrawn from funding universities.Government funding has fallen from 84 per cent to 58 per cent ofuniversity operating budgets over the past 30 years. It s time for Canada to increase our public investment in highereducation and reduce the burden that high tuition imposes onstudents and their families. Alkaline Water Pitcher

We already provide elementary andsecondary education to all Canadians free of charge. Why not extendour public education system to cover post- secondary education? 4) Student loans don t make up for high tuition. We know this because students from lower-income backgroundscontinue to be under-represented in universities despite theavailability of student loans. Instead of improving access toeducation, student loans result in high debt loads for those youthfrom lower- and modest-income families who manage to make it touniversity against the odds. China Alkaline Water Ionizer

The average student debt at graduationwith a bachelor s degree program was $27,000 in 2009. This is fundamentally inequitable, because it means that studentswho take out loans end up paying considerably more for the sameeducation (through interest on their debt) than their peers whoseparents can afford the tuition up front. In addition, StatisticsCanada analysis shows that student debt continues to affectCanadians finances, with borrowers less likely to have savingsand investments, and less likely to own their homes. 5) Education is a great investment for our public dollars: studentsrepay the full cost of their education through taxes over theirworking careers.

The conventional argument that students are heavily subsidizedbecause tuition does not cover the full costs of their educationignores an important way in which students repay the cost of theireducation: through higher taxes after graduation. In a recent studypublished by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Iquantified these additional taxes paid by university graduates inB.C. It turns out that when these tax payments are added up overthe course of graduates careers, B.C. university students as agroup pay more than double what their education costs. The researchis clear: it s economically feasible and much more fair to reducethe financial barriers to education by lowering tuition to nominallevels.

Increasing public funding for higher education is not only a soundfinancial investment for our public dollars it s an investmentin a healthier, better-educated and more equitable society. *** Iglika Ivanova is an economist with the Canadian Centre for PolicyAlternatives and author of Paid in Full: Who Pays for UniversityEducation in B.C.?.

Gabon hosts first pan-african economic global summit - China Ceramic PCB - Double Sided PCB

2013-11-20 11:40:24 | 旅行
The first Pan-African economic global summit is scheduled to beheld in Gabon"s capital, Libreville, Friday. Clottey interview with Richard Attias, founder of the New YorkForum Playlist Download The three day-summit, dubbed the New York Forum, is expected toattract hundreds of industry figures, entrepreneurs, and politicaldecision-makers from across Africa. Richard Attias, founder of the New York Forum, said Gabon PresidentAli Ben Bongo Ondimba will deliver the key note address toofficially open the summit. "I would say the DNA of the forum is quite unique, because wehave more than 600 participants representing more than 50countries, and 50 percent of them are coming from outside thecontinent, which is a great achievement because it"s anamazing opportunity for them to discover the investmentopportunities in Africa and of course in the region and inGabon," said Attias. Single Sided PCB

"The second very important component of the New York ForumAfrica is a call to action, which means that they are not justdiscussions and debate about global issues, but we leave room foran action plan, with a roadmap to be implemented to address and tryto solve the major issues that the global economy is facing inAfrica," added Attias. Critics have expressed skepticism about the conference. They citedinstances where lofty summits and symposiums have been held overthe years, but the numerous roadmaps and recommendations from theseforums have yet have not been successful. However, Attias said Africa"s new leadership will play animportant role in the success of the New York Forum. "Africa should take its destiny in its hands, and wedon"t need just to expect foreign investments or globalpartners to come and to solve all these issues. China Ceramic PCB

So we see that nowon the continent, so we are in a perfect timing," continuedAttias. "This is why I am confident that, for the first time, theideas which would be discussed, the project which would be put onthe table, has a serious chance to be implemented." Organizers say task forces will be set up to draw up roadmaps onthemes such as growth in Africa, African business models, theenergy equation, the role of the African diaspora, security,tourism and regional integration. They also indicated that a final document containing proposals andrecommendations will be presented to the G20 in Mexico to be usedas a "laboratory of ideas." The place and role of African women, organizers say, will featureprominently during the three-day summit. They add that a day afterthe New York Forum AFRICA, the Cecilia Attias Foundation for Womenwill host a "Dialogue for Action," a meetingexclusively dedicated to women, which is scheduled to act as aplatform for discussions about issues affecting women in Africa andthe possible ways of improving their lives. Attias discussed his expectations for the summit. Double Sided PCB

"[It"s] to bring at least hundreds of participants fromoutside the continent who have never been [to] Africa, by having agood number of investors from the United States, from China fromthe Middle East. The second is to have very practical open dialogueon investment opportunities," said Attias.