

Panetta urges aggressive international pressure on syria - Cutting Plotter Machine

2013-11-03 11:54:27 | 旅行
ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT (Reuters) - The U.S. military is prepared for any action againstSyria that may be necessary, but officials are still focused onmore aggressive international pressure to bring about the ouster ofPresident Bashar al-Assad, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta saidon Thursday. Vinyl Cutter Plotter

Panetta, speaking to reporters en route to Singapore for a securityconference, stopped short of advocating U.S. action without theendorsement of the U.N. Security Council, but said theinternational community needed to act more aggressively to obtainAssad's ouster while there was time. "This is an intolerable situation," Panetta said. "We cannot besatisfied with what is going on. Cutting Plotter Machine

And the international communityhas got to take further steps to make sure that Assad steps down." Asked about the possibility of U.S. military action without U.N.endorsement, Panetta said "I cannot envision that," adding that itwas important to have "the kind of support that we need in order toaccomplish the mission." His remarks came a day after Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to theUnited Nations, suggested military action without U.N.authorization might be necessary if the U.N. Security Councilfailed to agree on a course to address the Syrian situation. Asked if he disagreed with Rice's assessment, Panetta said theUnited States maintained all possible options for future action,but it was "very important right now that we continue to work withthe international community because we all share the same goalshere." Russia, a leading ally of Assad, has been resistant to further U.N.action against his government, which is fighting to put down arebellion that began as part of the Arab Spring protests forgreater democratic governance in the region. Simple Graph Plotter Manufacturer

Diplomatic efforts to end the bloodshed, including a U.N. brokeredpeace deal last month, have failed to end the fighting. Demands for outside action have risen in recent days amid reportsof a massacre that killed dozens of children and the killing of 13people who appeared to have been tied up and shot at close range. Panetta warned that as the situation in Syria drags on, more andmore countries like Iran and others in the region will becomeinvolved, making it more difficult to bring about a transition to astable new government.

"The longer this goes on, I think the greater the threat that thesituation is going to get worse in terms of what happens ultimatelywhen Assad does step down," he said. "I think the key right now, and I think we still have theopportunity, is to make an effective transition, getting rid ofAssad, but doing it in a way that continues to provide stabilityfor Syria. That ought to be the goal that we try to achieve." (Editing by David Brunnstrom ).

China to offer loans worth 1 billion euros to swedish firms - HASL PCB Manufacturer

2013-11-03 11:44:23 | グルメ
The Chinese government has signed an agreement with Sweden toprovide loans worth 1 billion euros ($1.25 billion) to small- andmedium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the country, a Chinese officialtold the Global Times yesterday, a step that analysts believe willoffer win-win cooperation. China Development Bank (CDB) signed the deal with Sweden onbilateral scientific research and innovation developmentcooperation, but further details including how to use the loans andwhat the rate will be have not yet been decided, Jin Jun, adiplomat with the Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office of theEmbassy of China in the Kingdom of Sweden, told the Global Times. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said during his April visit to Swedenthat China planned to invest about 1 billion euros in the country. "Sweden's economy is performing better than some otherEuropean economies, so the financial risks will be fewer for theCDB in offering loans to the country," Wang Tianlong, anassociate researcher at the Consulting Research Department of ChinaCenter for International Economic Exchanges, a government thinktank, told the Global Times yesterday. Most of the European countries' banking systems have run intodifficulties amid the debt crisis, Wang noted, and the CDB's movewill provide support for Sweden's economy. Multilayer PCB

Despite relatively strong growth and a declining unemployment rate,Sweden still faces risks given its heavy dependence on exports toother European economies and its large financial sector, accordingto a report by the International Monetary Fund on May 15. But Sweden still has advantages in areas such as advanced cleanenergy technologies, environmental protection and sustainabledevelopment, which could be the main areas of cooperation betweenthe two countries, according to Jin. The total value of Sweden's exports in April this year amounted toSEK 96.2 billion ($13.37 billion), down by 2 percent year-on-year,according to data from Statistics Sweden's website. Meanwhile, its imports in April were valued at SEK 91.5 billion,down 4 percent compared with the same period of the previous year,the data showed. "Sweden has had good economic and trade relations with Chinain recent decades. HASL PCB Manufacturer

Sweden's enterprises are eager to look forChinese partners and to invest in China, especially at a time whenEurope is suffering economic troubles," Jin noted. Around10,000 Swedish companies had business relationships in China and500 Swedish enterprises had set up offices or branches in China bythe end of 2011, according to Statistics Sweden. China Ceramic PCB