

Firefox 13 gets a triple shot of speed through mozilla's 'projectsnappy' - Skin Analyzer Machine

2013-04-24 12:43:51 | 日記
Now it looks as though even more speed is in the works for thepopular browser, thanks to an effort called Project Snappy, which Mozilla kicked off late last year. Back in the fall of 2011, we took a targeted look at Firefoxresponsiveness issues, wrote Firefox Engineering Program ManagerLawrence Mandel in a blog post on Friday. We identified a number of short term projects thattogether could achieve significant responsiveness improvements inday-to-day Firefox usage. Some of the first improvements from the project began to surface in Firefox 11 , but it's Firefox 13 in which they're really beginning to be felt,Mandel said.

Specifically, Firefox 13 will deliver speed improvements thanks totweaks in three key areas, he explained. 1. Tabs on Demand This is actually a feature that Mozilla mentioned explicitly whenit launched the Firefox 13 beta, but Mandel last week offeredfurther explanation. In Firefox 12, all tabs are loaded on startup, he wrote.

Forwindows with many tabs this may cause a delay before you caninteract with Firefox, as each tab must load its content. Now, aiming to reduce startup time for Firefox windows with manytabs, the browser loads only the active tab, deferring the loadingof the others until they are selected. This results in Firefox starting faster as tabs-on-demand reducesprocessing requirements, network usage, and memory consumption, Mandel said. 2. Ultrasound Cavitation Slimming Machine

A Better Cycle Collector Another change appearing in Firefox 13 is an improved mechanism forreducing Firefox's memory usage . As you interact with the browser and Web content, memory isallocated as needed, Mandel explained. The Firefox cyclecollector works to automatically free some of this memory when itis no longer needed. Starting with Firefox 13, the cycle collector is more efficient andspends less time examining memory that's still in use, he said,with the result that there are fewer pauses during browsing. Skin Analyzer Machine

3. A Faster 'First Paint' Finally, as part of Project Snappy, Mozilla developers alsoidentified several unoptimized routines in the code that executesbefore first paint, or the first appearance of the Firefoxinterface on the user's screen. With Firefox 13, file calls, audiosessions, drag and drop, and overall IO are all among the routinesthat have now been optimized for faster performance. Several other areas of Firefox 13 have been improved as well,Mandel noted, including IO contention, font enumeration, andlivemark overhead. Body Slimming Machine Manufacturer

Future changes will touch on memory usage,shutdown time, network cache and connections, menus, and graphics,he said. Bottom line? Starting with Firefox 13--the final version of whichis due on June 5--users of the free and open source browser should notice a faster experience.

Research opens doors to uv disinfection using led technology - China Led T8 Tube Lights

2013-04-24 12:33:46 | 日記
Posted: May 14th, 2012 Research opens doors to UV disinfection using LED technology ( Nanowerk News ) Research from North Carolina State University will allow thedevelopment of energy-efficient LED devices that use ultraviolet(UV) light to kill pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. Thetechnology has a wide array of applications ranging fromdrinking-water treatment to sterilizing surgical tools. "UV treatment utilizing LEDs would be more cost-effective, energyefficient and longer lasting," says Dr. Ram Collazo, an assistantprofessor of materials science and engineering at NC State and leadauthor of a paper describing the research. Led Highbay Lights

"Our work would alsoallow for the development of robust and portable water-treatmenttechnologies for use in developing countries." LEDs utilize aluminum nitride (AlN) as a semiconductor, because thematerial can handle a lot of power and create light in a widespectrum of colors, particularly in the UV range. However,technologies that use AlN LEDs to create UV light have beenseverely limited because the substrates that served as thefoundation for these semiconductors absorbed wavelengths of UVlight that are crucial to applications in sterilization and watertreatment technologies. A team of researchers from North Carolina and Japan has developed asolution to the problem. Using computer simulation, they determinedthat trace carbon atoms in the crystalline structure of the AlNsubstrate were responsible for absorbing most of the relevant UVlight. By eliminating the carbon in the substrate, the team wasable to significantly improve the amount of UV light that can passthrough the substrate at the desired wavelengths. China Led T8 Tube Lights

"Once we identified the problem, it was relatively easy andinexpensive to address," says Dr. Zlatko Sitar, Kobe SteelDistinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at NCState and co-author of the paper. Commercial technologies incorporating this research are currentlybeing developed by HexaTech Inc., a spin-off company from NC State. "This is a problem that's been around for more than 30 years, andwe were able to solve it by integrating advanced computation,materials synthesis and characterization," says Dr. T10 Led Tube Light

Doug Irving,assistant professor of materials science and engineering at NCState and co-author of the paper. "I think we'll see more work inthis vein as the Materials Genome Initiative moves forward, and that this approach will accelerate thedevelopment of new materials and related technologies." The paper, "On the origin of the 265 nm absorption band in AlN bulk crystals" , is published online in Applied Physics Letters. Co-authorsinclude Benjamin Gaddy, Zachary Bryan, Ronny Kirste and MarcHoffman from NC State, as well as researchers from HexaTech Inc.,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and the TokuyamaCorporation. The research was supported with funding from the U.S.Department of Defense.