


2013-11-22 11:50:45 | グルメ
Hosni Mubarak's condition has deteriorated so much that doctors atthe Cairo prison where he is serving a life sentence had toconstantly administer oxygen to him overnight, security officialssaid Thursday. More Related to this Story Mubarak s health in dangerous phase, Egyptian officials say Mubarak's health deteriorating in Egyptian prison, official says Egypt prosecutor to appeal Hosni Mubarak trial verdicts The officials at Cairo's Torah prison said 84-year-old Mr. Mubarakis suffering breathing problems, high blood pressure anddepression. He did not speak to his doctors or anyone else exceptfor a few words to his son and one-time heir apparent Gamal, who isbeing held in the same prison and was at his father's side, saidthe officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because theywere not authorized to speak to the media.

They said Mr. Mubarak was given oxygen throughout the night anduntil Thursday morning. Security officials say Mr. Mubarak's health has deterioratedsharply since Saturday, when he and his ex-security chief weresentenced to life in prison for failing to prevent the killing ofprotesters during the uprising that toppled him last year.

Mr. Mubarak had been held in military hospitals from his arrest inApril last year up until his sentencing. He did not want to go tothe Torah prison hospital after the sentencing Saturday, pleadingwith his escort to take him back to the military hospital east ofCairo where he had stayed in a suite since his trial began inAugust. Before that, he was held in a hospital in the Red Searesort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Mr. LED Flood Lamp

Mubarak and his two sons were acquitted of corruption chargesin Saturday's mixed verdict. But they are being held in prison onnew charges of insider trading, brought just days before theiracquittals were announced in the separate case with their father. The acquittals brought harsh criticism from the Islamist-dominatedparliament and set off a new wave of mass protests in Cairo'sTahrir Square and other cities. The turmoil erupted two weeksbefore Egypt's presidential run-off on June 16-17 pitting MohammedMorsi of the Brotherhood against Mr. China LED Tube Light Fixture

Mubarak's last prime ministerAhmed Shafiq in a presidential run-off vote. On Thursday, one of the country's top judicial officials, chairmanof the union of judges Ahmed el-Zind, responded to criticism fromparliament with a scathing attack. In a televised news conference,Mr. el-Zind said it was unacceptable to question the integrity ofjudges and accused lawmakers of abusing their immunity. You did not inherit Egypt from your mothers and fathers, saidMr. LED Fluorescent Tubes

el-Zind, whose attack appeared to be directed against theMuslim Brotherhood, a fundamentalist group whose supporters wonjust under half of the legislature's seats. We will never allowthis legislature to be a thorn in Egypt's side, he added. Mr. el-Zind's attack adds to the woes of the Brotherhood. Thefundamentalist group is at odds with the ruling military councilthat took over from Mr.

Mubarak, in part over the selection of a100-member panel to draft a new constitution. The generals havegiven the legislature a 48-hour ultimatum, which expires later onThursday, to agree on a new selection process. The generals' action came after the Brotherhood had packed thepanel with Islamists, who account for about 70 per cent of allseats in the chamber. A court order disbanded that panel andefforts to form a new one have been deadlocked.

The Brotherhood, whose popularity has dramatically declined sinceparliamentary elections about six months ago, is also at odds withliberals, leftists and Christians who accuse the group of seekingto monopolize power. The legislature, meanwhile, is faced with the prospect of beingdissolved. Leaks published in the media Thursday said a panel of legal expertshas recommended to the country's highest court that an election lawthat regulated the parliamentary elections was illegal. Therecommendation upheld a ruling to that effect by a lower court. Ifthe Supreme Constitutional Court adopts the recommendation in asession scheduled for June 14, parliament will be dissolved,robbing the Islamists of their biggest prize since the ouster ofMr.

Mubarak. The court is also to look into and possibly rule on whether Mr.Shafiq is eligible to run in the same hearing. The media leaks say the same experts have recommended to the courtthat a law adopted by parliament last month to bar Mubarak regimeofficials from running for office was unconstitutional, meaningthat Mr. Shafiq can continue in the race.

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